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The person who arrived was Chen Haoyi, the deputy official from the Ministry of Appointments. Ever since Minister Yu Junliang died in prison, he had been somewhat anxious and impatient.

He had been in office for many years, and finally got a promotion opportunity. Logically speaking, he should be qualified for this vacancy, but the emperor had not issued a transfer order for a long time. He was unable to sleep, fearing that something might go wrong, so he thought of coming to Wang Yibo to discuss it with him.

The last time he went to visit Wang Mansion and got a positive answer, he was excited for a few days after going back, but he found that Wang Yibo had been busy with his marriage and had no time to pay attention to his affairs. He also heard that the colleagues who visited Wang Mansion in those few days almost broke the threshold, and he panicked again. He wasn't the only one who wanted this great opportunity.

So taking advantage of today, he prepared another big gift and came to visit him on the grounds of congratulating him on his wedding.

"Congratulations to General Xiao and congratulations to Wang-daren. It's really a blessing to see the two of you loving each other so much." Chen Haoyi calmly stood up from the ground, patted the dust off his clothes, picked up the things in his hands, and walked into the main hall with a smile.

It was a pity that he used the wrong means to flatter them. Wang Yibo glanced at him coldly, straightening up and returning to his seat without giving Xiao Zhan another look.

Xiao Zhan smiled and said, easy-mannered, "You are......"

"I am the deputy official of the Ministry of Appointments, Chen Haoyi." Chen Haoyi introduced himself respectfully, not offended. This general had just returned to Beijing, and it was normal for him not to recognize most of the people in the court.

"What are you doing here?" Xiao Zhan asked directly. Chen Haoyi glanced at Wang Yibo hesitantly, and Xiao Zhan understood, saying, "It seems you are not looking for me. You two talk first, I'll go out for a while."

After speaking, he lifted his sword and left in an easygoing way, his manner completely different from the scene of Wang Yibo going out with great fanfare.

Wang Yibo watched him leave before stepping back to ask, "Tell me, what is the matter?"

Chen Haoyi explained his intention again, and before leaving, carefully handed him some snacks wrapped in paper while secretly taking out a house deed from his sleeve. He said in a whisper, "This is a house in the north of the city. If my lord likes it, he can use it as a leisure house."

Wang Yibo gave a half smile: "Chen-daren is too polite. As I said, the final decision on this is in the Emperor's hands, I have little say."

"Wang-daren is modest. How about this, you only need to say a few words in front of the Emperor, and this house is yours." Chen Haoyi raised his eyebrows at him, affirming that as long as he was willing to whisper in the Emperor's ear and not help others, coupled with his own qualifications, this seat would be easy to obtain.

"Well, then......it's difficult for you to visit again and again, so it would be impolite to refuse." Wang Yibo took the deed and watched him leave as if bathed in a spring breeze. There was nothing else to do, so he asked Xiao Gao to pack up and go to the north of the city to have a look at the house.

It was rare that these two days had been sunny. The temperature was also on the rise, and a stick of incense was still burning in the sedan chair.

Xiao Gao put a thin blanket on his lap, opened the curtain to look at the weather outside, and said happily: "It's warming up quickly, so my lord's health should be better."

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now