Chapter 20

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Shadow walked back into the mansion a few days later with Slender "go get some rest" Slender said putting his hand on Shadows shoulder only for him to growl and push Slender's hand off before he walked upstairs and to his room, Slender sighed and walked to the kitchen as Shadows door slammed shut "what happened you guys have been gone for days" ben said as he walked over "Zalgo and I scared Shadows mate and now he doesn't want to talk to Shadow" Slender sighed as he started cleaning "he's been going off?" ben asked "for the last two days, he was only just calm enough to get him here today, and only after we gave him some weed, vodka and a human toy" Slender said "human toy?" ben asked as he started to help Slender clean "yes, it seems he's taken a liking to torture" Slender said before they both heard something heavy hit the floor upstairs "how did you and Zalgo scare his boyfriend?" ben asked "I may have mentioned that Shadow might not love him and is using him, I only meant it as a warning, you know Shadow he's not normal, he cant feel much and having a mate is soul-bonding, I just want to make sure Y/n knows what he's getting into" Slender sighed "did you tell him that?" ben asked "I tried" Slender mumbled as he washed up the last plate "what happened?" ben asked as he dried the plates "he attacked me and we had to sedate him" Slender said as he put the plate on the drying rack.

Shadow walked downstairs a bit later and to the doors "hey Shadow, you want to come on a hunt?" Jack asked as he walked over, Shadow just growled and walked out, he got on his bike and put his helmet on before turning his music on and speeding off into the woods. Shadow drove to the dirt track and drove around it a few times fast as he did a few tricks and flips, he stopped a while later as the fuel light started flashing, Shadow sighed and drove over to the trees before getting off and grabbing the fuel can out of one of the cargo boxes then spotted Y/n walking past in his wolf form with a deer in his mouth "Y/n" Shadow called, Y/n looked over then sighed 'you figured it out yet?' he asked as he adjusted the deer in his jaws "I don't know, cant we just talk about it?" Shadow asked 'once you've figured it out' Y/n said "but that could take ages, please" Shadow said as he took the helmet off 'figure it out first, I don't want to waste any of our time' Y/n said before he walked off, Shadow sighed and crouched down clenching his fists tight enough that his claws dug into his palms.

Shadow walked back into the mansion a few hours later and took his helmet off as he walked to his room "Shadow, will you let me talk yet?" Slender asked as he walked to the bedroom door only for a brick to fly past his head and hit the wall behind him making Slender sigh "are you going to calm down anytime soon?" Slender asked before he dodged another brick "ok" Slender sighed as he walked off, Shadow kicked the door closed and pulled a joint out of his pocket just as Jack walked in "hey, you doing ok?" he asked as Shadow lit the joint, Shadow shrugged "no" he said as he took a drag "well walk me through it, what happened?" Jack asked as he opened the window and sat on the bed "dad and Zalgo scared Y/n and told him I'm probably just using him because of how I am, so he got angry when I couldn't answer and told me to figure it out before I talk to him" Shadow mumbled as he stared at the celling "what words did you use?" Jack asked "I told him the truth, I tolerate him more then the others and he makes me feel calmer" Shadow said as he took another drag, Jack nodded "well, how do you feel when your around him, just you and him?" Jack asked "I feel better, like I'm warm on the inside, my heads clearer and I feel like I can tell him anything" Shadow said as he took another drag and sat up "is it a strong feeling or a mild one?" Jack asked watching as Shadow picked up a bottle of vodka.

"both, sometimes its strong other times it isn't" Shadow said before taking a long drink from the bottle "well, that is technically love, do you want to protect him?" Jack asked getting a nod from Shadow "how strong is that feeling when he's in trouble? have you killed for him?" Jack asked "yeah, I've died for him" Shadow mumbled as he finished his joint and pulled another bottle of vodka from his pocket "will he accept that answer?" Jack asked as Shadow opened the bottle "I don't think so, but I don't want to lie to him, I could tell him I love him but those words don't have meaning for me, but at the same time I think that's what he wants" Shadow said "then I would suggest you think about what those feelings feel like an figure out how to word it then go talk to him" Jack said as he stood up, Shadow sighed and sat against the headboard "get some rest and relax" Jack said as he walked to the door "maybe" Shadow mumbled as he loosely put his knees to his chest and drank more from the bottle as Jack walked out, Shadow sighed and lent his head back as he picked up the book "you got anything for me to do?" he mumbled, the book opened and flipped to one of Shadows drawings of Y/n "not you to" Shadow sighed as he drank some more and crossed his legs watching as the book flipped through a few more pages and stopped at another one of Y/n then quickly flipped through all the other drawings of Y/n "that's not a distraction" Shadow mumbled going to flip back to the front of the book but it slammed shut and dropped onto the bed, Shadow picked it up and tried to open it but it wouldn't open "fine, be a dick" Shadow growled as he threw the book on his desk and continued to drink as he mindlessly watched a video until he passed out.

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