𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕺𝖓𝖊

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The two people in the room were stunned by Housekeeper Qin's cry.

Wang Yibo lowered his head, looked at the ointment on Xiao Zhan's hand, and pushed it away: "I just said not to give me medicine casually, are you a doctor?"

Xiao Zhan knew that he was in the wrong, so he turned around and asked Housekeeper Qin: "Where should this medicine be used? Does rubbing it into the wound help?"

Housekeeper Qin also didn't know the whys and where-fores. He wasn't sure if it would be useful, but it should be harmless.

"Go and call the doctor," Wang Yibo said regretfully.

"I'll go right away!" Housekeeper Qin felt relieved. Knocking on the doctor's door in the middle of the night, he dragged him to the General's Mansion.

After such tossing and fuss, it was already past bedtime. Wang Yibo, who was unable to take a bath due to his injury, was a little displeased, and lay on the bed sullenly for a while before going to sleep.

The next day was the anniversary of the death of Old General Xiao. Xiao Zhan took a leave of absence from the Imperial court, and Wang Yibo was just an idler in the Imperial Academy. With so much staff, he was not needed at all, but the Emperor had arranged such a position to appease him, and he was happy to be at leisure.

Housekeeper Qin and the staff prepared all the things needed for worship. After being urged several times to go out the door, Wang Yibo slowly......was helped out by Xiao Zhan.

"Why don't you not go, it's rather far away. You can rest your legs at home," Xiao Zhan fretted.

Wang Yibo insisted: "It's fine, Old General Xiao still deserves to be paid homage." Xiao Zhan glanced at him in surprise and agreed.

The General's tomb was on a mountain outside the north of the city, facing the capital from a distance.

The sedan chair stopped at the bottom of the mountain about an hour later, and several other military officials had already arrived.

"General, Wang-daren," Several people clasped their hands and shouted.

Xiao Zhan nodded: "All right, let's go."

The group of people climbed up the steps but didn't see the General's figure among them. When they looked back, they saw Xiao Zhan crouching in front of Wang Yibo and were shocked.

Wang Yibo was also slightly surprised: "What are you doing?"

"Climb on, with your leg it will definitely be hard to go up. I can't take responsibility for you being hurt again," Xiao Zhan said.

Wang Yibo looked down at his knees. He was not someone who would wrong himself, so he got on.

Xiao Zhan stood up with him on his back, walked to the front of his subordinates with ease, and led the way: "What are you doing standing there in a daze, hurry up, the old man is still waiting for you to toast to him."

A group of military officials walked briskly and left the servants behind in a short while. Housekeeper Qin rubbed his legs and called out to Gao Tan: "Xiao Gao, you know martial arts, don't you? Help deliver these things to the military officials, so that they won't be anxious later."

Gao Tan was walking beside Wang Yibo, bored, and suddenly said: "My lord, let me carry you instead."

The others were taken aback, but Wang Yibo had no objections. Just as he was about to change over, He Cuizhang said, "That's right, the General has carried him for so long, how about me instead?"

"I'm also willing."

"Me too."

Everyone expressed their willingness to carry the wounded, and finally even Zhong Yuehong said: "Let me do it."

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now