Chapter 44

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Shadow, Y/n and Slender stood in the middle of a clearing not far from the mansion as Elizabeth sat in a chair under a large umbrella "try not to fall" Y/n said as he moved back with Slender, Shadow sighed and stretched his wings out giving a few test flaps before he shot off into the sky, he flew up to the clouds and stopped hovering just above them, he took a breath as the wind blew his hood off and whipped his hair around before he stretched his wings out feeling the wind in his feathers before he tucked his wings and dropped as he pulled his hood back up, he turned onto his front and opened his wings before flying back up and starting to do flips and spins "can you see him?" Slender asked Y/n as they looked at the sky "he flew into the clouds again" Y/n said just as he saw Shadow drop back out of the clouds and start to fly over "you know its going to be harder to keep tabs on him now right?" Elizabeth said as she sipped from a wine glass "yes but there isn't much we can do about it" Slender said just as Shadow landed "how was it? your wings work?" Slender asked as he sat in a tall chair under the umbrella "yeah they work" Shadow said as he shook his wings off a bit then grabbed Y/n's arm and pulled him against his chest "what? wait-" Y/n called as Shadow took off, Y/n held onto Shadows arms that were around his waist so tight he dug his nails into his arm, Shadow stopped and hovered above the clouds "I got you, open your eyes" Shadow said softly in Y/n's ear so he could hear over the wind, Y/n shook his head and held onto Shadow tighter "I got you, don't you trust me?" Shadow said as he put his hand on Y/n's chest holding him against himself more.

Y/n took a deep breath before he opened his eyes and looked around seeing the bright blue sky and the sun bouncing off the clouds "you like?" Shadow asked, Y/n smiled and reached out to touch a cloud as Shadow moved his jumper and kissed over his shoulder "this is going to look beautiful at night" Y/n said making Shadow smile "I'll take you on a flight tonight then" Shadow said as he started gliding over the clouds then slowly descended through them, Shadow landed a few minutes later and put Y/n down but held him up as he nearly fell making Shadow chuckle "you two having fun?" Elizabeth asked as Slender handed Shadow his bottle, Shadow nodded and sat Y/n down "good, why don't we start to head back and get ready to go to the castle" Elizabeth said as she stood up "we'll meet you at home" Shadow said as he picked Y/n up bridal style making him squeak before Shadow took off making Y/n hold onto his hoodie. they landed a bit later outside the cabin "did you have to chase the duck?" Y/n asked as he took the now dead duck from Shadows mouth "do you have to chase a squirrel when you see it?" Shadow asked as they walked in to see Slender and Elizabeth talking at the kitchen table "ah your back" Slender said as he looked over "yeah why you more time alone to flirt" Shadow smirked as he walked past only for Slender to hit him over the head "manners" he sighed making Shadow growl "how long till we have to leave?" Y/n asked as he lent on the table "we don't have anything else planned until about eleven tonight" Elizabeth said as she let her long black hair down "I'm going to Kozmo's" Shadow said as he walked to the door "again?" Y/n asked as Shadow walked to the door "yeah, come get me later" Shadow said as he walked out and took off.

Y/n sighed and rubbed his head "he's falling into drugs isn't he?" Slender asked "he sees it as an escape, something that calms him down" Y/n said before he yawned "I'm going to take a nap, I'll go get him later" Y/n mumbled as he walked to his and Shadows room "Villi will be joining us on this trip, it is one of his favorite places to go" Elizabeth said as she stood up "that will be good, Shadow enjoys his company, I think" Slender said as he stood up "why don't we go for a walk" Slender said as he held his hand out "of course" Elizabeth said with a smile as she took Slender's offered hand and let him lead her out.

Y/n woke up a bit later to Toby tickling his ear with a feather, Y/n groaned and pushed Toby's face away as he sat up "h-he's up" Toby called to Masky who walked to the door "good, Slender wants us to go get Shadow" Masky said as he lifted his mask a bit and lit a fag, Y/n groaned and got up then stretched "w-here did all the f-f-feathers come fr-om?" Toby asked as he picked up a few more from the floor "Shadow has wings now" Y/n mumbled as he rubbed his eyes and walked out the room with Toby following and picking up all the feathers he could find "stop touching them you don't need them" Masky sighed as he watched Toby putting them in his pockets "I do n-need them" Toby huffed "for what? you making a nest or something?" Y/n asked as he grabbed a drink from the fridge "I m-ight be" Toby huffed as he lent on the table, Y/n smiled and rolled his eyes "lets go, I'm not waiting forever" Masky sighed as he walked out the door making Y/n and Toby groan as they followed "so how b-big are his wings? do t-they drag behind h-im?" Toby asked as they got in the car "yes, they're long and thick and really soft" Y/n said as Masky started the car then started driving "how are we going to get him in the car, he's not going to be sober unless he's passed out which is unlikely" Masky said as he drove through the town "he'll have to tuck them in or something" Y/n sighed as they parked to see Shadow on the roof drinking and talking with Kozmo as she tried to touch his wings "Shadow come on" Y/n called as he got out the car, Shadow looked over and nearly fell off the roof "what, its nowhere near ten yet" Shadow whined as he lit a joint and took something that Kozmo handed him "yes well Villi will be there so come on" Y/n huffed, Shadow groaned and picked Kozmo up and jumped off the roof carefully landing on the floor and putting her down "you sure you cant stay for a bit longer? I would love for the cute one to come in, and his friend" Kozmo purred "Kozmo wants you and Toby to stay to fuck" Shadow called making Toby blush as Masky coughed a bit "unfortunately no we cant stay, but Shadow can bring them over next time he comes over, so tomorrow or something" Y/n said as Shadow walked over and wrapped his arms around Y/n's smaller waist "big, f-fluffy" Toby said as he looked up at Shadows wings with his eyes wide and full of excitement "touch me and I'll hit you" Shadow growled as he wrapped his wings around Y/n nearly hiding him from sight as his feathers still dragged along the floor "you get one I'll get the other" Kozmo whispered to Toby making his grin bigger "so why do I need to go back so early hey!-" Shadow called as he was knocked to the floor with Toby and Kozmo laying on his wings and feeling them up "they're so fluffy!" Kozmo said as she sat up "get off before I kill both of you!" Shadow growled lowly before he lifted his wings knocking them both onto the floor, Toby whined and grabbed Shadows wing only for him to spin around and hit Toby in the head with his other wing knocking him out and sending him to the floor with a small cut on his head "that was mean, anyway, bring at least one of them over next time you come over" Kozmo said with a smile as she walked back into her house, Shadow sighed and shook his wings off "you want to fly us home?" Y/n asked as Masky picked Toby up and lay him in the back seats, Shadow quickly wrapped his arms around Y/n and took off leaving Masky to drive back.

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