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The house had already prepared breakfast, and as soon as the two of them entered the courtyard, the maids served it up one after the other.

Xiao Zhan ordered the cook to make some steamed buns, then sat down to eat. Taking a few big mouthfuls, he found that Wang Yibo was looking at the table in boredom and asked, "Why don't you eat?"

"Not hungry." Wang Yibo had no appetite.

"You said you didn't eat enough." Xiao Zhan said, "What did you eat?"

Wang Yibo glanced at him arrogantly: "Regardless, it was richer than what is on your table."

"No matter how rich the food is, if the diner doesn't like it, it's a waste." Xiao Zhan smiled and continued to eat.

After marching for many years, he had always had a good appetite. Eating fast and in large amounts, he ate half the table without knowing it.

Wang Yibo was stunned: "Have you not eaten for hundreds of years?"

Xiao Zhan chewed quickly and gave a hearty smile: "Sometimes the military rations were not enough, and the soldiers were either starving or digging the roots of wild vegetables. When we had hot food, we couldn't wait to swallow it right away, unlike you who are well-clothed and well-fed. You don't understand the preciousness of food."

Wang Yibo was silent.

"Have you ever gone hungry?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"How could I not have."

It happened that the buns were delivered to the table. Wang Yibo picked up a hot bun and broke it. The juice flowed out along the thin skin, releasing its fragrance. He took a bite and ate slowly.

"When?" Xiao Zhan became interested.

"It's none of your business, just eat your share." Wang Yibo no longer responded to him, and quietly finished eating a bun. Xiao Zhan picked another one for him and set it on his plate.

Wang Yibo didn't refuse, and finished another one.

"I told you the cook in our mansion is good." Xiao Zhan raised his eyebrows triumphantly, and then pretended to be sad, saying, "Don't always give the cook a cold shoulder. Be careful not to dishearten him, yesterday I saw him secretly wiping away tears in the kitchen."

"......" Wang Yibo resisted the urge to hit him. Then he was taken aback, and said seriously, "What do you mean, 'our?'"

"Hey, family doesn't have to stand on ceremony."

"Go away." Wang Yibo returned to his room expressionlessly, called Gao Tan in, and asked, "What is going on in the mansion these days?"

"Going on?" Gao Tan scratched his head and recalled, "Playing flower drum?"[1]*

*[1] drum is a kind of folk dance where one person beats a small gong and the others play a small drum while singing and dancing.*


"It's interesting, Housekeeper Qin taught me how, and it's fun to play with everyone," Gao Tan said with a smile.

"......" Wang Yibo tapped him on the head. "I'm talking about news about me and Xiao Zhan, such as......affection between couples, or something."

"Affection between couples, ah......oh, I see! Everyone is saying that you and the general are playing adult games, so I went to ask Housekeeper Qin, and he taught me how to play flower drums."

Wang Yibo: "Adult games?"


"I see, you go out first."

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now