Chapter 50

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Shadow and Y/n walked back into their cabin around midday to see Slender and Elizabeth sitting at the kitchen table talking over a bottle of wine "boys your back, and I see everything went well" Slender said noticing the ring on Y/n's finger "oh good we can also have an engagement party" Elizabeth said with a smile as she turned to face them "only if I can get drunk" Shadow sighed as Y/n put whiskey down "and this is whiskey I take it?" Slender asked as the puppy ran over and sniffed his ankles "yeah, you got any human blood?" Shadow asked as he walked to the fridge "you going off the animal blood?" Slender asked as he pet the puppy "human blood is better for him" Elizabeth said as she finished her glass of wine "bottom draw, I'll get Jack to get you more human blood tonight" Slender sighed as Shadow pulled out a bottle "I'll order pizza" Y/n said as he started walking to the bedroom "don't forget we're going to get you fitted for your suits tonight, so you need to get ready" Elizabeth called as Shadow followed after Y/n "we know" Shadow said before he closed the door, Y/n sat on the bed and got his phone out as Shadow put whiskey on the bed then lay down putting his wing behind Y/n as he cuddled up to Shadow "pizza will be here in thirty minutes" Y/n said as Shadow put the tv on and put on a movie.

Elizabeth knocked on the bedroom door a few hours later "boys you ready?" she asked only to hear an annoyed growl from the other side "five minutes come on" she sighed before she walked back to the kitchen "come on, she'll get impatient" Y/n said as he kissed Shadows cheek then put his mask on, Shadow sighed and paused his game before turning it off and standing up then followed Y/n out the bedroom as he pulled his hood up "is whiskey going to stay here?" Elizabeth asked as whiskey followed Shadow "we're only going to see uncle Trender right?" Shadow asked as Slender opened a portal "yes, at his studio, I don't know how he'll be around a pet" Slender said before he walked through the portal, Shadow shrugged and walked through with whiskey and Y/n behind him with Elizabeth walking through just before the portal closed, Y/n looked around seeing racks of clothing and mannequins with half finished outfits on them "Trender we're here" Slender called, Elizabeth looked over to a door as she heard some shuffling then the door opened and Trender stepped out wearing a white shirt with the top three buttons undone and he looked tired and a little paler "Trender are you ok?" Slender asked before noticing his brother smelled heavily of whiskey "I'm fine, just having some design issues, but who is this lovely lady" Trender asked looking over to Elizabeth "this is lady Elizabeth drake, she has been teaching Shadow what he needs to take over" Slender said "well it is lovely to meet you my dear" Trender said as he kissed Elizabeth's hand making her smile and blush softly "you must tell me more about your outfit, Victorian era or earlier?" Trender asked "Victorian era, its a little heavy but the fabric and style is beautiful and comfortable" she said just before Slender cleared his throat "yes, this is Shadows mate and soon to be husband Y/n" Slender said gesturing to Y/n "oh how lovely to finally meet you" Trender said looking over to Y/n as he let go of Elizabeth's hand, Y/n waved as Shadow huffed and sat on one of the tables "I see you have some new extremity's I have to work around" Trender said as he rubbed his chin in thought "and you have a puppy" he said with a slight head tilt "yeah, he's like a gradian I think" Shadow shrugged.

Trender nodded "well I can work with this, is it just Shadow and his mate getting a suit or does the lovely lady want a new dress to" Trender asked as he walked over to his desk "I wouldn't mind a new dress for the party next week" Elizabeth said with a smile "I will make a few designs, what kind of party is it?" Trender asked as he looked through his sketch pad "its a formal party to introduce Shadow to the council and their family's before he takes his place as king" Slender said "I can work with that, I'll have to take measurements. you want a normal smart suit design or something a little fancier?" Trender asked "wouldn't mind mine having some gold on it, just a little" Shadow shrugged as he moved one of his wings in-front of him and started picking out some of the loose feathers, Trender picked up one of the feathers and studied it for a second "how often do you shed your feathers?" Trender asked, Shadow shrugged as he moved the other wing over and did the same "a few feathers a day, sometimes more sometimes less" he mumbled "could I use the feathers?" Trender asked as he held the one he was holding up to the light seeing it faintly sparkled gold like it had glitter on it, Shadow plucked one of his healthy feathers that was glowing around the edges and held it out catching Trender's attention "they glow?" he asked "the healthy ones yes, not much but enough" Shadow shrugged as he put his wing back and dropped the feather "I would like you and miss Elizabeth to come over again tomorrow, I need to work on some designs. but for now let me take some measurements and I'll get started on your suits" Trender said as he put the feather down and stood up with some measuring tape "Shadow your first" he said, Shadow huffed and stood up "your wings will be interesting to work around" Trender said as he measured what he needed "yeah well its not like I can take them off" Shadow sighed as he crossed his arms "yes I'll figure something out" Trender said as he wrote down the measurements "Y/n your turn" he said as he put the pad down, Shadow sat back on the table and got his phone out.

After a while Trender had everything he needed "Shadow would you and miss Elizabeth come over around midday tomorrow? and pick up as many of your feathers as you can" Trender said as he looked over the measurements "if Toby hasn't gotten to them first" Shadow huffed as he stood up and opened a portal then walked through with whiskey behind him before it closed, Y/n sighed softly "he's gone to Kozmo's hasn't he?" Slender asked "I think so, but it means I can hang out with my pack" Y/n shrugged as Slender opened a portal "I would like to stay for a while, If I may?" Elizabeth said catching Trender off guard and making him look over "if you wish, but I will not be doing much but working on designs tonight" Trender said "that's fine, I wish to see some more of your outfits" Elizabeth said "well, I assume you will portal her back before morning?" Slender asked "yes" Trender said as he walked to his office and opened the door letting Elizabeth in before he walked in and closed the door "time to go" Y/n sighed before he walked through the portal, Slender stepped through and the portal closed "Trender does not usually let others see his work before its ready" he mumbled "maybe he hasn't seen a woman in a while" Y/n shrugged as he got his phone out "maybe, anyway will you be hanging out with your pack tonight?" Slender asked as he walked to the door "yeah, hopefully Shadow has some alcohol around here somewhere" Y/n said as he looked through some of the cupboards "check the basement, and his bedside table, as well as the floorboards on his side of the bed, just leave some for him I will send your brother over with some" Slender said before he walked out, Y/n walked to the basement to see an old body laying on the floor covered in dried blood.

he sighed and looked through the draws in the desk seeing most of them had small bottles of alcohol in them and a few tubs labelled back up drugs/weed, he opened one of the tubs and grabbed one of the baggies of weed before putting the tub back and grabbing a couple of bottles then walking out, he put them on the counter and leaned on it as he text Shadow 'you left a body in the basement' he text 'I'll clean it up when I get back' came the reply 'when will you be back? I'm going to have a small party with my pack' Y/n text 'early morning some point' Shadow replied before Keegan walked in with a bag and Jason and Emma behind him "so what we celebrating?" he asked "my engagement" Y/n smiled as he held up his left hand showing the ring "he proposed?" Emma said excitedly as she grabbed Y/n's hand and looked over the ring "yeah, he also gave me this mask" Y/n said with a smile "where's the little one?" Jason asked as he looked around "with Shadow, he wont be back till the morning" Y/n said as he picked up a bottle of tequila "yes, drinking excuse!" Keegan cheered as he took the drinks out the bag.

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