𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕺𝖓𝖊

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"Why did you go to a brothel again?" Xiao Zhan asked during dinner.

Wang Yibo's chopsticks paused. He said unhurriedly: "I was just passing by."

"Then why did Li Yucheng call you to go to the brothel to listen to music?"

When Wang Yibo heard this, he turned his head and glanced at Gao Tan, who immediately covered his face with his hands and turned away. "He said that there was a new lady who could sing well, and asked me to go and listen."

"I didn't know that your relationship was so good that he could invite you to a brothel to listen to music!" Xiao Zhan said with emphasis on the word "brothel," for fear that the other party would not be able to hear that he was angry.

Wang Yibo gave him a piece of radish, and Xiao Zhan's expression softened slightly. He was just about to eat it when he heard him say: "Eat salty radishes and worry less."[1]*

*[1] Eat salty radishes and worry less (咸吃萝卜淡操心) is an idiom, meaning that someone is nosy and worries about something without knowing the truth of the facts.*

Xiao Zhan scoffed, put down his chopsticks heavily, and left the table.

A few days later, as soon as Wang Yibo left the Imperial Academy, he was stopped by Li Yucheng.

"I've found you. I went to the General's Mansion every day, but no one was there. Now I've caught you," Li Yucheng said.


"Let's go eat. There is a new restaurant in the east of the city. I've reserved a private room for you, hurry up and get on the sedan chair."

Wang Yibo looked at the luxuriously soft sedan chair next to him. He turned around and got in.

The newly opened restaurant was very lively, and in the lobby, there were entertainers specially invited to play instruments. The surrounding area was full of applause.

There were also a lot of very colorful dishes, including carrots carved into the shape of phoenixes. After a table of delicacies was served, Wang Yibo looked at Li Yucheng, who was hesitant to speak: "Tell me, what is the matter?"

Li Yucheng took a deep breath, then raised the wine glass in front of him and solemnly said: "I want to formally apologize to you. I was arrogant and conceited in the past, and inexplicably blamed you for all the anger my father received at court, so I targeted you everywhere and even tried to make trouble for you several times. I will drink this cup first in respect."

This could be interesting. Wang Yibo nodded slightly.

Li Yucheng poured a second cup of wine and said: "This cup is for gratitude. The cause of my sister's death......if you hadn't helped his Holy Majesty ascend the throne, the late dog......that person might have killed countless others."

After gulping it down, he poured a third cup, but couldn't open his mouth. After struggling for a while, he said in shame: "This cup is my apology to Xiao Zhan. I shouldn't have taken it upon myself to believe rumors and hold grudges against him. He has served the country and the people all his life, but I pressed unwarranted charges against him. It was truly hateful."

"You should drink this cup of wine directly with him," Wang Yibo said.

"I dare not......anyway, aren't you both family?"

Wang Yibo couldn't speak.

"Go back and convey it for me." Perhaps because Xiao Zhan was so upright, Li Yucheng was ashamed and always felt that he didn't fit in with him. But Wang Yibo, who was both righteous and evil, was easier to talk to. "If you accept my apology, drink this."

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now