Chapter 3

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Slender felt something was wrong in the woods, he walked out the cabin before he heard Shadow scream, Slender teleported to where the scream came from to see Shadow covered in blood and holding Maxine's body as he cried with nearly twenty of the towns people dead and ripped apart across the trees and floor with the blood staining the snow "Shadow" Slender said kneeling by him "oni ubili yeye" 'they killed her' Shadow cried holding onto her body as more angry shouts were drawing near "Ten', nam pora idti" 'Shadow we have to go' Slender said taking Shadows hand but he pulled back "net. pust' prikhodyat, ya ikh vsekh ub'yu!" 'no. let them come, I'll kill all of them!' Shadow shouted making the ground shake as the shouting got closer "Ten' domoy seychas zhe!" 'Shadow home now!' Slender shouted getting up and pulling Shadow away and back to the cabin as he cried, he walked in and closed the door before kneeling down and holding Shadow "Shedou, nam pora ukhodit', ok, zabiray svoi veshchi" 'Shadow, we have to leave ok, get your things' Slender said wiping Shadows blood red tears from his mask "YA ne khotel, ya prosto khotel posmotret' gorod" 'I didn't mean to, I just wanted to see the town' Shadow said, Slender sighed softly and pulled Shadow into a hug "eto ne tvoya vina, lyudi nikogda ne poymut" 'its not your fault, humans will never understand' Slender said just before they heard shouting outside the door and a few windows broke as people threw Molotov's into the house setting it alight scaring Shadow more, Slender opened a portal and went to pull Shadow through but he pulled back "Shadow" he called as Shadow ran to his room, he jumped through the fire and grabbed his scythe before the fire blocked the door completely "papa!" 'dad!' Shadow shouted before another Molotov was thrown into his room smashing on the wall by him setting him alight, he screamed at the pain before he fell to the floor and everything went dark.

Shadow woke up a few days later in his room at Zalgo's castle, he groaned and sat up a bit rubbing his head and wincing at the pain in his side, he looked down to see he was shirtless and had a bandage around his midsection as the burns had nearly healed completely, Shadow sighed and lay back down staring at the celling until Slender walked in "Shadow" he said sitting on the bed and moving Shadows hair from his face, Shadow just turned away and chewed on his thumb "khochesh' poyti poyest'?" 'do you want to come eat?' Slender asked "YA dolzhen byl chto-to sdelat" 'I should have done something' Shadow mumbled, Slender sighed "ty sdelal vse, chto mog, ty vsego lish' rebenok. yesli ty kogo-to i vinish', to eto dolzhen byt' ya" 'you did what you could, you are just a child. if you are to blame anyone it should be me' Slender said as he stood up "a teper' pochemu by tebe ne odet'sya i ne poyti navestit' dyadyu Zalgo?" 'now why don't you get dressed and come see uncle Zalgo' Slender said walking to the door, Shadow sighed and got up before grabbing a top and some jeans and pulling them on "Spasibo" 'thank you' Slender said as he lead Shadow out and to the dining room where Zalgo was waiting.

"Shadow, how are you feeling?" Zalgo asked as Shadow sat in one of the chairs, he shrugged and pulled a bottle over before drinking from it "well, I think we should go take a walk and talk" Zalgo said as he stood up, Shadow sighed and grabbed another bottle before following Zalgo out the house "so what happened?" Zalgo asked as they walked through the woods "Iz-za menya ubili luchshego druga. chut' ne ubil ottsa, chtoby" 'I got my best friend killed. nearly got dad killed to' Shadow growled as they reached a small lake, Zalgo nodded and sat down "your angry?" he asked as he took two joints from his pocket and handed one to Shadow "don't tell your dad" he said as Shadow lit it and took a drag "konechno, ya zlyus', yedinstvennaya prichina, po kotoroy oni yeye ubili, eto to, chto my byli raznymi" 'of course I'm angry, the only reason they killed her was because we were different' Shadow sighed sitting down and dipping his bare feet into the water "unfortunately most humans don't like anything that's different, they fear things like us purely for the fact we can do things they cant, so they make us monsters so they can sleep better" Zalgo sighed sitting next to Shadow "oni kogda-nibud' izmenyatsya?" 'will they ever change?' Shadow asked looking over, Zalgo shrugged "I don't know, but the best way you can protect yourself is to stay away, I don't want to see you go through this again" Zalgo said putting his hand on Shadows shoulder as he finished his joint "kogo by ty poteryal?" 'who'd you loose?' Shadow asked finishing his joint, Zalgo sighed softly "my mate" Zalgo said with a small smile "bol' kogda-nibud' prekrashchayetsya?" 'does the pain ever stop?' Shadow asked looking over "no, but you can make it more bearable if you choose to remember the good times, how their voice sounds and the way they laugh" Zalgo said as a tear rolled down his cheek, Shadow sighed "spasibo, dyadya Zalgo" 'thanks uncle Zalgo' Shadow said looking over with a small smile, Zalgo smiled "come, you have presents to open, and if your good a bottle of vodka for later" Zalgo said as they stood up.

Shadow and Zalgo walked back in a bit later "Slender you really need to teach him english at some point" Zalgo said as they walked into the living room "I have, he just refuses to speak it" Slender said as he lined up some presents "mozhno ya ikh uzhe otkroyu?" 'can I open them yet?' Shadow whined sitting by them and pulling one over "of course, the biggest one is from me and you cant open that until last" Zalgo said as he sat down, Shadow smiled and started opening his presents. After a while he had a pile of clothes and a nintendo 64 with a few games, Zalgo picked up a small box "this one is very special" he said handing it to Shadow, he tilted his head and carefully opened it to see a small box, he opened the lid and saw a silver chain bracelet, he picked it up and looked over it before his pupils dilated for a few seconds "eto byla moya mat'?" 'this was my mother's?' Shadow said looking over at Zalgo who looked slightly shocked "yes, she was wearing it the day you were born" Zalgo said looking at Slender who was watching Shadow "YA chuvstvuyu yeye bol' i yeye lyubov" 'I can feel her pain, and her love' Shadow said as he put it on "I hoped she had left you something of her" Slender said softly, Shadow looked over and smiled "Eto priyatno, ya dumal, chto nikogda ne uznayu, lyubit li ona menya" 'Its nice, I thought I'd never be able to know if she loved me' Shadow said getting up and walking over to the last and biggest box, he pulled the wrapping paper off and pulled the large box open to see a black motorbike with gold details with a matching helmet with gold fangs on it and a black biking suit, Shadow smiled as Slender pailed a little " eto tak kruto, spasibo dyadya Zalgo" 'this is so cool, thanks uncle Zalgo' Shadow said as he pushed the bike off the box and looked over everything "at least you got him the outfit to protect him" Slender sighed "why don't you go try it out" Zalgo said as he helped Shadow put the outfit on while Slender sighed and rubbed his head "your going to be the death of me" he said as he opened the door to let Shadow through.

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