𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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In the brothel, the red gauze tent was full of fragrance.

Because it was the afternoon, it was not as noisy as it was at night. Most of the girls were still resting, and only a few maids and the Madam poured wine for the two at the table.

"Li-gonzi is so powerful that he even brought someone like Wang-daren here," the Madam said with a smile.

"That's right, my popularity is not just average." Li Yucheng laughed loudly. Seeing that she was about to pour wine for Wang Yibo, he reached out and stopped her. "Wang-xiong doesn't drink wine, go and fetch a cup of tea."

"Don't worry, I have a very good Mingqian Longjing here, which is only used for entertaining distinguished guests." The Madam had already changed the kettle. She smiled coquettishly at him, and reached out to touch Li Yucheng's face, which made him giggle non-stop. If she didn't have the scar on her face, her charm could be considered stunning.

Wang Yibo turned his eyes away and simply didn't look.

Seeing this, Li Yucheng swiftly corrected his posture. Instead of joking with the Madam, he said seriously: "Are the doors closed?"

"Naturally, since Li-gongzi has already reserved the venue, I have done so for you. There will not be a third guest coming in." The Madam smiled.

"Then can we ask Lady Miaoyin to come up now?" Li Yucheng asked eagerly.

"Wait a moment, she is dressing. Don't worry, young master." The Madam lit incense in the censer on the table, and a wisp of white smoke drifted out from the crack, overflowing with fragrance after a while.

"The fragrance of Hongxiu House is really varied. Don't you love sachets? You can ask them where they get so many strange fragrances. There are always seasonal ones throughout the year, no wonder the business here is getting better and better." Li Yucheng continued introducing the benefits of brothels to Wang Yibo, as if he came here for the incense and pastries. "Don't scholars and sophisticated guests like a few tunes with their wine? This Hongxiu House has everything you could want, auspicious days, good wine, and beautiful songs. This is one of the greatest joys in life!"

Wang Yibo saw that he had only had a couple of sips, and drank the tea by himself. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the Madam passing by downstairs. Coincidentally, the other party looked up and their eyes met. The Madam smiled and said: "Wang-daren, don't worry. The person you want has already arrived."

Li Yucheng looked down excitedly and saw the woman following behind her. She walked up slowly while holding a pipa, opened the bead curtain, and saluted whole-heartedly: "Li-gongzi is safe and well."

"Safe and well, safe and well." Li Yucheng's face was full of joy, and he stepped forward to hold her hand. "A-Chang, this is Wang-daren. Quickly sing a tune for him to listen to, and maybe he will intercede for me to marry you back....."

A-Chang unobtrusively pulled out her hand and looked at Wang Yibo, saying with a nod: "This one will show her inadequacy."

"Not inadequate, not inadequate!" Li Yucheng said.

Wang Yibo had truly used up his patience to come and listen to music with this fellow, and pushed the wine glass in front of him: "Can you please shut up!"

A-Chang pursed her lips and snickered. Li Yucheng was stunned, and immediately drank three cups. The sound of the pipa was mournful. The lingering sorrow, coupled with A-Chang's ethereal voice, complemented each other just right. As she sang emotionally, Li Yucheng actually cried, drinking his wine silently.

Wang Yibo: "......" Revolting.

After one song, Li Yucheng wanted to hear it again. A-Chang got up and drank a cup of wine with him, then continued to play and sing. As Li Yucheng listened, he felt that the alcohol was coming on. His head became dizzy, and he fell on the table with a bang.

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now