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After the Emperor commissioned the new scholars and rewarded them again, the banquet officially began.

Musicians and dancers filled the room, playing music and dancing in the courtyard. The elegant beauties fluttered the long sleeves of their dresses, dazzling people.

While enjoying the entertainment, everyone drank freely, and after some time, people started to walk around.

The high-ranking officials who were closest to the Emperor went to toast one after another and make some compliments. Xiao Zhan couldn't be bothered to climb up and smile, so he drank by himself and glanced at Wang Yibo from time to time.

"General, I see that Kan Chuan looks pretty good, and I heard that he has a good character and a bright future," He Cuizhang came around from behind and whispered. "How about making him Yuehong's husband-in-law?"

When Zhong Yuehong heard this, she immediately became serious: "Don't talk nonsense, he is already married, and I won't be a concubine."

Xiao Zhan looked slantwise at Kan Chuan, and knew that the other party was secretly sizing up Wang Yibo. He frowned subconsciously, but the other party only paused for a moment, then looked away.

"So, ah......the main thing is that all these officials have families, so it's really not good to be too choosy......hey, I heard that the number one scholar has not yet married a wife, what do you think about him?" He Cuizhang said.

Zhong Yuehong glanced at him, and only then did she see the appearance of the new number one scholar, saying in surprise: "Isn't that the little white face we saw by the river last time?"

He Cuizhang took a closer look: "Aiyo, damn, isn't this the good friend of Wang-daren?"

Xiao Zhan gave him a sidelong glance.

"Pei, pei, definitely not a good friend." He Cuizhang pretended to slap his mouth twice. His eyes had been fixed on Zhao Guishang, and they widened in the next moment. "General, he went to find Wang-daren!"

The three of them looked over together. The high-spirited first place scorer was surrounded by countless people, but he walked outside of the circle.

Zhao Guisheng was also quite puzzled. The first-place scorer could be seen as proud and elated, and many people came to converse with him, but Wang Yibo remained indifferent.

He had guessed beforehand that Wang Yibo had visited him in advance to win him over, but right now he took no action, as if he didn't exist. This piqued his curiosity.

But he didn't go directly to Wang Yibo. Instead, he went to exchange pleasantries with a few bachelors from the Imperial Academy.

He had been observing Wang Yibo from the corner of his eye, and the man had been fiddling with pastries and drinking tea leisurely. A bachelor took him to briefly introduce his colleagues, and when Wang Yibo was introduced, the other lifted his head and smiled at him: "Congratulations to Wang-gonzi for achieving first place. Please give me advice in the future."

It was very perfunctory. Zhao Guisheng was stunned for a moment. There was an inexplicable emotion lingering in his heart, and he was debating whether to be polite.

When the other members of the Imperial Academy saw this, they all observed with the mentality of watching a good show. After all, Zhao Guisheng's previous article insulted Wang Yibo's party. In the future, the Imperial Academy would be very lively.

Ruan Xian feared that the atmosphere between the two would be awkward, so he stood forward and talked with Zhao Guisheng and introduced the affairs of the Imperial Academy in a lighthearted manner. Zhao Guisheng smiled lightly, feeling good about him.

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now