Chapter 46

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Shadow woke up in the morning on the roof, he groaned and sat up rubbing his face "hey Shad wake up" Kozmo called, Shadow turned around then slipped and fell off the roof landing by Kozmo's feet with a groan "good thing you cant feel that" Kozmo sighed as she helped Shadow up "what time is it?" Shadow mumbled as he stretched his wings and lent on Kozmo as she helped him inside "about midday, you and your friend got really drunk" she sighed as they walked past Villi who was passed out with a man and a woman on top of him "oi wolf bait wake up" Shadow said kicking Villi waking him up "what, Shad" Villi groaned as he sat up waking the two on him "get up" Shadow mumbled as he walked into the garden with Kozmo "do you remember anything from last night?" Kozmo asked as she handed Shadow a joint "a little" Shadow mumbled as he lit the joint "you remember getting angry at your friend for kissing you?" Kozmo asked as she lit her own joint "yeah, he was drunk" Shadow said as he rubbed his head and pulled his hood up "it didn't sound like it, you two had a whole argument about how he thinks you need a vampire mate and how he's been wanting to sleep with you since you guys were teenagers" Kozmo said as she took a drag on her joint "drop it, he doesn't remember and its better that he doesn't, he was drunk and wasn't thinking right, and don't tell Y/n, he'll kill Villi" Shadow mumbled just as the door opened and Y/n walked in with Masky behind him "oh, I wanted the other one to come" Kozmo pouted "why, he's a virgin, would probably spaff as soon as you took your shirt off" Shadow sighed as Y/n walked over "thought you'd need a hangover cure" he said as he put Shadows bottle in-front of him and kissed his head.

Shadow took the bottle and took a long drink from it before putting it back down and taking a drag of his joint "you have fun?" Y/n asked as he sat down "from what I remember yes" Shadow mumbled wrapping his wing around Y/n protectively "where'd he wake up and who with this time?" Y/n asked looking over at Kozmo as he pet Shadows wing "on the roof, alone" Kozmo said "the roof? how did you end up there?" Y/n asked looking over at Shadow who shrugged "no idea" he said as he finished his joint "so how are you going to get your vamp friend home in the middle of the day?" Kozmo asked drinking from her glass "I'll portal him out" Shadow said as he stood up "ok, I expect I'll see you on friday?" Kozmo asked as Masky walked over "when's friday?" Shadow asked with a head tilt "two days" Kozmo said with a smile "yeah, I'll be back" Shadow mumbled as he pulled Y/n to his chest and opened his wings before taking off "so, you staying for a while handsome?" Kozmo asked as she pulled Masky over "sure, I'll stay for a bit" Masky smirked as he pushed his mask up.

Shadow landed a bit later outside the cabin and let go of Y/n "you need a non drug induced nap" Y/n said as they walked in, Shadow groaned and walked into the bedroom slamming the door shut "what's wrong with him?" Elizabeth asked "he hasn't tortured anyone in a few days, it could be that" Y/n sighed, Elizabeth nodded "the party is coming up, in a couple of weeks and you two need to get fitted for your suits, especially Shadow, his wings will be difficult to work around" Elizabeth said "yeah, that will have to wait until tomorrow" Y/n sighed as he walked to the bedroom, he walked in to see Shadow already asleep on his side wrapped in his wings, Y/n smiled and pulled his jumper off before crawling into bed and shaking Shadow who growled and lifted his wing letting Y/n crawl in, Y/n lay on his side as Shadow pulled him to his chest and wrapped his wing around him and groaned softly as he quickly fell asleep, Y/n smiled and fell asleep soon after.

Y/n woke up a bit later to Shadow still asleep cuddled to him, Y/n smiled and turned over in Shadows arms so he was facing him "Shadow" Y/n mumbled as he ran his hands over Shadows chest making him groan and turn onto his back, Y/n sat on his lap and put his hands on his chest "Shadow~" Y/n moaned waking him up, he groaned and opened his eyes a bit "Y/n" he mumbled still half asleep, Y/n smiled and took Shadows mask off and put it on the table before he kissed Shadow making his wings shudder, Y/n smiled as he pulled back and sat up with his ears up and his tail wagging "I thought you wanted to wait" Shadow mumbled as he ran his hands up Y/n's thighs "they're out for a few hours" Y/n said bouncing a little making Shadow groan "I can still wake up first though right?" Shadow mumbled as he propped himself up on his elbows watching as Y/n frowned a bit then quickly smiled as he moved down a bit and unzipped Shadows trousers, Shadow sighed softly and lay back down watching as Y/n pulled his trousers and boxers down then slowly pumped him making him groan softly as he ran his fingers through Y/n's h/c hair, Y/n smiled and gave a long teasing lick making Shadow groan and tighten his grip before Y/n quickly engulphed his tip making Shadow groan and thrust his hips up as he held Y/n's hair making him moan softly as he started to suck and bob his head.

Shadow groaned and pushed Y/n's head down more making him roll his eyes before he pulled off and sat up making Shadow growl softly "shush" Y/n sighed as he pulled his jumper off and watched as Shadow did the same "how long will they be gone for?" Shadow asked as he pulled his trousers and boxers off completely "three hours" Y/n breathed as he quickly pulled Shadow into a kiss knocking him back "are you in heat?" Shadow breathed as he put Y/n on his back with his arms above his head "it started yesterday" Y/n said as he wrapped his legs around Shadows waist "so when you disappeared off?" Shadow said with a smirk making Y/n blush "yeah" Y/n mumbled as Shadow used his other hand to grab the lube from the draw "what you thinking?" Y/n asked as he watched Shadow rub the lube onto himself, Shadow smirked and opened the top draw on his side then pulled out the leather strap "anything you want?" Shadow asked as he tied Y/n's wrists to the headboard "blindfold" Y/n said watching Shadow pull the red blindfold out and tied it around Y/n's head then ran his hand down Y/n's body before he pushed the tip in then pulled Y/n's hips back pushing all the way in making Y/n gasp and moan as he arched his back, Shadow groaned and leaned over him a bit "your not stretched out" Shadow breathed as he kissed over Y/n's neck "we haven't fucked since Elizabeth got here" Y/n breathed as he pushed his hips back and moaned, Shadow groaned and grabbed Y/n's throat as he started to thrust hard making Y/n moan loud and tighten his legs around Shadows waist before he felt Shadows hand move from his neck to his hair and pulled his head back as he sank his teeth into Y/n's throat making him let out a small gasp and arch his back as Shadows hand moved from his hair and to his back scratching at it making Y/n shake, Shadow sat up and pushed Y/n's legs open then slammed into him as he started stroking Y/n making his moans louder and closer together "Shadow~" Y/n moaned as he twitched and tightened around Shadow making him groan and drag his claws down Y/n's thigh making him gasp and shake as he came "Shadow~" Y/n moaned as he turned his head to the side and felt Shadow twitch "close" Shadow groaned in Y/n's ear as he panted softly making Y/n whimper then arch his back and moan as Shadow bit his shoulder as he came, Y/n shook softly as Shadow sat up and looked over him "don't give me that look" Y/n breathed as he tried to catch his breath "how do you know what I'm doing?" Shadow smirked as he pulled Y/n's hips back "you always give me that hungry lustful look, it means you want more" Y/n said as Shadow undone the strap and turned them over "why wouldn't I want more?" Shadow said as he pushed back into Y/n "my arse is gonna hurt later" Y/n moaned as he started bouncing.

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