Chapter 38

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Y/n woke up a few hours later to hear shouting coming from the kitchen, Y/n groaned and sat up just as the door opened and Toby attempted to run in and hide but Shadow grabbed his hair and pulled him back "Masky!" Shadow shouted as he dragged Toby back to the front door "cant you keep him for longer?" Masky asked as he looked over from smoking his fag "not unless you want him back in pieces!" Shadow growled as he threw Toby at Masky's feet then walked in slamming the door, he walked back to the bedroom where Y/n was checking over some of the bites and scratches that had nearly healed "what's going on?" Y/n asked as he looked over "Toby and Masky came to get the information" Shadow said as he pulled his bottle out of his pocket "when do we have to go to that dinner?" Y/n mumbled as he got up and grabbed his shorts "dad said he'd be over later to get us" Shadow shrugged "didn't he say something about smart clothes or something?" Y/n asked as he got dressed, Shadow shrugged "I hope not" Shadow mumbled as he drank from the bottle "so what are we doing until then?" Y/n asked as he walked over "we have at least a few hours, what do you want to do?" Shadow asked as he put his bottle away and put his hands in his pockets "I could think of a few things, but why don't we do something that you want to do?" Y/n asked as he walked out the room with Shadow following "I cant do what I want" Shadow mumbled as he sat on the table and pulled his rolling box over "why what do you want to do?" Y/n asked as he grabbed an energy drink from the fridge and some leftover deer "I want to go back to my realm for a few days" Shadow mumbled as he rolled "oh, you can do that after I guess, but what do you want to do that we can do?" Y/n asked as he took a bite of his food and leaned against the kitchen counter "we could visit my friend?" Shadow said as he put his box on his belt and stood up "you have friends?" Y/n asked with a slight raised eyebrow "I have many friends, come on" Shadow said as he walked out, Y/n finished his food and walked out with his energy drink "put that in a bottle or something" Shadow said as he pulled his helmet on and sat on his bike, Y/n huffed and walked back inside.

he walked back out a bit later with his energy drink in a bottle and sat on the back of the bike "so who is this friend?" Y/n asked as he put his helmet on "drug friend and nature witch, where do think I get all my weed from" Shadow said as he started the bike then quickly took off "of course" Y/n mumbled as they drove into town, Shadow pulled up a bit later outside of an expensive looking mansion near the rich part of town, he sighed and revved his engine until the gates opened and he drove in and up to the front before parking the bike and getting off, Y/n got off and took his helmet off as Shadow did the same "pickup's not till next week don't tell me you need more" a woman said from the door making Y/n look over to see a young native looking girl with tribal tattoos on her arms and face and she was wearing sunglasses with a blue top and red jumper with black jeans on "I got bored, need to de-stress before tonight" Shadow said walking over and pulling Y/n with "whose this?" she asked with a smile "this is Y/n, my mate, Y/n this is Kozmo" Shadow said, Y/n smiled and waved "come on, we can talk more inside" Kozmo said before she turned and walked in, Shadow pushed Y/n in and walked in after as Y/n looked around "your a Lycian right?" Kozmo asked as she appeared in-front of Y/n holding a tray of drinks and small cups of pills "yes why?" Y/n asked with his head tilted a bit with one of his ears drooping a bit "I have something you'll get along with, take this" she said holding a pill out with a smile as Shadow grabbed one of the drinks off the tray and both pots of pills "hey one of them was mine!" Kozmo whined as she took the last drink off the tray and put it down "you didn't take it fast enough" Shadow shrugged as he tipped the pills into his mouth and downed the drink "what is this?" Y/n asked as he turned the pill in his hand "its one of your specials right?" Shadow asked as he started walking off "yes, this ones safe for Lycians though" Kozmo said as they walked through the house to the bar.

 Y/n followed and looked around to see empty cups and rubbish and broken glass on the floor and one of the rooms was red with beanbags and a bed and another one next to it that was a light blue and the large living room had a DJ station with lights and a smoke machine with lots of strange and intoxicating smells, Y/n walked into the small garden to see Shadow and Kozmo sitting at one of the tables under an umbrella talking and smoking a joint each as two more drinks sat in-front of them, Y/n looked at his pill before he shrugged and swallowed it before walking over and sitting down "oh I forgot your drink, I'll be right back no fucking on my table" Kozmo said as she stood up "you got anymore vodka?" Shadow asked as he took a drag of his joint and pulled some cards out of his pocket "you cant get to drunk, they'll be plenty to drink at the dinner" Y/n said as Kozmo walked off "I'll be fine with one bottle" Shadow mumbled as he looked over, Y/n sighed softly as Shadows pupils were already wide "so is this where you sneak off to on friday's?" Y/n asked as Shadow handed him a joint "yes" Shadow mumbled as he lit his second joint "you should see how he gets when he's here, so what's going on tonight that you need all this for?" Kozmo asked as she put a drink in-front of Y/n and put a large bottle of vodka by Shadow.

"he has a meeting with someone from the drake family" Y/n said as he picked up the drink "oh, why? that doesn't seem like your type of setting, unless your burning it" Kozmo said as she waved her hand over her empty glass and it refilled "yeah well I've been asked to take my place as king over the undead, so I have a meeting tonight and then probably some training before I meet with the clans and they'll decide what challenge I have to do to prove who I am" Shadow mumbled, Kozmo nodded "well, I suppose we have a few hours before your father sends the cute one to come get you" Kozmo said with a smile as she pushed a small baggie over the table towards Shadow "what is?" Shadow asked as he picked up the bag "moon rocks, enough for all of us, if your mate can handle it" Kozmo said sitting back as Shadow got his box out "you gonna be alright taking this?" Shadow asked looking over at Y/n who was drinking his drink "I'm better with natural drugs but I should be fine" Y/n shrugged "you aren't used to this type of setting are you?" Kozmo asked looking over at Y/n "no, I've lived in the woods my whole life, the only drugs I usually take is shrooms and weed, but not as often as you two" Y/n mumbled watching as Shadow handed them each another joint "ah, well, we'll keep an eye on you" Kozmo said as the pill started to take affect on Y/n.

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