𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖎𝖝

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Wang Yibo had sensed that something was wrong ever since he retrieved Xiao Zhan.

No matter what, he would never believe that Xiao Zhan would allow the horse to run back alone just because he was in a hurry to urinate. Such a pathetic reason must be because something big happened, and he hadn't had time to figure out a lie.

And during the two days of spending time with one another, he clearly felt that Xiao Zhan's smile was not as worry-free as usual. There was a bit of helplessness behind it, and after it disappeared, there was an endless sigh.

How perceptive was Wang Yibo? He had expected that he was hiding something from him, but didn't expect it to be such a huge matter.

The poison that killed the old general was colorless, odorless, and difficult to detect. The symptoms were dizziness and weakness of limbs.

So Xiao Zhan was unable to return with the horse that day perhaps because he lost consciousness and fell from the horse. It may be that with the last sliver of reasoning, he asked the horse to find someone to save him, or that the horse had the consciousness to save him and ran back alone to find someone to rescue him.

"Then.....is there an antidote?" Wang Yibo asked.

Yao Muze shook his head in shame: "I'm not very knowledgeable. I only know that this kind of poison exists, but not how to cure it. From last night to now, I have searched all through the medical arts without finding a solution."

"What about other Imperial physicians?" Wang Yibo asked, and was about to go find those other people when Yao Muze stopped him

"It's no use. I already inquired about it this morning, and they haven't even heard of this poison," Yao Muze said worriedly.

"In this huge hospital, there is not one useful person to be found. How is it worthy of being called a hospital! It's a bunch of trash!"

Wang Yibo cursed a few times, turned around, and strode away. Summoning Yu Dali and the other forty-eight people, he ordered: "You go to Nanjiang now. No matter what methods you use, by whatever means, you must bring all the doctors with good medical skills to the capital. Hurry up!"

After they left, Wang Yibo walked forward in a daze, unknowingly returning to the General's Mansion. But just as he walked in the door, he heard Xiao Zhan talking with Xiao Gao in the courtyard. He took a few steps back and told the guards at the door not to say anything, and then stood outside the door, listening to their voices.

"Xiao Gao, I will teach you everything I have learned all my life. You have to learn it quickly, all right?"

"Okay, ah!"

After showing him his martial arts, Xiao Zhan said: "Three days. Can you learn it?"

"Three days is too fast, ba."

"Then five days?"

"General, why are you in such a hurry? Isn't there still a long time ahead? Can't I learn a little each day?"

"If you finish learning earlier, you can protect your lord. Don't you want to protect him?"

"Want to, ah. Okay, I'll learn now."

Wang Yibo listened to the sound of fighting inside. His throat tightened and he couldn't make a sound. Just as he raised his foot to step inside, he suddenly turned around and ran to the nearest sedan chair, held his face in both hands, and wept uncontrollably.

"Guest official, where are you going?" Asked the bearer.

After a long time, Wang Yibo said: "The Imperial Academy."

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now