Chapter 25

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Shadow ran through the portal and slid to a stop just outside Y/n's cave, he looked around before he heard Y/n howl from somewhere in the woods, he ran in the direction and hid behind a tree as three hunters walked past, he growled softly and took his scythe off his back before he ran up behind them and decapitated all three in one swing before he heard Y/n howl again then yelp in pain, Shadow followed his howl and hid behind a tree as a campfire came into view, he looked around and saw Y/n in a small cage while Jeff and Toby were tied to a post next to it, Shadow pulled a small knife out of his boot and threw it over hitting the ropes between their wrists making Jeff jump "about damn time" he mumbled as he grabbed the knife and started cutting the other ropes until they fell to the floor, Shadow whistled as he saw two hunters walking down the path to Jeff and Toby, they looked up the path and quickly grabbed a weapon before they hid and waited for the hunters to get closer before they struck taking them out, Shadow walked out from the trees "go clean up, quietly" Shadow said as he walked over to the cage Y/n was freaking out in "I told you not to get into trouble" Shadow said as he broke the lock and opened the door 'you need to leave, now' Y/n said as he jumped out and nudged Shadow towards the bushes "I have to help the idiots" Shadow sighed before they both heard shouting 'Shadow this was a trap, for you' Y/n said following after as Shadow started walking over to the noise "dads on his way, if I go down get the boys and run" Shadow said before he took off, his scythe shrunk to the size of an axe and Shadow split it into two before sliding over and sticking one of them into one of the hunters leg and pulled as he stood up knocking the hunter over before he used the other scythe to stab them in the neck before he looked around to see Toby and Jeff surrounded by seven hunters, Shadow huffed and ran over quickly knocking two of them to the ground then decapitating a third as Jeff and Toby quickly killed the two on the floor and turned to the last four.

Shadow growled but was quickly tackled to the floor by a hunter as they jumped out the bushes, he spun them around and grabbed hold of their throat as they started to struggle before a dart hit Shadow in the shoulder making him growl, he quickly snapped the hunters neck and got up only for two more darts to hit him in the shoulder, Shadow groaned and fell to his knees just as Y/n ran over "we have to go!" Jeff called as more hunters started to run over, Y/n looked around as Jeff and Toby ran over 'can you run?' Y/n asked nudging Shadow "I'll be fine" Shadow groaned as he shook the darts off and stood up, Jeff and Toby climbed onto Y/n "go" Shadow said as he started running, Y/n took off after him but quickly overtook him as Shadow put his scythe back together and deflected some of the arrows but fell to the floor as another three darts hit him in the back, he rolled across the floor dropping his scythe as he groaned, Y/n looked back before he slid to a stop "don't stop go!" Shadow shouted as he shakily stood up and grabbed his scythe before he was hit with a small disk that opened and let off an electric shock, Shadow growled and dropped the scythe as he fell to the floor 'Shadow' Y/n said taking a step but Slender put his hand on his head "go" he said as he started walking over, Y/n huffed and took off back to the mansion, Shadow growled and tried to get the disk off as the current got higher making him scream as a small army of hunters ran over, Slender quickly took out three of them but hid as they started shooting at him 'Shadow, can you get out of this?' Slender asked in Shadows head but was only answered with a scream as the shock got higher, Slender stepped out and let off a loud high pitched noise in the hunters heads before he was hit in the chest with a few bullets, he groaned and hid again 'Shadow' Slender said again 'you cant help, go' Shadow said in Slender's head before another round of bullets flew past Slender with a few hitting him in the arm and shoulder, Slender sighed and looked over to see one of the hunters shooting a whole mag of darts into Shadows chest, he groaned before he dropped his scythe 'we will find you' Slender said just before Shadow passed out and Slender teleported back home.

Y/n looked over "where is he?" he said as he ran over noticing Slender was bleeding "they have him, I tried" Slender sighed, Y/n quickly ran out and shifted as he ran back to where they were only to see the space now empty with lots of drag marks on the floor and a small trail of Shadows blood that stopped a few feet away, Y/n frantically looked around before he sniffed the air and took off to the edge of the woods where he saw a few hunters throwing Shadows body into the back of a truck before three of them got in after, Y/n howled and went to take a step forward but a bullet hit the ground where he was about to step making him jump back and growl, he paced a bit watching the trucks load up and listening to their radios to get any information he could "Y/n" ben said as he walked out the bushes, Y/n looked over then looked at the trucks and ben "what?" ben asked as the trucks started to pull away, Y/n picked ben up and threw him on his back before chasing after the trucks "you want me in there?" ben asked as he held onto Y/n's fur, Y/n nodded slightly making ben sigh "get me close to the one Shadow is in, I can get into his phone, I'll make contact when I can" ben said, Y/n grunted and ran faster only just managing to catch up to the truck Shadow was in, ben put his hand on the side of the truck and disappeared, Y/n tried to keep up but the window opened and a hunter stuck his head out before firing an arrow hitting Y/n in the back making him yelp and fall rolling to a stop as the trucks drove off, Y/n sighed and shakily got up and slowly walked back to the mansion.

Y/n walked in and shifted back into his human form "Y/n, what happened where's ben?" Jack asked as he walked over "he's in Shadows phone, said he'd make contact when he can" Y/n mumbled, Jack sighed softly "good, it will help, for now turn around" Jack said as he grabbed a bandage, Y/n pulled his hoodie off to show half an arrow stuck in his shoulder, Jack quickly pulled it out then cleaned and wrapped it "go get some rest" Jack said as he walked back over to Slender and Zalgo who were talking in the kitchen "how are we going to go about this? we know nothing about these hunters" Zalgo asked as he put some coffee in-front of Slender who was sitting at the table "we ask someone who knows, we find out whatever we can however we can, I don't care who we have to go through to get it" Slender nearly growled as he took a sip of his coffee, Zalgo nodded "I'll see what I can do on my end" he said placing his hand on Slender's shoulder "I'd suggest everyone rest for a day or two, we cant loose anyone else" Jack said "of course, that includes you to" Zalgo said looking at Slender who sighed but nodded in agreement.

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