Chapter 7

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Shadow and Toby were sitting in the cabin they had come across their first day in the woods "d-do you think t-they'll find u-us?" Toby asked as he ate a breakfast bar "not unless you do something stupid again" Shadow mumbled drinking from his bottle "w-what do you eat? I-I never see you e-eating" Toby asked looking over, Shadow smirked but didn't look up from his phone "why you ask so many questions?" Shadow asked finishing his bottle and putting it down "b-because I'm curious" Toby said taking the bottle and sniffing it before he cringed a little "you s-some kind of v-vampire?" he asked putting the bottle down "I guess" Shadow shrugged "y-you got fangs?" Toby asked moving closer "yes" Shadow sighed as he put his phone away "c-can I see? p-please" Toby begged giving Shadow his best puppy eyes "no" Shadow said as he got up "w-why not?" Toby pouted standing up and tugging at Shadows sleeve "because they're in my mouth" Shadow sighed as he shook Toby off making him huff before they both looked over at the trees as they heard a cough and some rustling, Shadow quickly turned around as he heard footsteps running up behind him but Masky ran in and tackled him to the floor with a knife to his neck as Hoodie rushed in and tackled Toby to the floor wrapping his hands around his neck.

Shadow growled and looked over to Toby as he heard his heart starting to slow down, Shadow headbutted Masky and kicked him into the wall before Hoodie turned around holding his gun and fired three bullets into Shadows chest, Shadow fell against the wall bleeding as Toby quickly kicked Hoodie off and got up as Hoodie scampered off and back into the woods, Toby held his hatchet up at Masky and stood between him and Shadow, Masky went to attack but stopped and held his head as static invaded his mind "leave or I make it worse" Shadow said his eyes glowing brighter, Masky growled then screamed as it got louder and started to hurt before he quickly ran out and back into the woods, Toby sighed and turned around as Shadow coughed up the bullets and some blood "y-you ok?" Toby asked crouching down "blood now" Shadow mumbled leaning his head on the wall as the bullet holes started to heal, Toby pulled the bag over and looked through "t-there's no more b-bottles" he said dropping the bag "come here" Shadow mumbled sitting up a bit more with a groan of pain, Toby walked over and knelt down next to Shadow watching as he grabbed his arm and pulled his sleeve up before quickly sinking his fangs in, Toby bit his lip softly and looked away as he blushed, Shadow pulled back twenty seconds later and dropped Toby's arm "i-is that enough?" Toby asked as he shook his head then held it as he felt dizzy "no, but it will have to do" Shadow mumbled as he stood up and walked out the cabin "a-are we going h-home now?" Toby asked as he followed with the bag "yeah, I want to sleep in my own bed" Shadow mumbled as they walked "n-not a fan of the f-floor?" Toby asked "I don't mind it but I don't want them attacking again, dad can sort the rest out" Shadow sighed as they reached the bike.

Shadow and Toby walked into the house in the early hours of the morning looking tired, Shadow pulled his helmet off and walked upstairs and to his room, he opened the door and saw Jack asleep on his bed, Shadow sighed and put his helmet on the desk and pulled his coat, trousers and boots off before pulling on some starwars pyjama trousers and getting into bed waking Jack a bit as Shadow pulled his mask off and put it on the table "Shadow?" Jack mumbled "shh" Shadow mumbled pulling Jack to his chest and closing his eyes "your not angry?" Jack asked as he shuffled to get comfortable "I'd be happy to kick you out" Shadow said sitting up a bit "no, no. go to bed" Jack said closing his eyes again, Shadow hummed and lay back down wrapping his arm around Jack again before quickly falling asleep, Jack yawned and fell asleep soon after.

Shadow woke up in the afternoon to find the bed empty, he groaned and sat up just as ben walked in "mornin sunshine" he said with a smile only to get a pillow thrown at him as Shadow put his mask on and stood up "you gonna be mr grumpy pants today" ben teased, Shadow growled and got dressed in his normal black sleeveless hoodie with the hood up and his black combat trousers "you dad wants to talk to you" ben said as Shadow walked out his room and closed the door, Shadow just grunted as he walked downstairs to see Toby also only just coming out of his room still in his pyjamas "boys your awake" Slender said as he put a plate on the table for Toby and handed Shadow a warmed up bottle "how did it go?" Slender asked, Shadow held his finger up as he drank from the bottle, Slender sighed and looked at Toby who was stuffing his face with food "they found us" Shadow said as he finished the bottle and grabbed another one "did they hurt either of you?" Slender asked "t-they shot S-Shadow" Toby said as he finished his food "are you ok? did it kill you?" Slender asked "I'm fine, just hungry" Shadow shrugged "yes, well take some time to rest, I have something for you to do tonight" Slender said making Shadow growl "I just need you to collect a child, its been killing near the woods and seems to have a natural talent for it" Slender sighed "fine, but if it pisses me off I'm killing it" Shadow said as he walked off "so w-when are y-you bringing those t-two other guys b-back?" Toby asked as Slender took his plate "in a few days, hopefully they'll be calmer. now why don't you go help Jack and ben with Sally" Slender said as he washed up the plate, Toby smiled and walked back upstairs and to sally's room where he saw Jack sitting at a small table in a skirt and a belly top over his clothes as ben was in a green dress "uhh, w-why are you in t-that?" Toby asked making them look over "Toby, Toby. you can be a fairy" Sally said running over and pulling Toby in.

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