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The disturbance just now had gathered a lot of onlookers. It was only when he heard the commotion outside that Wang Yibo came back to his senses and said in a lowered voice, "Let me down."

"Aren't your legs weak?" Xiao Zhan teased.

Wang Yibo pushed him away and stood firm on the ground to show that he was not affected in any way, but his clothes were dirty, which concerned him a bit.

As soon as the two walked out the door, Zhong Yuehong reported: "General, those people committed suicide."

The subordinates had arrested two groups of people. One group was hiding in the crowd and sneaking around, and the other group was the men in black with strong martial arts skills.

Xiao Zhan frowned slightly and walked quickly in front of the men in black. Breathing out, he pulled off their masks. Every face was ordinary, and when their robes were opened, they all wore uniform nightclothes with a sun pattern stitched in gold thread on the collars.

"They seem to be well-trained dead soldiers, but I don't know which organization this is. They dared to try to assassinate an official of the court in the capital," He Cuizhang said.

"Let's give these people to the government first, and see if they can find anything," Xiao Zhan said. He turned around and asked Wang Yibo, "Do you have any enemies?"

"I do, which one?"

Wang Yibo had more than one enemy. Looking at the group of corpses, he felt that he could smell them, so he quickly took out his handkerchief to cover his nose, and coughed.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhan arranged for his subordinates to stay in place and wait for the people from the government to come and take over, and then brought Wang Yibo back to the mansion.

"My lord, what happened to you?" Gao Tan saw Wang Yibo stepping through the door with a weary expression, and rushed to greet him.

"Go and get some hot water," Wang Yibo ordered.


Xiao Zhan looked at Gao Tan's back as he left in a hurry, and his eyes narrowed imperceptibly.

The water was soon ready. Wang Yibo went back to the room to bathe, changed into new clothes, picked out a slightly scented sachet to wear on his waist, and carried a scent as he walked.

Whether it was a different scent or he had just been exposed to it too much, Xiao Zhan had gradually adapted to the scent that came out of the mansion at any time. It didn't seem too pungent anymore. He asked, "How did the man in black find you today?"

"I went and asked someone to look for the shopkeeper, but a group of people in the crowd bumped into me, and then a man in black appeared," Wang Yibo said.

"Do you have anyone you suspect?"

Wang Yibo shook his head.

Soon, Zhong Yuehong and He Cuizhang came to the mansion and said: "The government interrogations are over, and the rest of the people said they were ordered by Li Yucheng to teach Wang Yibo a lesson."

"Who is Li Yucheng?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"The son of the Prime Minister," Wang Yibo said.

Xiao Zhan asked Wang Yibo thoughtfully: "What about the man in black? Were they with him?"

"They didn't know about that group of people. I'm not sure if they were other experts hired by Li Yucheng," Zhong Yuehong said.

"Go and invite Li Yucheng to have a chat." Xiao Zhan put his sword on the table.

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now