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For the joy of the newly married couple, the Emperor spared Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan from going to court for three days as a show of empathy.

It was just that the three-day rest period was nothing special to these two people. The former often missed morning court due to physical reasons, while the latter hardly ever went to morning court.

But it was not completely indistinguishable from the days before.

After all, the two were nominally husband and wife now, and there were many things that needed to be adjusted in daily life with one more person around.

After Wang Yibo took a bath, he changed into a purple robe with intricate patterns embroidered on the bottom of the lapel, gold thread at the cuffs and white lining at the hem, walking like the clouds in the sky parting. It was very difficult for anyone to present such a rich and indifferent temperament properly.

Xiao Zhan took a few more glances, thinking that if he were to wear this outfit, it would have the effect of Guan Gong[1]* wearing a floral dress, out of place and incongruous.

*[1] Guan Gong: Lord Guan, a decorated military general in the historical novel, 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms.'*

The two sat down in the main hall. According to tradition, they would serve tea to their parents-in-law this morning. Xiao Zhan taking him to the memorial tablet to burn a stick of incense for the two elders could be regarded as a visit.

"Since we will be together morning and night in the future, let's clarify some things first."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Zhan felt that from his serious expression and the servants of the Wang Mansion standing in the center of the hall that what he was about to say was probably very serious.

Wang Yibo picked up the teacup, skimmed the tea foam from the top, and said, "For example, your living habits."

"Oh, living habits. Mine are very simple. Start at Maoshi, train, have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and sleep at midnight," Xiao Zhan said.

Wang Yibo gave him a sidelong glance: "What about other times?"


How very boring.

Wang Yibo took a sip of tea, frowned slightly, put down the cup, and said, "Change the cup of tea."

"What's wrong?" Xiao Zhan asked, not sure whether there was a problem with his answer or the tea. He looked down at the tea in his hand. "Don't you like this tea?"

Xiao Gao received a look from Wang Yibo and stepped forward to explain stridently, "Our lord only likes to drink Longjing tea. The Longjing needs to be the Mingqian tea produced in Xihu. As the name suggests, it is a crop that is to be picked before Tomb-sweeping day."

Xiao Zhan was stunned when he heard this.

Wang Yibo: "What kind of tea is this?"

"It's picked from the camellia tree out back," Xiao Zhan said.

"I won't drink it." Wang Yibo looked at his people. "Go and change the tea."

Housekeeper Qin saw the maidservant of the Wang Mansion across the street hurrying to change the tea leaves, and couldn't help but feel sorry for the general: "Wang......furen, you don't know, but the tea leaves in the General's Mansion were all grown by the old lady herself. That's why the general has been ordering people to pick it every year, and he is only willing to make two cups for distinguished guests."

"Is that so?"

Seeing Housekeeper Qin's anxious look, Xiao Zhan sighed heavily under Wang Yibo's questioning eyes: "Ai, yes. This is all my mother's wish. If you don't drink it, I'm afraid that the elders will remember you and come to give you dreams in the middle of the night."

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now