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The person who was still asleep heard someone calling his name, opened his eyes drowsily, and saw Xiao Zhan's face. He didn't react for a while: "Why are you here......"

"You're in my room," Xiao Zhan answered.

"......" Wang Yibo glanced at the sky outside. It was as black as thick ink. He rubbed between his brows. "What time is it?"

"Maoshi,[1]* it's time to train."

*[1] Mǎoshí (卯时): 5-7am according to the system of two-hour subdivisions.*

Wang Yibo closed his eyes, turned his back to him, and cursed inwardly. The world suddenly spun and he woke up abruptly to find that he was no longer in the warm bed. Instead, he was suspended above the floor, his body carried on a pair of shoulders.

"What are you doing! Put me down!" Wang Yibo was fully awake and beat Xiao Zhan's back hard.

Xiao Zhan said nonchalantly: "We're going to stretch your lazy muscles."

Wang Yibo kept calling his name, and the other party stopped at the door, turning back. He had just breathed a sigh of relief when the other party pressed him onto the bed, put on his boots and cloak, and then picked him up again.

The guard at the door was startled when he saw the general carrying a man out: "General, is there a thief?"

"Xiao Zhan! Let me go, you hear me!" Wang Yibo cursed, out of breath.

"It's nothing, not a thief, just the Furen.[2] Go get my horse and we'll go out."

As soon as Wang Yibo landed firmly on his feet, Xiao Zhan dragged him onto the horse's back. With a cry of surprise, he grabbed his arm in a panic, and then roughly pushed it away.

"Don't move around, be careful not to fall." Xiao Zhan laughed. "This fall would hurt so much, you might break something."

Wang Yibo was frustrated: "Isn't there a sedan chair in the majestic General's Mansion?!"

"Why would you want to sit on that thing? It has to be carried, and it's very boring, how can it be relaxing and comfortable? Hold on tight." Xiao Zhan grabbed the reins, clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and vanished on the wide road in an instant.

The cool wind rushing by blew across Wang Yibo's face, cold and painful. The speed of the horse was so fast that it was impossible to see the road ahead. He simply closed his eyes and listened to the beating of his own heart as he sat on the back of a fast horse for the first time. His body was not used to it, and he felt unspeakably nervous for fear of falling off.

They went all the way without speaking.

"Here we are." Xiao Zhan stopped, dismounted first, and stretched out a hand to him. "Come down."

Wang Yibo glanced at him sharply. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he found that it was still trembling slightly and he retracted it again, holding the reins motionlessly, like a silent stone lion.

"If you don't come down, my subordinates will arrive soon." Xiao Zhan laughed.

Wang Yibo's face turned cold, and he gave him his hand expressionlessly. Just as he stepped on the stirrups, he was easily carried down and his waist was measured, only to hear Xiao Zhan sigh: "Let me just say that you have poor stature, your waist is too thin, and you can't even subdue a horse."

Wang Yibo raised his eyes, smiled slightly, and fiercely stomped on his foot.

When the subordinates rushed over, they saw their general standing at the gate of the training field, hopping with one foot in his arms. They hurriedly stepped forward to ask what happened.

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now