Chapter 5

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Shadow woke up in the middle of the night to whispers echoing through the halls, he groaned and looked around a bit before he pulled his mask on and got up, he pulled on a top and some combat trousers then walked out the room the whispers getting louder,  Shadow walked downstairs and out the door following the whispers as one of them started to call out over the others, it was screaming, shouting and crying. Shadow walked through the woods following the sound, after a while he spotted a boy pacing and whispering to himself, Shadow crouched down and watched for a bit trying to catch on to any strain of thought from the boys head but all he heard was screaming, the boy looked over and jumped back as all he could see was Shadows glowing eyes and part of his mask under his hood, Shadow looked away as he heard voices in the distance as the boy carefully moved closer and crouched down tilting his head, Shadow looked back over seeing the boys blue mask and the goo running from it, Shadow sighed and stood up then started walking towards the voices, the boy followed watching closely as Shadow crouched down and watched the two humans walking along the path talking, Shadow pulled the boy down as the humans walked past before they both screamed and held their heads as they fell to the floor, Shadow stood up and walked over smirking as the boy followed.

Shadow pulled the closest one over by his hair and sank his fangs into his neck as the boy stabbed the other in the neck and pulled his top up, Shadow pulled back and dropped the body before looking over and seeing the boy pulling the kidneys from the man, Shadow sighed softly and stood up as the boy did the same and looked over "come on" Shadow said as he started to walk back home, the boy followed but grabbed Shadows arm and stopped him making him growl softly, the boy reached up and tapped Shadows mask before tilting his head, Shadow growled softly and crossed his arms making the boy huff before he reached up and took his own mask off, Shadow looked over him seeing his grey skin and eyeless holes leaking the goo "you were not born like this?" Shadow asked as he lifted the boys head a little, he shook his head and put his mask back on before he ran his clawed fingers up Shadows arm as their skin closely matched in colour "what demon are you?" Shadow asked he carefully backed the boy against a tree, the boy shrugged and watched closely as Shadow sniffed him a bit "you got a name?" Shadow asked as he lightly ran his claw up the boys throat making him shiver "Jack" the boy spoke as his voice shook a little, Shadow smirked and pulled away as Jack let out a breath but held onto Shadows arm, he lifted his mask a bit and pulled Shadow into a kiss, Shadow growled and pulled back as Jack smirked and pulled his mask back down, Shadow put his claw to Jacks throat and pushed the tip in a bit making Jack grab his arm as Shadow leaned in to his ear "do that again and I'll take your tongue" Shadow growled before quickly sinking his fangs into Jacks neck making him gasp and wince as he held onto Shadows top.

Shadow pulled back a few seconds later as Jack lent against the tree holding his throat and trying to keep his balance "your not from here" Jack said as Shadow started to walk again "no" Shadow said just before they reached the doors, Shadow opened the door and let Jack in before he walked in and closed the door "you can stay in my room tonight, I'll talk to dad in the morning" Shadow mumbled as he led Jack upstairs and to his room, Jack looked around and picked up a book looking through it seeing it was in russian "your russian?" Jack asked as Shadow wiped his feet off and lay in bed "yes, you get the window seat" Shadow said closing his eyes, Jack sat on the bed and looked over before taking his mask off "what if I sleep here?" Jack asked taking his shoes off and laying down facing Shadow who sighed and turned over facing away.

Shadow woke up in the morning and opened his eyes a bit to see Jack was still asleep but had turned Shadow over and wrapped his arm around his smaller waist, Shadow sighed and sat up waking Jack as he got up and rubbed his face "why'd you move?" Jack asked sitting up and grabbing his mask "out" Shadow mumbled just as ben walked in "Shadow, who's that?" ben asked as Jack put his mask on "an annoyance" Shadow sighed as he walked over "so he's not your boyfriend?" ben asked with a smirk, Shadow growled and pushed ben out the way "come on" he said as he walked out and downstairs with Jack and ben following, he walked to the kitchen and pushed Jack into a chair "papa, ya nashel etu shtuku vchera vecherom" 'dad, I found this thing last night' Shadow said as he grabbed a bottle from the fridge, Slender looked over "ah, I was wondering what the noise was, you are a low level demon correct?" Slender asked as he put a plate of food in-front of ben and sally, Jack nodded "well, why don't you eat and then we can go talk in my office" Slender said as he sat down "YA sobirayus' v gorod nenadolgo" 'I'm going into town for a bit' Shadow said as he finished the bottle and walked off "make sure you wear your gear" Slender called before he heard Shadows bedroom door slam shut making him sigh "well child, what is your name?" Slender asked looking over at Jack who was looking towards the stairs "Jack" Jack said looking back over, Slender nodded "you'll have to excuse my son, he's not to fond of living things" Slender said as Jack pushed his mask up a bit and pulled a kidney out of his pocket.

Shadow drove through the town and down some of the back streets until he came to a red light where he saw the kid he had seen a few days before, he was wearing his white hoodie and sitting on a wall kicking his legs and looking sad, he looked over at Shadow before he called out "hey, biker dude" he called standing up, Shadow sighed and looked over as the kid motioned for him to come over, Shadow growled and took off as the light turned green and headed down the road towards one of the parks, he parked up and pulled his phone out seeing a message from ben 'your dad wants some stuff from the shop and he wants you to grab some food for Jack' it read, Shadow sighed and text back as the same kid from earlier walked over "hey dude, its rude to take off when someone's trying to talk to you" he said as he stopped a few feet away, Shadow sighed put his phone away before going to start his bike again but the kid hit the kill switch "do you not like people or something?" the kid asked crossing his arms "no, what do you want?" Shadow sighed sitting back "I wanted to thank you for the heads up the other day" the kid said, Shadow nodded "what happened to the other one?" Shadow asked crossing his arms "the cops took my brother to juvey, he told them he did it. my name's Jeff by the way" Jeff said, Shadow nodded "I am sorry about your brother, but I have things to do" Shadow said as he turned the bike around and started it "you not even going to tell me your name? its only fair" Jeff huffed crossing his arms, Shadow shook his head "you will not need it" he said before he pulled out the parking lot and headed for the shops.

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