Chapter 12

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Shadow woke up in the morning with Y/n cuddled to his chest, Shadow gently ran his fingers through Y/n's h/c hair waking him, Y/n groaned and opened his eyes a bit "morning" Shadow mumbled his voice a little deeper, Y/n shivered and sat up "how much did we drink?" he asked as he looked over to see all his alcohol gone and a few bottles of beer on the floor "a lot" Shadow mumbled as he pulled Y/n back over and rested his head on his shoulder "my head hurts" Y/n mumbled "it will do" Shadow said as he sat back up "and you need to eat" Y/n said tilting his head back to look up at Shadow "I'll be fine, but I will need to head back soon" Shadow sighed "do you have to?" Y/n asked as he turned around and sat on his knees "unfortunately" Shadow said "oh, I almost forgot" Y/n said as he got up then walked to his room, Shadow tilted his head as Y/n walked back with a small box and knelt back in-between Shadows legs "you got me something?" Shadow asked with a small head tilt "yeah, it was your birthday" Y/n said with a smile, Shadow opened the small box and pulled out a new playstation controller "you've been sneaking into my room to much" Shadow said with a smile as he looked over it "I would never" Y/n said with a grin, Shadow smiled "sure" he said putting the controller down "you have one more, but you need to take your mask off and close your eyes" Y/n said "why?" Shadow asked "just trust me" Y/n said, Shadow took his mask off and closed his eyes.

Y/n quickly kissed Shadow and moved his hand to the side of Shadows face, Shadow kissed back and pulled Y/n closer making him smile as he pulled back "your not just coming into heat right?" Shadow asked as he opened his eyes "I am coming into heat, but that's not the only reason" Y/n said "what other reason?" Shadow asked tilting his head a bit making Y/n smile "you are so clueless its adorable, I like you and I want you to be mine" Y/n said "but why? I'm not exactly ideal boyfriend material" Shadow said "I don't know, I cant control how I feel, what about you? do you feel the same?" Y/n asked before he was pulled into another kiss catching him off guard but he kissed back "does that answer your question?" Shadow asked as he pulled back, Y/n nodded "but your coming over tomorrow" Y/n said "why's that?" Shadow mumbled as he moved in for another kiss "that's when heat starts" Y/n breathed kissing Shadow again and sitting on his lap as Shadows hands moved up his legs and rested on his hips "so your not just going to sneak into my room again tonight?" Shadow asked in-between kisses "I might" Y/n breathed as Shadow moved to kiss up his neck "but you need to eat" Y/n said as he felt Shadows fangs brush over his neck "uh huh" Shadow hummed as he gently scratched at Y/n's back making him moan softly, Shadow growled softly but pulled away as his phone went off making Y/n whine as he checked the message "I have to go" Shadow sighed as he put his mask back on "why?" Y/n asked as he got up "Jeff and Jack are fighting and Masky stabbed Toby, again and they cant find dad" Shadow mumbled as he got up "ah yes, the creatures need taming" Y/n giggled, Shadow smiled "I'll be back tomorrow" Shadow said before he kissed Y/n and walked out, Y/n smiled and stretched before he walked over to the fire where a deer leg was hanging.

Shadow pulled up at the house a bit later and walked in taking his helmet off "Shadow, where were you? you missed your whole birthday" ben said as he walked over "I had a lot to think about" Shadow shrugged as he walked to the kitchen making Jack and Jeff look over "where have you been?" Jack asked dodging Jeff's knife then hitting him over the head with a pan sending him to the floor groaning "I was out" Shadow said grabbing a few bottles from the fridge and quickly draining two of them "what's wrong with you? your different today" Jack asked as he put the pan down "nothings wrong" Shadow said as he grabbed his large bottle "your calmer, and happier. more talkative and you haven't growled at anyone yet" Jack said blocking the door as Shadow tried to walk out, Jack lifted his mask and sniffed Shadows hoodie "you were with someone? who was it? are you dating?" Jack asked pulling his mask back down, Shadow sighed "yes" he said as he moved Jack out the way and walked to his room "wait did he say yes?" Jeff asked as he got up and rubbed his head "yes he did, who is he dating?" ben asked as Slender and Zalgo walked in looking hungover.

"where have you two been?" ben asked before a raccoon jumped off Slender's back and onto Zalgo's face "its the fucking same one from last night!" Zalgo hissed as he tried to pull it off "hold still" Slender sighed before he pulled it off and threw it back outside "we went to find Shadow, ended up in a bar then in several bars in hell. where's Shadow?" Slender sighed as he rubbed his head "he's in his room ignoring our questions" Jack said "why, what questions?" Zalgo asked as he did the top buttons on his shirt back up "he's dating someone but wont tell us anything" Jeff shrugged as he walked out the kitchen with a snack "what?!" Slender and Zalgo said in unison "yeah, was out with them all night" ben said as he sat on the sofa and un-paused his game "he hasn't shown interest in anyone before" Zalgo said looking up at Slender "not entirely true, he did once. although I thought he wouldn't want to find someone else" Slender said as he walked to the stairs "I'll go talk to him, see what I can find out" Zalgo said as he followed Slender upstairs "yes, I will be going to bed" Slender mumbled as he walked back to his room.

Zalgo knocked on Shadows door and walked in to see him sitting at his desk playing on his playstation "so, I hear your dating someone, care to share the details?" Zalgo asked "vague ones" Shadow mumbled barely paying attention as Zalgo sat on the bed "ok, girl or boy?" Zalgo asked "boy" Shadow mumbled "human?" Zalgo asked "no" Shadow mumbled before he growled and sat up a bit as he died in his game "you going to make me list the various species?" Zalgo sighed "yes, its entertaining" Shadow mumbled as Zalgo groaned in annoyance "just tell me, come on, I'll leave you a q" Zalgo said waving a large bag of weed in-front of Shadow "make it half" Shadow mumbled, Zalgo sighed and pulled another q from his pocket "Lycian" Shadow said taking the bags and putting them on his desk before getting another kill in the game "Lycian, ok. what's his name? and when do we get to meet him?" Zalgo asked "Y/n, and at some point, maybe" Shadow said "well, that is interesting" Zalgo said as Shadow put the controller down and started rolling a joint "you got what you wanted?" Shadow asked as he finished rolling it "yes, are either of you coming into heat soon?" Zalgo asked as he opened the window "he is" Shadow said as he lit the joint and picked up the controller "well, I would suggest being careful then, Lycians are quick to mate once they find the most suitable partner" Zalgo said as he walked to the door "mate?" Shadow asked looking over "yes, has your father not explained any of this to you yet?" Zalgo asked "hasn't been a need to until now" Shadow shrugged, Zalgo sighed "roll me one, I'll explain" he said walking over to the bed again.

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