Chapter 42

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Shadow woke up the next morning on the floor with Masky shaking him "fuck off" Shadow mumbled as he pushed Masky off and sat up rubbing his face "where's Y/n?" Masky asked as he stood up "I don't know" Shadow groaned as he stood up and stretched "he woke up an hour ago, he's having an energy drink in the garden" Kozmo said as she walked past and put a Joint in Shadow's mouth "that's where" Shadow mumbled as he lit the joint then walked outside with Masky and Kozmo following "why was I woken up?" Shadow mumbled as he sat at the table next to Y/n who was still high and half asleep "because some woman has been waiting for you at yours and Slender wanted me to come get you" Masky said as he sat down "she isn't going to give you a break" Y/n mumbled as he rubbed his face "you got anything on him yet?" Shadow asked as he took a long drag of his joint "Slender hasn't told you yet?" Masky asked as he lit his fag "told me what?" Shadow sighed as he sat back a bit and adjusted his hood "he's known where Hans dad is for a week already, I thought he would have told you" Masky said, Shadow growled and stood up "Shadow, cant you leave it for now? at least let me sober up" Y/n mumbled looking over just in time to see a portal closing making him sigh "I'll take you home" Masky sighed as he stood up.

Y/n and Masky walked into the cabin to see Elizabeth sitting at the table drinking from a glass with an empty bottle from the fridge next to her as Shadow was shouting at Slender and throwing a few things in the living room "what happened?" Y/n asked as he lent on the table "as far as I'm aware Shadow is looking for someone and his father knows something" Elizabeth said as she moved her head a little to avoid a book that was thrown "Shadow you have more important things to deal with, I can send Jeff or Toby to take care of this" Slender said just before he was pulled onto his knees "if anyone else even try's to get to him first I'll rip their legs off and leave them for the wolfs!" Shadow growled "Shadow you have to let this go, he's only human after all, killing him wont make the nightmares stop" Slender said holding onto Shadows arm as he was holding onto Slender's collar "you don't understand! its not about what he did anymore!" Shadow growled before he threw Slender across the room, he slid to a stop by the table and rubbed his head as Y/n ran over to Shadow "baby, look at me" Y/n said as Shadow dug his claws into his palms "calm down, take a few breaths" Y/n said as he moved so Shadows back was to the others, Shadow growled and rested his head on Y/n's shoulder "what is it about?" Y/n asked softly as he stroked Shadows hair "he deserves to feel what he took from me" Shadow growled softly "are you sure that's what you want? did you see something again?" Y/n asked "I saw something, he's planning something and his dad is the only one who knows where he is" Shadow mumbled as he stood back up again "then we get his father, and find Hans. put an end to this and focus on you becoming king" Y/n said softly.

Shadow sighed and nodded "talk" he said looking over to Slender who was sitting at the table with a small cut on his face "he's at base three information suggests he's been there since the main base went down, but you'll have to get through a couple hundred hunters to get to him, I would suggest waiting until after you've been crowned to go after them, you'll be starting a war with their clan and the others wont be to happy about it" Slender said "my main concern is Hans" Shadow said "if you go after his father he will know your coming for him, you don't know what he'll do if you corner him" Slender sighed "he knows I'm coming for him, he's not out to survive" Shadow mumbled as he opened a portal "your not going alone" Y/n sighed "boys is this a wise use of your time? you have things to prepare for and your going to waste your time on some old man" Elizabeth said making Shadow growl "those destined to meet will always find each-other, what is lost can always be found again" Elizabeth said, Shadow growled "you will see him again when the time is right, for now you need to focus on taking over, and to do that you need to learn our traditions and what is expected of you" Elizabeth said, Shadow sighed as the portal closed "fine, I'll get these stupid trials out the way" Shadow growled "we will leave you to it" Slender said as he pushed Masky out the house.

"come sit" Elizabeth said, Shadow walked over with Y/n and sat down "at the announcement party only the leaders of their clans and their family's will be there, it is a formal event for you to be introduced to all of them and if all goes well we should hear word within a week of what the trials are and when they will be, there is little harm in you doing the trials weather you succeed or not" Elizabeth said as Shadow pulled a joint out of his pocket "so what happens once he's crowned?" Y/n asked "well there will be a party and it is customary for each member of the council to offer a child of their choosing's hand in marriage to you, weather you have a mate or not, I am not sure weather they will stick with this tradition for you though as you have a mate, but we have been without a true king for century's and many of them may want to strengthen bonds and bloodlines" Elizabeth said "great, he's going to get drooled on by a bunch of horny rich vampires" Y/n huffed "you will be required to be there to as his mate, but it also means if he is crowned you may be required to marry within a time frame, if they even accept your his mate, its a little complicated" Elizabeth said as she finished her glass "great, what do I need to know about the others?" Shadow sighed as he sat back.

Y/n and Shadow were laying on the sofa a few hours later watching tv "there is a lot we have to do" Y/n mumbled "yeah, lets just hope no one has heard of you yet, if they have we may all be in danger. not all of the council will be thrilled to have a king again" Elizabeth said as she walked to the stairs then up to her room "I don't want to think about that right now. we have three months to get all the information we can and figure out who on the council is planning for a war" Shadow mumbled as he ran his fingers through Y/n's hair "I have a bad feeling, like things are moving and we cant stop it. what did you see?" Y/n asked as he chewed on his thumb and watched tv "I saw fighting, human, demon, Vampire and Lycian were all fighting and dying, and in the middle was you and Hans" Shadow mumbled "what happened?" Y/n asked "I'm not sure, I heard you scream then everything went dark and I woke up" Shadow sighed as he wrapped his arms around Y/n "do you think it could happen?" Y/n asked as he sat up and looked at Shadow "I don't know. but lets not think about that lets just do what we can now and hope that its enough when the time comes" Shadow said softly as he stroked Y/n's cheek "so what you going to do when everyone starts drooling over you?" Y/n asked as Shadow sat up "I'll let them and make sure they know your the only one I want" Shadow said as he kissed over Y/n's neck making him shiver "just don't leave me alone when we're there, I don't want to be someone's snack" Y/n said before he gasped as Shadow sank his teeth into his neck.

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