Chapter 31

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Y/n ran ahead of the others and straight through the front doors, he quickly killed a few hunters and saw two other Lycians down the hall attacking a small group of guards as all the doors burst open and vampires and Lycians and other creatures broke the doors down and attacked the hunters around them all of them focusing on the hunters, Y/n howled and a large white Lycian walked over they sniffed each-other before Y/n put his ears down and nuzzled into its chest as it licked his head, Y/n pulled back 'I thought I wouldn't see you again after that night' he said wagging his tail but quickly grabbed a hunter and threw him across the hallway as he tried to run past 'we can catch up later, but we need to leave' the white Lycian said as it started walking to the door 'no, keegan I can't leave, my mate is here somewhere' Y/n said as he started walking in the other direction 'your mate? who is it, all the Lycians are free' keegan said following after 'he's not a Lycian' Y/n said as he sniffed the air 'he? and what is he?' keegan asked as he grabbed another hunter and bit down before dropping them 'he's a god, have you seen him?' Y/n asked as he took out another hunter 'what does he look like?' keegan asked before a bullet hit him in his back leg making him growl and run over to the hunter that shot him quickly taring him apart '6'3 grey skin white hair, skull mask' Y/n said as he peaked around a corner and narrowly dodged a bullet.

'I haven't seen him, but one of the others might have' keegan said before he howled, two other shifted Lycians walked over with blood in their fur 'ask' keegan said sitting down 'have either of you seen a tall grey skinned guy with a skull mask?' Y/n asked tilting his head a bit, they looked at each-other before one of them spoke up 'I have seen him, but he's Hans' pet, he probably didn't make it' the grey one said 'do you know where he is?' Y/n growled scaring the smaller Lycian, it put its ears back 'follow me' it said before it started to walk down the hallway, Y/n followed and they soon reached a long concrete hallway 'here?' Y/n asked as the other three stayed away from the hallway before Y/n heard Shadow scream then saw Hans walking out the room, he looked over before he quickly ran off down the hallway and through a small hole in the wall.

Y/n growled and ran over to the room sliding to a stop as he shifted back into his human form and kicked the door open to see Shadow sitting on the floor shirtless with his wrists chained to the wall and he was covered in his own blood and was hitting his head on the wall as he screamed, Y/n walked over and crouched down "keegan, boy in blue mask go get him" Y/n called before Shadow shook his head and screamed as he tried to push himself away making the ground shake "Shadow, you need to open your eyes" Y/n said softly "net, ne mogut oni vezde, krichat!" 'no, cant their everywhere, screaming!' Shadow shouted hitting his head on the wall again as he tried to pull his wrists from the wall "baby I don't speak russian" Y/n said softly as he gently stroked Shadows cheek as Shadow was hyperventilating, Keegan walked back and pushed Jack into the room with his snout "Y/n, how is he?" Jack asked as he walked over and crouched down "he cant calm down and he's speaking russian, call Slender and get the sedative ready" Y/n said as the ground shook again as Shadow screamed slammed his head against the wall, Slender appeared a few seconds later and knelt down "the hunters are dead?" he asked as he quickly checked over Shadow who growled and bit his hand "yeah, the Lycians and Vampires are taking out the last of them, but he's our main issue right now" Jack said "Y/n does he recognise your voice?" Slender asked as the ground shook again but more violently as Shadow screamed "I don't know, he cant or wont speak english" Y/n said "I'll tell you what to say" Slender said as he broke the chains, Shadow quickly pushed himself into the corner and curled up a bit scratching at his shoulders and mumbling.

Jack handed Y/n the sedative as he crawled over to Shadow, Slender put his hand on Y/n's shoulder and spoke to him in his head "Shedou, mne nuzhno, chtoby ty menya vyslushal, ok" 'Shadow I need you to listen to me ok' Y/n said softly "Ne mogu sosredotochit'sya, slishkom mnogo shuma. otpravit'sya!" 'cant focus, too much noise. get off!' Shadow growled as he clawed at his shoulders harder "Shedou fokus, eto ya, prosto poslushay, tebe nuzhno uspokoit'sya, ili nam pridetsya dat' tebe uspokoitel'noye, ok." 'Shadow focus, its me just listen, you need to calm down or we have to give you a sedative ok.' Y/n said as he moved closer, Shadow shook his head and dragged his claws through his shoulders hard enough that they could just about see the bones underneath "its not working" Y/n said as he looked at Slender who sighed "give me the sedative, he may attack whoever puts it in" Slender said, Y/n handed him the syringe and moved away "Shedou, ya votknu tebe iglu v ruku, ok." 'Shadow I'm going to put the needle in your arm now ok' Slender said as he moved closer "net" Shadow breathed as his body shook and he kept clawing at his already damaged shoulders.

Slender quickly put the needle in and injected it before moving back as Y/n moved in to hold him "baby we're going to take you home ok, your safe now" Y/n whispered in Shadows ear as his breathing started to slow down and he lent his head on Y/n's shoulder as his eyes opened halfway "you just need to sleep ok, close your eyes so you cant see them" Y/n said as he stroked Shadows hair as Shadow started panicking again, Slender covered his eyes "that's it, just sleep" Y/n said softly as Shadow started to go limp, Slender used a tendril to pick up Shadows hoodie that was in the corner covered in blood "that's it, I'll be right here when you wake up" Y/n said softly before Shadow went completely limp and his shoulders started to heal, Y/n sighed softly "he's out" he said, Slender nodded and picked Shadow up "gather the others I will meet you outside, let any creature know they are welcome to join if they want" Slender said before he disappeared, Y/n sighed and stood up "keegan how many are left?" he asked as he walked out the room with Jack behind him 'us three Lycians and two vamps' keegan said as he and the other two followed after "get them, I have a safe place for all of us" Y/n said as he walked out the hallway 'Y/n, before we go any further' keegan said making Y/n stop and look at him 'they are in need of a pack, and I a leader, we have decided we want you to be our alpha' keegan said as the other two bowed "you want me to be in a pack, and lead?" Y/n asked 'yes, do you accept brother?' keegan said as he bowed, Y/n shifted into his wolf form then bowed back 'I accept' he said as he stood up, the others jumped up and howled with Y/n and keegan joining 'lets go' Y/n said as he picked Jack up and put him on his back before walking over to the two vampires who were sitting on the floor by the entrance tending to their wounds, Y/n walked over and bowed his head a bit as the other three stayed back, Jack slid off Y/n's back "you two ok?" Jack asked, the two looked over then at the pack of Lycians "we're fine" the male said "our boss said you can come with us if you'd like, even if its just to heal" Jack said as he crouched down "the tall one, with the mask, he is like us?" the younger female asked "sort of, he's a death god, and the last of the true gods" Jack said making the two look at each-other before they spoke in a strange language "he rules the land of the dead? and he is dead?" the male asked as he stood up and helped the female up "yes" Jack said as he stood up "my sister and I will come with, we wish to at least meet the prophesised one" he said, Y/n lay down "it will be safer to get on, especially if your hurt" Jack said "they will not hurt us?" the female asked as she cautiously walked over "no, none of them will, you will be safe with us" Jack said as he helped them climb onto Y/n's back "hold on" he said as Y/n stood up "I'll meet you out there" Jack said, Y/n nodded and walked out, the other grey wolf stopped and sniffed Jack "what?" Jack asked as he started walking, it tilted its head before following after.

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