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At dusk, the servants hurriedly prepared dinner and tidied up the house. Because the new master's requirements were many and precise, before they knew it, it turned into the servants of Wang Mansion instructing the people of the General's mansion on how to do things. It was inevitable that the two sides would become hostile.

Originally, the servants of the General's Mansion could spend their time leisurely, feeding the chickens and fishing. The general who had just returned to Beijing was an easy-going person, and he didn't need them to take care of him at all. Now there was an extra master, or rather, an ancestor.[1]* In the past two days, he had added a lot of work for them, and the servants he brought with him were even more arrogant. Dissatisfied with everything they saw, they assigned tasks to them domineeringly, making them angry.

*[1] Calling him an ancestor is a sarcastic way of saying that Wang Yibo is extremely self-important and demanding of respect."

After a while, a little maid ran into the kitchen and said happily to her companions: "My god, the General actually punished his wife to do horse stance in the courtyard!"

"Is this true?"

The little companions were delighted, and ran to the front courtyard to watch.

The people of Wang Mansion heard this, looked at each other, and followed suit.

Not long after, a group of servants peeked out from the corridor at the front courtyard, and saw Wang Yibo crouching crookedly with his expensive clothes hanging on the ground, stained with dirt. His expression was very ugly.

Wang Yibo heard whispering voices and looked back. With just that one look, they quieted down and left the place, pushing and shoving.

Gao Tan ran over, and was about to speak when Wang Yibo stopped him: "Xiao Gao, go and see what the kitchen has cooked. If there is nothing I like, let them redo it."

Gao Tan immediately stopped, hesitated for a moment, then turned and went to the kitchen.

"How old is Gao Tan?" Xiao Zhan asked, looking at his back.

"What concern is it of yours?" Wang Yibo said calmly. "Why do you ask so many questions?"

"Just asking, he looks pretty young," Xiao Zhan said, pressing down on his shoulders. "Put your hands down, squat down a bit, your body isn't stable. If you sway around, you're liable to fall down with a single blow."

Wang Yibo gritted his teeth. Sweat dripped from his forehead and a blush appeared on both sides of his cheeks. Just like peach blossoms unintentionally smudged on rice paper, the finishing touch was vivid and fragrant.

It was still dark during the morning exercises, so Xiao Zhan had missed this sight. Now, he gazed at this novel and stunning thing, and couldn't help but take a second look.

Wang Yibo noticed his gaze, raised his hand, and slapped him on the chest.

The servants of Wang Mansion who were passing by were surprised, and happily sped up, running back to the kitchen, where they exaggeratedly told everyone that Wang-daren slapped General Xiao. The Wang Mansion recovered some lost ground!

"What are you slapping me for?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"I was itching to, that's all."

Xiao Zhan shrugged indifferently and pinched his face. Grabbing his face, Wang Yibo hissed in pain and glared.

"Don't ask, I was just itching to," Xiao Zhan replied.

"General, Zhong Yuehong and He Cuizhang are here," the guards ran in to announce.

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now