𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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The streets were bustling with activity, and the mouths of the small merchants and peddlers walking around were sweet. When they saw girls, they spoke a few words of flattery and a lot of jewelry, hairpins, and silk handkerchiefs were sold.

"It's been so busy these days." Xiao Zhan took him back to the mansion and said anxiously, "With so many people, it would be easy for accidents to happen."

As soon as he said this, a woman's cry sounded in the distance: "Help, there is a thief!"

Xiao Zhan rushed over immediately and saw a maid supporting her young lady. She immediately pointed to the suspicious person in the crowd.

Without saying a word, he squeezed into the crowd and pulled the man to the ground. He patted down his body and took out a purse embroidered with peonies. Fortunately there were officers and soldiers passing by, so he handed the man off to the government and then went back with the purse.

"Is this purse yours?"

"Just so, just so." The maid happily took it.

When the lady raised her head and saw Xiao Zhan's face clearly, she was stunned for a moment. A blush appeared on her face and she saluted: "Many thanks to gongzi. Daring to ask gongzi's name and surname, so that I may come to the door and thank him another day."

"No need, it would be too troublesome." Xiao Zhan left directly.

"Isn't that General Yan?" The people around said.

The lady asked: "General Yan? General Xiao Zhan?"

Xiao Zhan turned to look for Wang Yibo, but couldn't see him anywhere. He quickly asked the people nearby, but they all denied seeing him. He found another remote place and vigorously checked it for traces.

In the end, he did find something. He used those signs to follow the trail, and finally stopped at a small farmyard. It was Zhong Yuehong's home, and there was still smoke coming from the roof.

He walked in curiously and found Wang Yibo sitting beneath the locust tree in the front courtyard for shade. There was a wooden basin in front of him, and he was peeling the peas in his hands.

"Why did you come here?"

Wang Yibo raised his head to glance at him. Without pausing his work, he said: "Have you caught the thief?"

"En, just a petty thief." Xiao Zhan walked up to him and saw that he was very skilled in his movements. He crouched to the side and picked up a handful of peas as well. "You still haven't answered me, why did you come here all of a sudden?"

"Aiyo, the General is here too." Mother Zhong emerged from the house, trotted over, and wiped the water on her apron with her hands, saying with a smile, "Just now, Yuehong brought Wang-daren back, and now Wang-daren is helping to pick vegetables, how embarrassing. I'll do the rest, leave it to me."

Saying this, she brought all the remaining peas into the kitchen, calling Zhong Yuehong, who was kindling the fire, out to entertain the guests.

Zhong Yuehong wiped away her sweat, and when she saw Xiao Zhan coming, she explained with some embarrassment: "A-Niang and I were out just now and ran into Wang-daren. The situation was a bit chaotic at that time, so I took Wang-daren away first, and A-Niang insisted on inviting Wang-daren home for dinner......I'm just afraid that the rice noodles at home won't get to Wang-daren's mouth."

Wang Yibo usually ate fine things, as they all knew well, but she didn't want to say this in front of A-Niang and embarrass her. She guessed that Wang Yibo was of the same mind, as he put up a show of resistance before capitulating.

- 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓 -Where stories live. Discover now