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Wang Yibo examined the corpses on the spot. There was gold thread on the collars, so there was no doubt that they were Gold Collar Guards.

There were twelve people in total, exactly one team, and all of them were cut down by Xiao Zhan. As for the group of people that Gao Tan went after, they should be others creating difficulties.

He covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief and walked to the sedan chair. Looking at the group of trembling bearers, he asked: "Are you certain it was the men in black who escaped?"

"Yes, yes," one of the more courageous ones replied: "Then your servant chased after them, my lord. They are all, all very powerful....."

Wang Yibo said: "Go home."

Some of the bearers were so frightened that they had collapsed on the ground. When they heard the order, they got up unsteadily and hurried back, carrying the sedan chair with pale faces.

The mansion was preparing dinner. Housekeeper Qin saw him return and asked cautiously: "Is there anything that you want to eat tonight?"

"I won't eat."

"One must eat to live, how can you not eat?" Housekeeper Qin followed behind him, earnestly explaining the importance of sustenance.

"Xiao Zhan went to rescue Gao Tan," Wang Yibo said suddenly.


"Still want me to eat?" Wang Yibo turned around and asked.

Housekeeper Qin sucked in a deep breath and immediately went to summon the people in the mansion, rushing out of the gate in a grandiose manner and a short while later turning back again: "My lord, may I ask where our General is now?"

"How would I know?" Wang Yibo went to the study room and picked up a book to read. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the trembling servants at the door. "What are you doing here, don't you have work that needs to be done?"

Housekeeper Qin waved his hand to drive the others back, and asked: "My lord, are you not worried about the General at all?"

"There is nothing to worry about, isn't he a master of martial arts?" Wang Yibo said calmly.

Housekeeper Qin had no choice but to go back to the front courtyard, standing at the gate and looking around from time to time.

It wasn't until late at night, when the moon and stars were scarce, that Housekeeper Qin sat on the threshold and dozed off. Hearing the sound of hoofbeats, he stood up in a panic and saw Xiao Zhan returning with Gao Tan.

"Aiya, General, you're back. Nothing happened, did it?"

"It's fine." Xiao Zhan handed his horse over to the servants. "Where is Wang Yibo?"

"Furen has been worrying about you, he didn't even eat dinner." Housekeeper Qin thought for a moment and added, "But Furen has confidence in you, he firmly believes that you are strong in martial arts and will bring Xiao Gao back, so he has been reading in the study. Perhaps he has fallen asleep."

"I see, you go get a doctor." Xiao Zhan took Gao Tan to the bedroom, but Wang Yibo was already asleep.

"My lord always goes to bed early," Gao Tan whispered.

"Okay, you go back to your room to rest first, and let the doctor check on you later," Xiao Zhan said.

"Many thanks, General, for saving my life." Gao Tan stepped back obediently.

Xiao Zhan stood in the room for a long time, staring at the figure's back, and quietly prepared to go to bed.

After everything returned to silence and darkness, Xiao Zhan called softly: "Wang Yibo, I have something to tell you."

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now