𝕾𝖎𝖝𝖙𝖞 𝕹𝖎𝖓𝖊

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When he was young, there were several girls of the same age nearby, and they loved to come and play with Wang Yibo. He wanted nothing to do with them, and when he saw them chattering, he would return to the house with a straight face, pick up a book, and pretend to have business to attend to.

His mother would laugh, and she said to his father one night: "Our Yibo is really clueless, there's no telling which girl he'll like in the future."

"How old is he, how can he understand these things? Right, Yibo?" His father glanced at him.

"En." Wang Yibo buried his head in the writing. "They're too noisy."

"So you like someone quiet?" His mother asked.

"En." Wang Yibo said without raising his head, "I like someone who is quiet, gentle, considerate, and cooks delicious food like you, Mother."

"See, and you said he doesn't understand. He has a lot of thoughts on his mind," his mother said with a smile.

His father also laughed and nodded his head: "Your mother is already mine, and you probably won't find a wife as good as this one."

"Nonsense, I will definitely find someone more gentle and virtuous!"

After dreaming of this for some reason, Wang Yibo slowly opened his eyes and inwardly rejoiced that it wasn't a nightmare this time. Then he looked over at the man beside him.

He was not gentle and virtuous at all, his cooking was unpalatable, and he was far from his ideal wife.

"What is it?" Xiao Zhan noticed that he was not asleep, and before he opened his eyes, he reflexively pressed the other's head into his arms, rubbing his back as he said semi-consciously, "Another nightmare?"

Wang Yibo looked up at him acting like this and wanted to smile, saying: "Xiao Zhan, when we return to the capital, come and meet my parents."

"Okay, ah......what?!" Xiao Zhan suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him in surprise, with a bit of bewilderment and uncertainty in his eyes. "Are you serious?"

Wang Yibo simply said: "I lied."

"Take it back," Xiao Zhan said stubbornly. "I'm going, you aren't allowed to go back on your word."

"Who is going back on their word?" Wang Yibo said with a smile.

Xiao Zhan chuckled: "Why did you suddenly ask me to see your parents?"

"People cannot conceal their defects forever."

".....You're saying I have defects?"

Wang Yibo remained silent.

Xiao Zhan was also silent.

After a while, Wang Yibo couldn't help but ask, "Are you angry?"

Xiao Zhan continued to remain silent.


Wang Yibo pinched his waist and Xiao Zhan burst out laughing. "Ticklish. I was just thinking about what to bring as a meeting gift, paper money is definitely not enough."

"......Think some more. Where is your hand touching?" Wang Yibo asked in a heavy voice.

"Wasn't the right side of your chest injured? I'm seeing if there are any scars left," Xiao Zhan said shamelessly.

Wang Yibo rolled over and sat on him, but the other took advantage of the opportunity to pull down his clothes. Xiao Zhan sat up, kissing his lips and neck.

In the darkness, only a small bit of moonlight fell dimly through the window. Wang Yibo's breathing became heavier, and a thought suddenly occurred to him.

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now