𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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The dungeons were perpetually dark and damp, with a foul and rotten smell in the air. No matter how many times he came here, it always made Wang Yibo grimace.

Walking slowly to the innermost cell, he heard a low-pitched nursery rhyme that children in the capital would hum when they were young: "Crescent moon, crescent moon, like a mother's arms......"

The person inside was restrained with heavy shackles on both hands and feet. Hearing movement, she raised her head and sighed when she saw him: "Why didn't you leave Beijing as planned last year? If you had left, we wouldn't be meeting here today."

"Why did you do this?" Wang Yibo asked.

The corners of Gu Niaoniao's mouth twitched.

"I searched every corner of the capital, but I never suspected you," Wang Yibo said in a heavy voice.

Gu Niaoniao stood and walked slowly to the door with the dull, heavy sound of her shackles dragging on the ground.

The two of them looked at each other for a moment, separated by a cell door, and Gu Niaoniao asked: "Is he dead?"

"Everyone in the Imperial Hospital is trying to save him. He is still unconscious, but his condition has improved a bit. We will wait for him to wake up," Wang Yibo said.

On the day of the assassination, everyone in the capital was shocked. Wang Xuan was already unconscious when he was sent back to the palace, and the people in the Imperial Hospital were busy coming in and out for three days before they managed to pull him back from the gates of hell. However, he still hadn't woken up yet, and someone was guarding him day and night.

After seeing Wang Xuan's injury, Sun Muyun was filled with grief and couldn't control her emotions for a while. She had unbearable abdominal pain, and gave birth to a prince prematurely. Fortunately, the mother and child were safe, but they also needed to be taken care of by Imperial physicians. The palace was very busy at the moment.

"Ah......not dead yet. I chose the wrong location, right? Clearly, I was aiming at the heart, ah." Gu Niaoniao smiled helplessly. "It seems like fate."

"Gu Niaoniao." Wang Yibo gritted his teeth as he called out to her. "Why on earth did you do this? Are you not afraid of death?"

"Death?" Gu Niaoniao's shoulders trembled and she laughed out loud. "I am most afraid of death, I only fear that before I die, I won't be able to take some people with me. But it's okay, Wang Xu went to the underworld before me. It was worth it."

Wang Yibo frowned upon hearing this: "Aren't you on the same side as him?"

"Yes, and also no." Gua Niaoniao's lips curled up in a smile. "Years ago, I heard that the Princess of Nanjiang wished to marry Xiao Zhan. I wanted to check her details for you, but who knew that I would find out something interesting. She had an affair with the First Prince."

"So you helped them meet privately?"

"That's right. I pretended to help him regain the throne and passed on news from the two countries to him, and he believed it like a fool. Believe it or not, no one else in the capital was willing to help him." Gu Niaoniao smiled contemptuously. "The people who went to the other palace to take him away were killed by Xiao Zhan's subordinates, and I sent someone to rescue him back to Hongxiu House."

"You didn't want to help him win the throne at all, otherwise, you wouldn't have let him carry out the assassination in public."

"Of course I wouldn't help that dog. I just reminded him that the Emperor may leave the palace from time to time. He stayed in the secret passage for a long while, and his mind became confused. He could only think of one thing, which was to kill Wang Xuan and replace him," Gu Niaoniao said.

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now