Chapter 8

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Shadow walked out the house as the sun went down "he should be on the west side of the woods, and please try not to kill him" Slender called "maybe" Shadow said as he clipped the scythe to his back and closed the door, he walked to the west side of the woods and walked along the treeline by the street, after a few minutes he saw a boy with a white hoodie run from one of the houses covered in blood and into the woods, Shadow sighed and walked over and crouched down nearby watching the boy, he soon noticed Shadow and growled holding up his knife "who are you!?" he said "I was sent to get you" Shadow said standing up, the boy lowered his knife a bit recognising Shadows voice "oh no, its you" Shadow sighed rubbing his face "biker dude?" Jeff asked "its Shadow, come on" Shadow said as he started walking, Jeff put his knife away and jogged after "wait, who sent you to get me and why? and your names Shadow?" Jeff said as he caught up "my father sent me" Shadow sighed as they walked "fair enough, but what does he want with me, and why do you live in the woods?" Jeff asked, "shut up, he'll tell you when we get there" Shadow growled, Jeff huffed and Shadow opened the door for him and pushed him in "hey!" Jeff growled as Shadow closed the door "dad come get your new pet!" Shadow shouted "where are you from?" Jeff asked noticing Shadows accent as Slender walked in "Shadow would you go check on the others while I deal with this?" Slender asked "no" Shadow said as he walked back to his room, Slender sighed and led Jeff to his office.

Shadow walked out his room a bit later to see Jeff and Jack arguing while ben and sally watched, Shadow sighed and walked out with his scythe on his back, Shadow walked to a small river and sat down putting his scythe next to him and dipping his feet in, he sighed and lay down taking his mask off as he stared at the stars and listened to the river and the small animals scuttling around, but then he heard something bigger moving around, he closed his eyes and listened as the heavy paws and breathing got closer, Shadow opened his eyes and turned around as a large f/c (fur colour) wolf stepped out looking like a mix between human and wolf, its eyes glowed e/c and it growled softly as it held its paw off the ground as some blood leaked from a bullet wound "Lycian" Shadow breathed as he sat back down, the wolf stopped growling as Shadow put his mask back on, it lifted its ears and sniffed the air a bit before it slowly walked over and lowered its head to the water, Shadow looked over noticing the Lycian was slim and scared, it drank from the water before it lay down and started licking its wound, Shadow moved a little closer making the Lycian growl "I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to look" Shadow said softly, the Lycian growled but let Shadow look over the wound "you won't heal if I don't get it out" Shadow mumbled looking up at the Lycian, it growled but lay its head down, Shadow quickly dug his claws into the hole and pulled the bullet out making the Lycian growl and whine in pain, Shadow put some water in his hands and used it to clean the wound as it slowly started to heal, the Lycian stood up and bowed its head before it walked off, Shadow sighed and washed the blood off his hands in the river before he stood up and picked his scythe up before walking back home.

"Shadow where have you been?" Slender asked as Shadow walked in "out" Shadow said as he walked upstairs and to his room, he opened the door and hung his scythe above the bed "you going to bed?" Jack asked as he stood at the door "yes, and no you cant stay" Shadow said as he pulled his hoodie off "why not?" Jack asked tilting his head "because I want to be alone, go sleep with someone else" Shadow sighed as he pulled his trousers off and pulled on his pyjama trousers, Jack huffed "your dad said your birthday's coming up" Jack said as Shadow lay in bed "fuck off" Shadow mumbled turning onto his side "oh come on, Slender said your turning nineteen in like 23 days, that's just before christmas" Jack said "Jack please fuck off, I'm tired" Shadow mumbled "I'll talk to you about it tomorrow then" Jack sighed as he closed the door and walked off, Shadow sighed and took his mask off and put it on the table before he got comfortable and closed his eyes.

Shadow woke up in the early hours of the morning to one of Jacks nightmares, he groaned and turned over trying to block it out but sighed as it wasn't working, he got up and walked out his room and over to Jacks room, he opened the door and walked in closing it behind him and looked over at the bed to see Jack shaking and crying in his sleep as he gripped the pillow tight, Shadow walked over and sat on the bed pulling Jack over feeling him tense "Jack" Shadow mumbled stroking his hair, Jack gasped and sat up covering his face as he cried "w-what are you doing here?" Jack asked as he tried to hide that he was crying, Shadow sighed and pulled Jack over holding him "your nightmare woke me" he said as he stroked Jacks hair calming him "sorry" Jack sniffed nuzzling into Shadows chest "your pain is fresh it will take a while to get through it, and it helps if you have someone to help you through it" Shadow mumbled as he lay down "you want to stay?" Jack mumbled as he traced a few patterns on Shadows grey chest "for tonight" Shadow mumbled as he closed his eyes "thank you" Jack said as he closed his eyes and rested his head on Shadows chest, Shadow hummed and quickly fell asleep again with Jack shortly after.

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