𝕱𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖞 𝕱𝖎𝖛𝖊

685 57 14

In the early morning, after Wang Yibo finished washing up, Li Yucheng came to the room to ask him to have breakfast and gave him several mischievous glances.

"What are you looking at so sneakily?" Wang Yibo said mildly.

"Where's Xiao Zhan?" Li Yucheng glanced around.

"What are you looking for him for?"

"I'm afraid I'll see something I shouldn't see again," Li Yucheng said, covering his face.

Wang Yibo gave him a sidelong glance. When Xiao Zhan left and returned last night, he didn't have time to close the door and had caught a glimpse of Li Yucheng's figure passing by. Before he had time to speak, Xiao Zhan had kissed him on the forehead, and he didn't bother to care what Li Yucheng thought.

"You two......" Li Yucheng organized his words and said cautiously, "Are you together?"

Wang Yibo replied flatly: "Thanks to the Emperor, everyone knows we are together."

"Aiya, you know I'm not talking about that sort of 'together'......" Li Yucheng scratched his head, held up two thumbs, and said, "It's the heart-to-heart kind......"

Wang Yibo's eyes dimmed: "Why are you asking this?"

"I'm just a little curious......" Li Yucheng couldn't tell what it was like. From the beginning, he felt that the relationship between the two was not simple. They might be friends or confidants, but he didn't expect it to be the kind of relationship between a husband and a wife.

He inevitably thought of his sister, and looked at Wang Yibo with a sense of loss: "To be honest, I have actually regarded Xiao Zhan as my brother-in-law these days."

Wang Yibo's eyes flashed as he shot him a sharp look, and he swiftly added: "But I also know that he can't be my real brother-in-law, so I also treat you as my sister!"

"Fuck you." Wang Yibo slapped him on the forehead and said sharply, "Let's go eat."

Li Yucheng's eyes kept falling on him during the meal, and Wang Yibo said flatly: "If you look again, I'll dig out your eyeballs."

Averting his eyes immediately, Li Yucheng turned his head and asked in a low voice: "Did you kiss last night?"

Wang Yibo paused.

"I listened for a long time last night, but I didn't hear anything. Is Xiao Zhan not good.....mm mm mm......" Li Yucheng had a bun stuffed in his mouth, and when he saw Wang Yibo get up and go upstairs, he immediately followed while eating the bun.

The two had just walked to the second floor when they happened to meet Yin Pinglu opening her door.

Yin Pinglu had changed into clean clothes, but was still dressed as a man. She nodded in greeting, but Li Yucheng thought she was Xiao Zhan's subordinate. After telling Wang Yibo to go to the Cheng residence, he left.

Wang Yibo glanced at Yin Pinglu, who had a dark complexion, and said in a whisper: "Your hands are too white."

Yin Pinglu looked down and her face turned red. She turned and went into the room to continue to smear color on her hands, and then pretended to be delivering a snack as she went to Wang Yibo's room.

"Are you really willing to help me investigate the affairs of Magistrate Yin?" Wang Yibo sat at the table and got straight to the point.

"En." Yin Pinglu set down the snacks and sat opposite him, neither humble nor overbearing. "He has shown me no kindness. If he really did something to wrong the people and the court, I am willing to bear the infamy and send him to the execution grounds with my own hands."

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now