𝕱𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖞 𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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The government office was brightly lit and noisy, which alerted people all around, and they all ran to the gate to watch the excitement.

Magistrate Yin donned his official uniform and ran to the lobby in a panic. Seeing the wounded assassins lying on the ground, his legs were so weak with fright that they went limp. Pretending to be calm, he looked at Xiao Zhan, who was standing in the hall: "General Xiao, who are these?

"Magistrate Yin, don't play stupid now," Xiao Zhan said sternly.

"This official doesn't understand what General Xiao means."

"Of course you understand. We'll just wait here for the Imperial Envoy to handle the case." Xiao Zhan sat down on the chair next to him and watched him intently, as if staring at prey.

Magistrate Yin dripped with cold sweat and looked down at the assassin on the ground, still alive and moaning in pain. He had a feeling that something was wrong, and his palms began to sweat.

Clearly, Xiao Zhan and "Wang Yibo's" relationship wasn't good, so why did he rush to save the other in time?

"Lord Imperial Envoy, you......" Magistrate Yin walked to the other side with heavy steps, looked at the silent Gao Tan, and made a pretense of concern, "Why is there blood all over your body? Who did it? Was it these people? I'll put them in prison now!"

"Wait a moment."

There was a sudden clear voice at the door. Magistrate Yin looked over and saw the two young masters from the capital walking in with Yin Pinglu.

Xiao Zhan immediately rose to meet them, and began to converse with their leader.

Magistrate Yin clenched his fists. When matters reached such a point, either the fish would die or the net would split. To temporarily distract the Imperial Envoy, he raised his voice: "Wang-daren, I want to expose to you the fact that General Xiao had an affair with someone!"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone fell silent and collectively looked at him.

"Wang-daren, there is something you don't know. During your absence in Huaizhou, General Xiao and this Fu-gongzi expressed affection to each other, colluding in secret. This official saw it with his own eyes! Even at this moment, my lord, you were almost killed, but the General's primary concern is that gongzi! I'm really looking out for you, my lord!" Magistrate Yin's words were sincere and his tone was animated, as if he really felt sorry for Wang-daren.

But after he finished speaking, the person in front of him just looked at him indifferently, then took a step to the side, and another step......

Magistrate Yin watched helplessly as he moved step by step to stand behind the young master, and then handed over the token of the Imperial Envoy to him.

Magistrate Yin's eyes went wide and blank.

"Are you finished?" Wang Yibo took the token, avoided the duo lying on the ground, and walked to the table at the front of the lobby to sit upright and still. "Will you honestly confess your crimes now?"

"You!" Magistrate Yin came to a belated realization and pointed at him with a trembling finger, his legs weakening. "You are......you are Wang Yibo?!"

Wang Yibo gave him a cold look and hit the gavel: "Bring Kuang Sheng to the hall."

Kuang Sheng was escorted in by several soldiers. When he entered the lobby, he was a little surprised to see the person sitting in the main seat, but soon calmed down. Ever since he discovered that the group of people obeyed this person's orders, he had guessed that he was of high status. He had not, however, expected that he was the real Imperial Envoy.

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now