Chapter 39

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Masky knocked on Kozmo's door a few hours later and did his best to fix his hair before she opened the door "hey cutie, you here for the boys?" Kozmo asked as she leaned on the doorframe "yeah, how high are they?" Masky asked as Kozmo let him in and walked to the living room with Masky behind "very, especially Shadow" Kozmo said as she held out a glass for Masky as she drank from her own one "where are they?" Masky asked as he took the glass and pushed his mask up a little to drink "they went off to the bedroom about an hour ago, so they're either fucking or passed out" Kozmo shrugged before handing Masky a pill that he took "can you wake him up without pissing him off?" Masky asked as he drank a bit more from his glass "I could, but you need to de-stress as much as they do" Kozmo said putting her glass down and grabbing Masky's hand before she pulled him to her room as Masky blushed.

Kozmo walked into the bedroom Shadow and Y/n were in a bit later to see them cuddled up asleep, she snuck over and held a joint under Shadows nose as Masky watched from the door with his brown hair messy and his clothes a little messed up, Shadow sniffed a bit before his eyes opened halfway and he grabbed the joint as he sat up "the cute one is here to take you back" she said as she stood up, Shadow groaned "you might want to wake up fast, your dad wants you back before seven" Masky said as he walked away from the door "I'll roll one for Y/n" Kozmo said as she handed Shadow a small baggie of white powder before she walked out, Shadow opened the baggie and used his nail to get some of the powder before he snorted it and took a breath waking Y/n a little "Shadow" Y/n breathed as he opened his eyes a little showing his pupils were still wide "we have to get up" Shadow said as he ran his fingers through Y/n's messy h/c hair messing it up more and making Y/n groan "what time is it?" Y/n asked as he sat up and rubbed his head "six" Shadow said as he got up and dressed, he handed Y/n an energy drink as he got up and dressed as well "I'll meet you outside" Y/n mumbled as he opened the can and walked to the bathroom.

Y/n walked into the garden ten minutes later to see Shadow, Kozmo and Masky sitting at the table smoking "you two have fun" Masky asked as he finished his fag and put it out in the ashtray "yes" Y/n said as he sat down and took the joint Kozmo handed him, Shadow smirked and took a drag of his joint as Masky shook his head "so when do we have to go home?" Y/n asked as he lit his joint "seven" Shadow said as he sat back, Y/n sighed and nodded. after they were done they walked to the doors "I expect I'll see you both at the party tomorrow?" Kozmo asked "I will be" Shadow mumbled as Kozmo handed him a small baggie of pills "I might be, depends how tired I am" Y/n shrugged, Kozmo nodded "I'll have some Lycian friendly stuff ready just encase" Kozmo smiled as she handed Y/n a baggie of mushrooms "and you better be coming back" Kozmo said as she grabbed Masky's collar and pulled his mask up a bit "sure" he mumbled before Kozmo kissed him and let go of his collar "gross" Shadow mumbled as he walked out with Y/n behind him, Kozmo ran her fingers through Masky's hair messing it up before she pulled back leaving Masky blushing as he pulled his mask down then walked out to see Shadow and Y/n sitting on the bike and pulling their helmets on "I'll meet you there don't get side tracked" Masky sighed as he walked over to his car, Shadow took off out the gates and drove back to the woods.

Y/n and Shadow got off the bike a bit later to see Slender standing outside with his arms crossed and was tapping his foot "your late" he said as Shadow and Y/n took their helmets off "and your both high" Slender sighed as he rubbed his head "maybe" Shadow said as he walked into the cabin with Y/n, Slender sighed and walked in after "you do realise this is a formal dinner, its more of a meeting" Slender said laying out two freshly washed suits on the table "I'm not wearing that" Shadow growled as he refilled his bottle "Shadow its a meeting, you'll have to wear it, you'll definitely have to wear one when you meet with the council" Slender sighed as Y/n pulled some meat from the fridge and put it in the microwave "put me in that and see what happens old man!" Shadow growled as he walked to his room, Slender sighed and looked over at Y/n "what?" Y/n asked as he had a little blood running down his chin "can you convince him?" Slender asked, Y/n shrugged "I can try, but he definitely wont stay sober" Y/n said taking another bite of the meat "he needs to be sober and dressed appropriately" Slender said looking over to the door "we can compromise on this, he said he knew the drakes already" Y/n said as he finished his food "I suppose, but he'll have to wear a suit when he meets the council at the very least a shirt" Slender said as Shadow walked out the bedroom "I'll see what I can do when the time comes" Y/n said as he wiped the blood off his chin "is villi going to be there?" Shadow asked as he lent on the kitchen side by Y/n "yes, him and his mother will be there, they've taken a night off from their duties to come to this dinner, so you will be expected to be nice and please don't do or say anything to upset anyone" Slender said as he opened a portal "maybe" Shadow shrugged "where's Roxanne and Daniel?" Y/n asked "they joined the drake clan last week, they won't be attending the dinner" Slender said as he walked through the portal "good" Shadow mumbled as he walked through and pulled Y/n with making him squeak.

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