Chapter 19

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Shadow woke up a few days later in his bed, he growled and held his head as Y/n walked in "hey your awake" Y/n said as he walked over "annoyingly" Shadow mumbled as he got up "are you ok?" Y/n asked as he sat on the bed "I'm fine" Shadow growled as he picked his hoodie off the bed and pulled it on, Y/n sighed "that's a lie" he said crossing his arms "so what" Shadow mumbled as he walked to the door "so what do you need?" Y/n asked as he stood up and walked over "I'm fine" Shadow huffed before he opened the door and walked out to see Jeff chasing Toby down the hall, Shadow growled and walked downstairs and to the doors but was pulled back into the kitchen, he growled and bit Slender's tendril making him quickly pull it back as Y/n walked in "what's wrong with him?" Slender asked as he used another tendril to drop a bottle on Shadows lap "I don't know, he hasn't been right for a few days" Y/n said as he leaned on the wall before Shadows phone went off, he stood up and answered it "you got one?" Shadow asked as he lent on the counter and drank from the bottle "any restrictions?" Shadow asked as the voice on the other end answered "two minutes" Shadow said before he hung up and finished the bottle "what was that about?" Slender asked as he wrapped a bandage around his tendril "uncle Zalgo needs me" Shadow said as he opened a portal "well then I will ask him to explain" Slender said as he walked through the portal making Shadow growl "come on" Y/n said with a smile as he grabbed Shadows hand and pulled him through.

Shadow and Y/n stepped out the portal and Shadow quickly pushed Y/n's hand off and practically ran down the corridor "so what is this about?" Slender asked as he watched "he hasn't told you yet?" Zalgo asked as he led them to the living room "told me what?" Slender asked as he sat down and Y/n wondered around looking at everything "he had a mental break a few years ago, his want to hurt things has become a heavy need so I let him get information from people who don't want to give it up" Zalgo said "he tortures them?" Y/n asked looking over "you let my son turn to torture?" Slender sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose "it was either that or let him go through the stages, plus there are no downsides, he's happier after and his need to hurt something drops back down for a while" Zalgo shrugged as he picked up his coffee mug "he doesn't get happy, just less angry" Slender said as he sat back "just watch when he comes out the room, you'll see what I mean" Zalgo said "is he any good at it? and how often does he need it?" Slender asked "he has a natural talent for it, he can keep a human alive and still screaming for nearly two weeks. as for how often, it started three months apart and since then its been getting closer together, he can now only go a month at a time before he starts to get violent and usually he brings himself here unless I call first" Zalgo said "how long does it usually take?" Slender asked as he stood up "anywhere from an hour to a few days so get comfortable" Zalgo said sipping from his mug.

"so Y/n, how did you two meet?" Zalgo asked as Y/n was sat on the floor eating a few chunks of meat off a plate "he was sitting by a river relaxing and helped me get a bullet out my arm" Y/n said as he wiped some of the blood off his face "is he usually calm around you?" Slender asked "usually, if he didn't want me touching him he wouldn't say anything, and this is the first time I've seen him like this fully" Y/n said as he finished the meat "who asked who out?" Slender asked sipping from his coffee "I asked him" Y/n said as he crossed his legs "do you not ever get the feeling he's just messing with you or only staying for the sex?" Zalgo asked "sometimes, but he is my mate, I cannot change that if I wanted to. plus I know he feels something for me, he looks and acts like he wants to kill anyone else but he's calm and even a little childish around me" Y/n shrugged, Slender and Zalgo nodded "I will see what I can find out later, but lets talk more about you" Slender said sitting up a bit making Y/n whine softly "well how old are you?" Slender asked, Y/n thought for a second "I don't remember" he said looking over "why?" Zalgo asked "my family was killed when I was young, I stopped counting after that" Y/n said just before Shadow walked in shirtless with blood on his hands and chest, he handed Zalgo a pad and grabbed the necklace around Y/n's neck and used it to pull him up "Shadow!" Y/n said in shock as Shadow pulled him out the room and to his bedroom "well he certainly is happier" Slender said drinking from his mug as Zalgo looked over the notepad.

Shadow pulled Y/n into his room and pushed him against the wall as he kissed him, Y/n gasped and kissed back then wrapped his legs around Shadows waist as he was lifted off the floor "your in a better mood" Y/n breathed as Shadow moved to kissing over his neck, Shadow hummed and pulled Y/n's hoodie off before he put him on his back on the bed making Y/n squeak "I wanted to talk to you" Y/n breathed as Shadow kissed over his chest "about?" Shadow mumbled as he pulled at Y/n's shorts "what am I to you?" Y/n asked as Shadow sat up "what do you mean, your my boyfriend" Shadow said tilting his head a bit "do you actually feel anything for me or are you just using me?" Y/n asked as he sat up a bit "you've been talking to dad and Zalgo haven't you?" Shadow asked as he sat down and moved Y/n onto his lap "yeah, they were questioning me earlier, but that's not an answer" Y/n said crossing his arms, Shadow sighed and thought for a second "I don't know, I tolerate you." Shadow said looking up at Y/n a little confused, Y/n sighed "tolerating me isn't the same as love" Y/n mumbled going to get up but Shadow grabbed his arm "I don't know how to describe it other then that. you make me calmer" Shadow said looking at him, Y/n sighed "then figure it out, I'll be in my cave" Y/n mumbled as he got up and walked out the room, Shadow sighed and took his mask off as he rubbed his face and tapped his leg on the floor.

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