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Ever since he became Wang Yibo, he had no habit of celebrating birthdays. The only person who knew his birthday was Wang Xuan, but the other party was busy pursuing a great cause, so how could he have time to celebrate the birthdays of his staff members? It was thoughtful enough to send some small things once in a while.

In addition, he didn't think about celebrating his birthday at all. Birthdays were to be spent with family, and he was alone, so he just wanted to keep himself busy on this day.

But this year was different from previous years. He wanted to tell Xiao Zhan what day it was today. He didn't need rare and expensive gifts or a grand occasion. He just wanted to have a meal with his family as he had done when he was young, and hear a few words of blessing with his own ears.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhan had already noted this in advance. He thought about the bowl of noodles just now. No wonder he was asked to eat some at such a late hour, and everyone's eyes were full of anticipation.....

Just as he was lost in thought, a ball of snow hit him again.

He reacted and glanced at Li Yucheng, who was giggling and showing off his mightiness. Wang Yibo took the snowball from Xiao Zhan's hand and threw it at Li Yucheng.

"Hey, hey, you can't hit me, you can't hit me!" Li Yucheng quickly moved away and dug up a large handful of snow, turning to look at the others. "What are you all doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and attack together?"

The status of the other people was lower, after all, so they dared not keep throwing. Unexpectedly, Wang Yibo missed and hit Yin Pinglu. She smiled and hid beside Zuo Ran, who also smiled and threw a snowball at Wang Yibo.

Seeing that it was about to hit Wang Yibo in the face, a fist suddenly stretched out from the side and scattered the snowball to land in front of him in fluttering pieces.

"Take note of how I do it." After Xiao Zhan spoke, he picked up a snowball and looked around with a smile on his face. Everyone was frightened into running away, looking for opportunities to fight back as they fled.

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo gave pointers, and then everyone else gave pointers.

Housekeeper Qin was passing by with Xiao Gao. Seeing the people in the courtyard jumping up and down and making a mess with snowflakes flying everywhere, he couldn't see the movements of these people at all, and only felt that his old eyes were blurry.

Xiao Gao was excited to see this, and flew in to join them. He Cuizhang's team added another strong general, and everyone besieged Xiao Zhan together, which gave Wang Yibo the opportunity to throw snowballs from the side. It turned into a scuffle. Nobody could see each other at all, and just targeted people at random.

"Ah! Wang Yibo, you smashed Xiao Zhan hahaha!" Li Yucheng laughed until he was rolling on the ground.

Wang Yibo was taken aback and stopped to take a closer look. The person standing in front of him was indeed Xiao Minting. He stepped forward and wiped the snow off Xiao Zhan's face, then burst out laughing. The others also laughed out loud one after another.

At last, the group of people were tired from their playing and didn't want to move anymore, so they lay down in the snow without a care.

Wang Yibo was panting as he looked up at the sky. His eyes were completely relaxed, and his mind and body were both very happy.

At this time, Xiao Zhan held his hand and brought it to his mouth, breathing onto it and holding it in both hands. He asked, "Is it cold?"

"It's not cold." Wang Yibo said, "You made me play in the snow, and now you ask me if it's cold?"

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now