Chapter 62

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Elizabeth knocked on Shadows door and opened it to see Y/n passed out on the bed as Shadow sat in his pyjama trousers playing his game "at least one of you is awake, we leave at seven" Elizabeth said before she walked out, Shadow sighed and checked the time seeing it was five, he took his headset off and walked over to the bed laying down behind Y/n and wrapping his arms around him "you have to get up" Shadow said softly as he kissed over Y/n's bare shoulder making him groan "what time?" Y/n mumbled "its five, we leave at seven" Shadow said, Y/n sighed and turned over in Shadows arms "we can cuddle for a bit" he mumbled as he fell asleep again, Shadow smiled and wrapped his wings around Y/n as he waited for him to wake up.

Y/n and Shadow walked out the bedroom an hour later "good your up, I made you both food" Elizabeth said with a smile, Y/n groaned and sat at the table as Shadow grabbed his bottle "so what happens to me when we get there?" Y/n asked as he ate "I'm not sure, someone will tell you and the others what to do" Elizabeth said as she drank from a glass "any idea what I'm fighting yet?" Shadow asked as he sat on the table and drank from his bottle "no" Elizabeth sighed as she finished her glass "great" Shadow sighed as he got up then walked back to his room "so where we going for this?" Y/n asked as he ate "I'm not sure, it could be on one of the council's land, it could be somewhere completely different" Elizabeth sighed, Y/n nodded and finished his food before getting up "is he going to be calm enough to deal with people?" Elizabeth asked "no, not in the slightest, he hasn't done a single thing to calm down" Y/n said putting his plate in the sink "well his aggression will help, I just hope he wont spend so much time enjoying himself and get this over quickly" Elizabeth said as Shadow walked out the bedroom fully dressed and pulled Y/n over "what have you taken?" Y/n asked looking up at Shadow to see his cat like pupils wide "flower" Shadow said, Y/n sighed "at least you'll enjoy yourself" Y/n said patting Shadows chest before he walked to the bedroom to get dressed.

"so we have no idea where we're going?" Shadow asked as they sat in the back of a limo "no" Y/n mumbled as he pet whiskeys head "who else is taking part?" Shadow asked looking out the window "well, Y/n, a few people your close with at the mansion and Villi and I" Elizabeth said "will dad be there? I want someone I trust not taking part" Shadow said as he sat back and pulled Y/n closer with his wing "he will be there and no he isn't taking part" Elizabeth said as the car stopped "I guess that means we're here" she sighed opening the door and stepping out, Y/n stepped out with Shadow and whiskey behind, Shadow looked around seeing a large coliseum like building "I don't like this" Y/n mumbled as he adjusted his mask "stay close to Elsie" Shadow said as they walked in and up to the VIP balcony where the council and Slender were waiting "Elizabeth, glad to see you" William said as he walked over "is everything ready?" Elizabeth asked "yes, we were just waiting on you, Sophia will take you and the kings mate to your positions" William said as Sophia walked over "be nice" Elizabeth said to Shadow as she and Y/n walked past and followed Sophia out the room "who did you bring?" Shadow asked Slender as he walked over "Masky, ben, and Jack, I assume they'll place them around or at either side" Slender said as William walked over "they're in place, a few things you'll need to know" he said, Shadow nodded "the volunteers will be placed around in the arena, if the creatures get within twenty feet of them they'll get a shock and the volunteer will be dropped into the room below them where someone will be waiting to collect them" he said "if anything goes wrong I'll put you all against these creatures with shock collars on" Shadow said calmly making the chatter die down a bit "why don't you take your place in the centre" William said nervously "vischi ostavaites" 'whiskey stay' Shadow said as he opened his wings and flew down to the middle.

small platforms rose from the walls, Masky was on the far left tied to the post with his wrists behind his back with Jack higher up and ben near the middle with Elizabeth and Villi on the right hand side of the arena with Y/n in the middle near ben, the small laser wires lit up around them before a large door on either side started opening making Shadow look over, two large wyverns screamed and roared as they frantically crawled out from the small rooms "wyverns really!" Shadow growled "this is not good for you" Slender said as he and the council watched "and why not?" Agnes Starlette asked looking up at Slender "dragons are very sacred in his realm, he will not be happy with your treatment of them, especially if he has to kill them" Slender said watching as one of the wyverns sniffed the air before turning to Masky, Shadow flew over and used his claws to scratch the wyverns wing making it roar and turn its attention to him, Shadow flew up a bit and threw a knife from his boot at the other one, they both roared and started to open their wings "that's it" Shadow whispered as he flew up higher, the wyverns slowly took off and started to fly over seeming to get used to being able to fly again, the smaller one flew past Shadow and into the sky as the second locked onto Shadow and chased him, Shadow flew around the arena a few times before he spotted the second wyvern dropping from the sky, it turned and went to grab at ben as it came around "Shadow!" ben called as he turned his head away and closed his eyes, Shadow quickly flew over then curled himself up and rammed into the wyverns side knocking it away from ben and onto the floor, the other wyvern took the chance to grab Shadows wing and pull him away throwing him high into the air, Shadow spun a bit before opening his wings and catching himself before being knocked back as the wyvern flew up at him with its mouth open ready to bite.

the other wyvern roared as it flew up behind Shadow and grabbed him in its claws before throwing him to the floor and landing near him, Shadow shook his head and stood up as the wyvern started charging at him, he quickly moved and grabbed hold of a few scales on its neck before he growled and flipped it over slamming its body into the ground causing sand to fly everywhere, Y/n screamed as the second wyverns neck started glowing red and it reared its head back getting ready to breathe fire, Shadow jumped into the air and flew over grabbing the wyverns mouth and pointing it down as much as he could as it ignited its breath breathing flames over Shadow who covered himself with his wings that glowed brighter the more flames they absorbed, the dragon stopped as it ran out of breath letting Shadow unwrap his now glowing wings, he turned the wyverns jaw to the side knocking it over before he heard Jack whimper and turned to see the other wyvern running at him, Shadow growled and punched the wyvern in the head knocking it to the floor half conscious as Shadow flew over as fast as he could before ramming into the wyvern and slamming its head into the wall and kicking it across the floor where it lay whining in pain unable to get up, Shadow looked up to see the other wyvern roaring and running at him looking pissed off, Shadow growled and ran at it as his wings started glowing brighter before there was a bright burst of light and a shockwave went of blowing sand everywhere before it stopped and everything went quiet, the council looked down at the arena to see both wyverns bowing and looking terrified "how did he do that?" Sophia asked "just be glad he did" Slender sighed before Shadow clicked his fingers, the council watched as the wyverns walked over to each volunteer and carefully cut the ropes off and let them onto their backs before walking back over to Shadow and laying their wings down letting everyone slide off.

Shadow hit the tip of his scythe on the floor and a large portal opened making the wyverns look up then at Shadow before Tyler walked out "Tyler, take them back" Shadow called to the teen, he bowed his head and pulled some meat out of his bag before flying up to the wyverns and baiting them through the portal before it closed "are you ok how hurt are you?" Y/n asked as he checked over Shadow who had blood over him "I'll be fine, just a few holes, maybe a concussion" Shadow shrugged making Y/n let out a breath "who was that kid?" Villi asked as he rubbed his wrists "a friend" Shadow said as he handed ben a joint and Masky then Villi a fag "lets go see how you did" Elizabeth sighed as she started walking to the steps with everyone following, "so, how did he do?" Elizabeth asked as she and Villi were handed a wine glass of blood each "exceedingly well, not a single casualty and a brilliant show of strength" William said as the others nodded in agreement "Elizabeth why don't we discuss the next steps, give the king and his friends time to rest" Agnes said with a smile as she pulled Elizabeth away with the rest of the council "can we go home now?" Shadow sighed taking a drag of his joint "yes, they'll be a while" Villi sighed as they all started walking back to the cars they arrived in.

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