𝕹𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖞 𝕿𝖜𝖔

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Four years later, at the turn of spring and summer, Wang Xuan passed away.

Although his life had been recovered after the assassination, the injury was deep-rooted, and he required medicinal concoctions every day to maintain his health.

Since the crown prince was young, he could only continue to be diligent regarding politics, on his feet early in the early morning and allowing himself no rest until late at night. His health went from bad to worse, and when he finally fell ill a month ago, medicine was ineffective.

Lying on the hospital bed, Wang Xuan still did not forget state affairs, convening with ministers to discuss policies that benefited the country and the common people every day, and rarely mentioned his own affairs.

He only said a thing or two in front of people close to him.

On this day, Wang Xuan intentionally kept Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan behind. After first discussing border issues with Xiao Zhan, he coughed loudly and gave a wan smile: "No need to be so sad. You blocked an arrow for me before and saved my life, allowing me to live for so many years.....perhaps this is my fate, and I would have this result sooner or later."

Wang Yibo frowned.

"It is said that before death, a person will constantly recall his own life." The corners of Wang Xuan's mouth twitched. "I've thought for a long time, and found that my memory is only clear after getting to know you. I don't want to remember earlier things, they are all unbearable memories. What happened after, I don't want to think about too closely. I feel that I was gradually addicted to the power struggle, and even nearly lost a friend who had been with me for many years."

Wang Yibo turned his face away. Xiao Zhan walked up to him and pulled his head against his chest, patting him lightly.

Wang Xuan looked at them and smiled. Many things were difficult to see through the fog, and you would only notice them once you were out of the game. If these two people were not in harmony, or either one of them had a rebellious heart, his country would be in chaos again.

At this time, Sun Muyun brought the crown prince to visit. The prince was cute and clever, with a personality more stable than his age, perhaps because of the temperaments of his father and Grand Tutor. But facing his mother concubine and the General, he became a little mischievous and naughty.

Wang Xuan touched the crown prince's head, smiled, and said with some difficulty: "From now on, this child will be handed over to you. Please help me take care of him for a few more years."

Wang Yibo looked at him and seemed to know what his intentions were. He said: "This is a large matter, it had best be discussed with the other ministers......"

"No need, I've made up my mind. It's just a waste of words to discuss it with them, they're only staring at the throne under me." Wang Xuan coughed a few times. "Let this matter go, I only trust you now. If he's a good-for-nothing, you must teach him a lesson for me. If he's not cut out for it, you can replace him if you want, but I hope you can treat this mother and child kindly......"

The next day, Wang Xuan was in good spirits and made a rare appearance at morning court. This time, he only spoke of his own affairs and nothing else, addressing the Imperial mausoleum and the specifications for the funeral.

However, in the end, he announced a decision that shocked everyone.

—Wang Yibo was to be promoted as Regent, temporarily acting in the crown prince's stead to handle state affairs.

This move undoubtedly set off a huge wave of public opinion among the court and the people.

There were few heirs in the harem. Other than the crown prince, there were only two princesses, all by Sun Muyun. After Wang Xuan's death, the throne would naturally be in the pockets of those people with aspirations.

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now