Chapter 51

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Shadow stumbled back into the cabin in the early hours of the morning carrying whiskey who was asleep, Shadow groaned and looked around to see Y/n asleep on the floor with his pack, Shadow groaned and walked to the bedroom before he lay whiskey on the bed and walked back out, he picked Y/n up and lay him in the bed before he walked down to the basement, he picked up the body and walked back upstairs waking Keegan a bit "Shadow, where's Y/n?" he mumbled opening his eyes a bit "in bed, go back to sleep" Shadow said as he walked outside, Keegan groaned and got up rubbing his eyes before seeing a low orange light from outside, he walked over and looked out to see Shadow lighting a joint and watching a body turn to burning embers and float away without any fire, he walked out making Shadow look over "how are you doing that?" he mumbled, Shadow shrugged "its easier to get rid of the bodies" he said as he sat down and took a drag of his joint "so you proposed" Keegan said as he sat down by Shadow "yes" Shadow said as he held a joint out for keegan who took it and lit it "you haven't told Y/n yet?" Shadow asked as he looked over "I don't know how to tell him" Keegan sighed as he took a drag "he needs to know" Shadow said as Keegan coughed a bit "I know, how am I supposed to tell him I'm dying? its not something easily brought up" Keegan sighed "what happened?" Shadow asked taking another drag "I was on a patrol for your father last week and ran into a small group of vampires, they weren't normal though, their eyes were completely black and their skin was paler then normal and their veins were all a bright green, they moved like they barely had control over their bodies" Keegan sighed softly before he coughed again but more violently then spat out some blood before he wiped his mouth and took another drag "one of them cornered me and coughed or puked some kind of green cloud over me before its head exploded and I managed to get away" Keegan said taking a shaky breath "what's it doing to your body?" Shadow asked "its breaking down my cells and killing my organs, I expect its supposed to be quicker but due to me being a Lycian its taking a little longer" Keegan said as he finished his joint "this will need to be studied, I would suggest going and seeing Devin" Shadow said as he finished his joint "I wanted to tell Y/n first, but I don't think I have long left" Keegan sighed as he scratched his arm "its spreading?" Shadow asked, Keegan nodded and lifted his shirt to show all the veins on his chest and stomach were a bright green and it was starting to spread up his neck, Shadow sighed "come on" he said as he stood up and opened a portal.

Y/n woke up in the morning to whiskey laying on his chest snoring, he groaned and pet whiskeys head waking him, he whined and yawned as his red eyes flickered on before he wagged his tail and licked Y/n's chin making him smile "hey, where's Shadow?" Y/n mumbled as whiskey got off him and stretched, Y/n got up and grabbed his mask then put it on before walking out the room to see Emma and Jason still asleep on the floor but Keegan was gone "Shad?" Y/n called as he walked to the door to look outside but saw nothing but a small pile of ash and a little blood, Y/n walked outside and crouched down before touching the blood and sniffing it noticing it was Keegan's, Y/n wiped the blood off on his jumper before he walked back in and grabbed his phone calling Shadow.

Shadow looked at his phone and sighed softly "its him right?" Keegan asked as he lay curled up on the bed in a small glass observation box, he was shaking and pale with nearly all his veins green as his eyes had started to turn black "yeah" Shadow sighed as he put his phone in his pocket "Shadow come help me with this" Devin said as he sat at his desk, Shadow walked over and crouched down "this isn't normal, the way its infecting him is to strange" Devin said, Shadow grabbed the small bit of glass with the blood in it and watched it for a second "its manmade, very poorly made to" Shadow said before all the blood on the glass turned green, Shadow quickly put the glass into a bullet proof jar and closed the lid just as it exploded and the blood turned into a green vapor that then sparked and caught fire burning it to nothing "that, looks bad" Devin said before they both looked over at Keegan as he started wheezing and coughing up more blood as his blood started to leak out of his eyes, ears and nose "he doesn't have long left, get Y/n" Devin said, Shadow nodded and stood up "I'm going to get Y/n, hold on a bit longer" Shadow said as Keegan lay on his front with his arm hanging off the bed and blood leaking from him "I'll try" he wheezed before he coughed again and groaned, Shadow opened a portal and walked through.

Y/n looked up from his food as Shadow walked in "hey, where have you been?" Y/n asked as he took a bite of his food "looking after Keegan, he needs to see you" Shadow said as he opened a portal "why what's wrong?" Y/n asked as he stood up and walked over "he's dying" Shadow said as he walked through the portal, Y/n followed behind and stepped out the portal in Devin's office "Keegan" Y/n breathed as he ran over to the box "Y/n" Keegan breathed before he coughed up more blood "what's wrong with him? what's happening?" Y/n panicked as Keegan shakily stood up "he's dying, he was infected by something last week" Shadow said as he sat on the desk watching the two, Y/n took his mask off and put it next to him "keegan, why the fuck didn't you tell me?!" Y/n growled as tears started to form in the corner of his eyes "I didn't want you to.... worry" Keegan breathed as he knelt down by the glass "what's killing him, can we stop it?" Y/n asked as he turned to look at Shadow and Devin with his hand on the glass "its some kind of toxin, we don't know what it is but its self destructive after a short period of time" Devin said "they can't stop it, I need.... to tell you something" Keegan said before he coughed and put his hand on the glass leaving some blood on it "Keegan" Y/n breathed as he looked back "I... left you something..." Keegan wheezed as he leaned his head on the glass with his eyes closed "what if I take you to a healer? a Lycian one?" Y/n breathed as the tears started to roll down his cheeks "listen!" Keegan yelled as he hit his hand on the glass scaring Y/n a bit "I found something.... important, in my room under the bed in a box, there's a location you know well... its got something in it, I don't know what you'll find... I don't know who left it for you one of the things that attacked me had it on them..." Keegan breathed as his hand slid down the glass a bit leaving a small blood trail "where?" Y/n asked as some blood ran from Keegan's mouth "it said... something about a man, with blue eyes and one with brown and something about another realm and a king...." Keegan breathed before his head snapped back and blood poured from his mouth, Shadow quickly grabbed Y/n and wrapped his wings around him stopping him from seeing as Keegan fell to the floor shaking before there were some loud squelching and gurgling sounds before a small gasp and crack then everything went silent, Shadow opened some of his feathers to look at Keegan seeing that his chest over his heart had burst open and the green smoke was leaking out before it quickly caught fire outside the body, Y/n peaked out then quickly hid crying into Shadows shoulder as he saw Keegan's now lifeless black eyes staring blankly at him with blood running from them and down his cheeks.

Shadow picked Y/n up and stood up "no, put me down" Y/n cried but Shadow ignored him and carried him to his room "he's dead isn't he?" Y/n said through his tears as Shadow sat on the bed and wrapped him in his wings "yes" Shadow said softly as he stroked Y/n's cheek "can I come with you? to see him again please?" Y/n begged as he looked up at Shadow his e/c eyes red from crying, Shadow sighed softly "you cant, not when I deal with souls, its something about the realm, but I can talk to him for you, and let you know his decision" Shadow said softly as the book on his hip rattled the chain "ok, ask him what he meant" Y/n sniffled as he rested his head on Shadows shoulder "can you stay for a little longer?" Y/n asked "of course my love" Shadow said as he kissed Y/n's head then opened his wings and turned the tv on "I'll take care of all of this ok" Shadow said softly, Y/n nodded "can we have a funeral for him?" Y/n asked as he felt his eyes start to drop "of course, I'll sort it out get some rest" Shadow said as he stroked Y/n's hair, Y/n hummed and soon fell asleep.

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