Chapter 60

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Y/n woke up a few days later, he groaned and opened his eyes a bit to see whiskey laying on him and looking up at him with his tail wagging before he whined and licked Y/n's face making him smile "hey" Y/n mumbled before whiskey stood up and stepped on his chest making Y/n whimper and push his paw off, whiskey barked and walked to the door scratching at it as Y/n sat up a bit, Devin opened the door a few seconds later "your awake, how do you feel?" he asked as he walked over "I hurt, my head really hurts" Y/n mumbled as Devin checked his bandages "it would do, I made an antidote it seems to be working on you" Devin said "where's Shadow?" Y/n asked before they heard coughing "he's infected to, the antidote isn't working on him" Devin said as he walked to the door and looked out to see Shadow sitting on the sofa shaking and smoking a joint "Shadow your supposed to be resting" Devin sighed "I want a fucking joint, I'm fine" Shadow growled before he coughed more violently coughing up some blood "what's happening to him?" Y/n asked as he tried to get up "well it seems to be acting like a cold for him, but with more blood, he's not infectious and he's healing but I'm not sure how long it will take" Devin sighed helping Y/n "how long have I been asleep for?" Y/n asked as Devin helped him out the room "two days, whiskey hasn't left your side either" Devin said as he sat Y/n at the table "Shadow take a nap" Devin sighed as Shadow got up "I'm hungry" Shadow sighed as he rubbed his head "and I'm treating this like a cold, so you need to sit down rest and sleep and heal. I know you have no idea what its like to be Ill but have a little more sense please" Devin sighed as he put Shadows bottle in the microwave "fuckin fine" Shadow growled as he lay back down on the sofa and wrapped himself in his wings, Devin walked over and put the bottle down then walked back over to Y/n who was drinking an energy drink "what do you want to eat?" he asked.

Shadow woke up a few days later still on the sofa with Kozmo in the kitchen talking to Y/n and Devin, Shadow groaned and sat up a bit catching their attention "hey, how you feeling?" Kozmo asked walking over "like I was hit by a bus" Shadow mumbled rubbing his head "yes well you would, drink this" Kozmo said handing Shadow a mug, he sighed and took it drinking some "don't worry its just some blood and some herbs to help with the head fog" she said walking back over to the kitchen "what happened?" Shadow asked as he stretched his wings and groaned softly "you were burning on the inside, we think the vapour purged itself from your system by igniting or your body decided it was the best way for you to heal" Devin said, Shadow nodded and got up as he finished the drink "there's a human waiting for you in the basement" Y/n said as he handed Shadow a joint and his bottle "sweet" he mumbled as he walked over "I should get going, I have people to entertain" Kozmo said as she packed her things away "we'll see you soon, I have a feeling you'll be seeing Shadow soon to" Y/n mumbled "yes, I hope to see you to, the vibe here is off a bit" Kozmo said before she walked out "well, at least he's better" Y/n sighed as he stood up "yeah, I have to go, let me know if anything happens, hopefully he'll be fine though" Devin said as a portal opened "sure" Y/n said as he waved and Devin walked through the portal.

Y/n walked to the sofa and stretched before laying down, whiskey walked over and put his ears up with a cute head tilt making Y/n smile as he pat his leg "come on then" he said, whiskey jumped up and lay on Y/n as he turned the channel on the tv over and waited. Shadow walked upstairs a few hours later shirtless and with some blood on his chest, he walked over to Y/n who was half asleep on the sofa and crouched down "Y/n" he said softly as he tickled his face with a few of his feathers making Y/n groan and open his eyes a bit "baby" Y/n mumbled "I'm going to Kozmo's in a bit, you want to come with?" Shadow asked "sure, but I need to wake up shower and eat first" Y/n mumbled "we can shower first" Shadow said as he ran his fingers down Y/n's chest "you want to wash your wings to?" Y/n asked as he sat up a bit and pet whiskeys head "no, they should be fine" Shadow said as he stood up "but they will need drying" Shadow said as he helped Y/n up "Saturday is three days away, what time is the challenge?" Y/n asked as he leaned on Shadow "nine in the evening, we have a few days to relax" Shadow said as he pulled Y/n to the bedroom "where's Elizabeth?" Y/n asked before Shadow kissed him "with uncle Trender" Shadow said as he kissed Y/n again and pushed him into the bathroom then closed the door.

Y/n lay in the bed panting and shaking slightly as he was naked with Shadow in-between his legs breathing a little heavier "can you handle more?" Shadow asked as he pulled Y/n's hips back and kissed over his chest making Y/n moan and whine softly as he shook his head "to much to quick" Y/n mumbled as he pet Shadows hair "ok, you want some food before we go?" Shadow asked as he sat up and sat next to Y/n who cuddled up to him "sure, can we order a pizza?" Y/n asked "sure" Shadow said as he wrapped his wing around Y/n as he pulled his phone out "so how long we staying at Kozmo's?" Y/n asked as he put his phone down "I was planning on staying until friday night, maybe Saturday morning" Shadow shrugged as he put a movie on "do you really need to stay that long?" Y/n sighed "well I'll only end up going back on friday so I might as well just stay" Shadow shrugged "I'll stay for as long as I can, but I don't think I'm lasting more then a night" Y/n mumbled "that's fine, just send someone or whiskey to pick me up when you want me back" Shadow said "of course, try not to overdose or wake up next to someone else again" Y/n said kissing Shadows chest "you know I don't sleep with them right" Shadow said as he lit a joint "what do you do then?" Y/n asked "usually I feed off them, they're usually as fucked as I am so it usually makes me pass out, and they like what my bite does, they say its the best euphoric high they've had" Shadow said as he took a long drag of his joint "ah, at least your eating" Y/n shrugged before he got up and dressed making Shadow whine "oh shush, the pizza will be here soon" Y/n said with a smile as he sat back down.

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