Chapter 48

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Y/n woke up an hour later cuddled in Shadows arms with whiskey still asleep on him and Shadows wings wrapped around them, he groaned and rubbed his head making Shadow glance down then back at his game "ben I have to go after this round" he said as Y/n yawned and pet whiskey's head waking him "you don't have to stop playing" Y/n mumbled "I want to show you something" Shadow said as he took his headset off and put the controller down then unwrapped his wings "come on" Shadow said nudging Y/n who groaned but got up and put whiskey on the floor "are we getting food on the way?" Y/n asked as Shadow got up and dressed "we can get food first" Shadow said as he pulled his hood up and grabbed his scythe "you still want human?" Y/n asked as they walked to the door "yes" Shadow mumbled as Elizabeth walked down the stairs "try not to take to long" she said as she walked to the kitchen "we shouldn't be to long right?" Y/n asked as Shadow opened the door "maybe" he shrugged before he walked out with whiskey and Y/n behind "you go find food, I'll teach whiskey to hunt" Y/n said before he shifted into his wolf form, whiskey sniffed Y/n's bigger paw and barked as he looked up at Shadow with his head tilted "go on, you'll be fine" Shadow said as Y/n nudged whiskey's side and looked to the woods before he started walking, whiskey looked back over then back at Shadow before he barked and ran after Y/n, Shadow watched as they walked off before he took off.

Y/n walked back to his cave a bit later and dropped a deer on the floor by the lake and lay down as whiskey ran around him yapping and trying to bite the deer, Y/n lay down just as his pack walked over in their shifted forms 'you went on a hunt without us' Jason whined 'whose the little one?' Emma asked as she walked over making whiskey growl and hide behind Y/n 'this is whiskey, Shadows pet? I guess' Y/n said as he nudged whiskey towards the deer and stood up 'his pet?' Keegan asked as they watched whiskey eat 'not entirely sure, he had a strange episode then whiskey showed up' Y/n said as he walked over to whiskey as he finished eating 'where is Shadow?' Jason asked as Y/n nudged whiskey to the lake 'he's hunting, should be back soon' Y/n replied as he watched whiskey drink 'oh, when will he be back?' Emma asked as Y/n walked back over to the deer 'soon' Y/n said before he looked up as he heard feint wing beats, Shadow landed by him a few seconds later and folded his wings back 'you eat?' Y/n asked as he started eating as whiskey ran over to Shadow and barked as he ran around him, Shadow picked him up and pet him as Keegan, Emma and Jason walked over to sniff his wings making Shadow growl softly as the world distorted for a few seconds "you ready to go?" Shadow sighed 'what you guys are going already?' Keegan whined 'I'm ready, sorry I haven't been around much, we've been busy training' Y/n said as he walked over then shifted into his human form 'we can come over next time Shadow goes out for the evening?' Emma said with a small head tilt "as long as you stay out my room and want to deal with Elizabeth" Shadow mumbled as he opened a portal "I'll call you when I'm free" Y/n said as Shadow put whiskey down and grabbed Y/n's hand "sure, we can go on a hunt or drink or something' Keegan said as the three of them started walking further into the woods "lets go" Shadow said as whiskey ran through the portal, Y/n smiled and let Shadow pull him through.

Y/n stepped out the portal to see a large rocky landscape with a clear blue river running through a large gorge turning into a waterfall with large trees with a rusty red bark with leaves of orange, blue and pink with the sky a lilac colour with what looked to be a light pink haze or fog over the land and two large moons in the sky one a feint glowing pink and the other an electric blue with a dull heatless sun in the sky, Y/n sniffed the air and hummed softly as it smelt crisp, like an autumn evening "where are we?" Y/n asked as he looked up at Shadow "my realm, come on" Shadow said as he started walking down a small path leading them down from the cliff they were on "how is it warm?" Y/n asked as he followed looking around "it is?" Shadow asked as he glanced over "yeah, its like an autumn evening or morning, its cold but there's just enough warmth for it to be comfortable, what else is here?" Y/n asked before Shadow stopped him and crouched down then pointed, Y/n crouched down and looked over to see a large spectral looking creature with horns and long legs and a skeletal like body, it stopped and lent down before making a noise and waiting as a similar, smaller less spectral looking creature ran over, it had reddish brown fur with long legs and clawed human like feet with a skull like head and small horns, it ran around the bigger ones legs leaving a feint trail of glowing hoof prints that faded after a few seconds, the taller one looked over to Shadow and Y/n and bowed its head before continuing to walk "what was that?" Y/n asked as he watched "they are native to this land, I think they are some kind of skinwalker or forest sprits" Shadow said as he stood up "what else is here?" Y/n asked as they started walking towards the lake where a warm wooden tavern like building came into view "many things, some native to here others lost or wondering souls, many creatures, like Garry here" Shadow said as a medium sized four armed spectral monkey jumped onto his shoulder and nuzzled his cheek "you named him Garry?" Y/n asked "yeah, it was easier to say" Shadow said as he opened the door and walked in with Y/n and whiskey behind.

Y/n looked around seeing a mostly empty old tavern like inside with a few beings and human souls sitting at tables talking and drinking "Marissa, beer" Shadow said as he walked over to the bar where an attractive woman in her mid thirty's was tending to the bar "give me a sec" she said with a bright smile as she finished making a few other drinks for the two others at the bar "so everyone knows who you are here?" Y/n asked as Shadow led him to a table in the corner away from the others "yeah, it kinda comes with being king of the realm" Shadow shrugged "so what happens when you take a soul here?" Y/n asked as Marissa walked over with a tray "usually I bring them here and talk them through everything and go over their options, with animals and other creatures I usually take them to the lake of souls where they will be reborn in one of the realms" Shadow said as Marissa put the drinks down "you need anything else hun?" she asked as she put a bone down for whiskey "no, thanks Marcy" Shadow said as he took a drink from his large bone looking cup, Marissa bowed her head a little before walking off still keeping a warm smile "this feels old, untouched" Y/n said as he took a breath "it is, mostly. everything is old looking, some Viking era some Victorian but it all has this homely warm feeling" Shadow said as Y/n picked up his beer and drank some before he shivered "this tastes so much better then normal" he said, Shadow smiled "I think its Viking era stuff from Germany" Shadow shrugged "so what are the options?" Y/n asked as he drank from the beer "well, humans or human like souls can choose to stay for a bit, get help for whatever was bothering them in life and heal, some choose to stay to meet up with their loved ones again, some choose to be reborn others choose to go back to the land of the living to watch over their family's or because they have unfinished business" Shadow said as he downed the rest of his beer "so what happens to those who don't want to leave this place?" Y/n asked as he finished his beer "eventually they all leave, especially the humans" Shadow said as he stood up "does everyone recognise you? like when you go pick up a soul?" Y/n asked "yes, its like a familial instinct in all creatures, they all recognise me and most accept what has happened and come willingly" Shadow shrugged as Y/n stood up "where we going now? and are there seasons and things here?" Y/n asked as they walked out with whiskey behind them happily carrying his bone with his tail wagging.

"to my home here, and sort of, its like this for half the year and the other half it snows" Shadow said as they started walking along the edge of the river "how does time work here?" Y/n asked just before he jumped as they heard a loud reptilian roar from the sky's making him look up to see a large dragon flying overhead "you have dragons here?" Y/n asked as he watched "yeah, there's a few, some native and others not. they tent to be able to travel through the realm, they use it as a safe space to heal or give birth, other then me they are the only other thing in existence to be able to come and go when they want" Shadow said as the path started to look more and more like dirt and grass and levelled out as the rocky walls of the cliff on either side of them started to level out into a forest as the path split off into different directions, Y/n stopped and looked at the trees as he heard distant howling and voices "Y/n" Shadow said as he grabbed Y/n's hand making him jump and look up at Shadow "come on" Shadow said softly as he started leading Y/n away and down another path "my parents, are they here?" Y/n asked as he looked back at the woods as the noises got distant "they moved on before I got here" Shadow said as large golden gates came into view "they didn't stay to wait?" Y/n asked "they did for a while, but they chose to move on once they deemed you and your brother would be ok" Shadow said as they reached the gates "but there's something I want to show you, this is just a quick stop" Shadow said as he pushed the gates open.

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