chapter 13

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Shadow looked over the three names in the book, he lightly ran his claws over one of the names "fine, show me what to do" he said softly, the book slammed shut and flew around Shadow a few times before it grabbed one of Shadows hoodies and a top, it quickly sucked the clothes into its pages and flew over hitting him in the back, Shadow sighed and stood up then watched as the book flew around him a few times at high speed, when it stopped Shadow now had on a black pair of boots with black trousers and a matching hoodie like top with a long thick cape with golden patterns and a new scythe on a clip on his back, Shadow looked over the outfit in the mirror "this is what I have to wear?" Shadow asked, the book looked over him then tilted itself a little "I can make adjustments right?" Shadow asked, the book righted itself then opened its pages to a blank one and formed a pencil on the page before it put itself in Shadows hand, Shadow picked up the pencil and started drawing "there" he said putting the pencil down, the book flew around him and stopped, Shadow looked over his new outfit it was a normal black hoodie with the hood turning into a mid sized thin cape that had a red gemstone on the centre of the hoodie over his collar and matching combat trousers with boots "I didn't ask for the cape" Shadow sighed, the book flew around him again and the cape disappeared but was replaced with a slightly larger hood and baggier hoodie with a few weapon clips and a belt with lots of loops and a few small pouches on it and two small knife holders on the outside of his boots.

"that's better" Shadow said as he picked up the scythe and looked over it to see it was similar to his first but was slimmer with a red blade and black body with a large leather hilt and glowing gold symbols up the body "what do these mean?" Shadow asked as he ran his finger along one of the Symbols as they started to glow brighter then sent off a small shockwave that shook the ground and filled Shadows mind with knowledge as the symbols started to crawl up Shadows hand and under his clothes, Shadow pulled his hoodie out a little and watched as all the symbols started spinning and changing over his heart, it shifted into a small glowing set of sharp teeth before it climbed up to Shadows face then spun around on his forehead before it faded, Shadow tilted his head a bit before he groaned and fell to his knees in pain as his eyes glowed brighter, it stopped a minute later and Shadow sat back on his knees "now I'm hungry" he breathed as he stood up, he pulled his mask off and looked in the mirror to see his eyes were glowing brighter, he looked at the mask to see it now had small glowing gold symbols around the edges "that bit isn't over yet is it?" Shadow sighed as he put the mask back on, the book flew over as a portal opened by them "ok, lets go before I loose the whole evening" Shadow mumbled, the book clipped to his belt and Shadow walked through the portal closing it behind him.

Shadow tiredly walked back into his room a few hours later to see Y/n looking over a few of his drawings and games "I thought you didn't sneak into my room" Shadow said as he pulled his hood off and took his scythe off his back "I got bored" Y/n shrugged looking over "and you got an upgrade" Y/n said, Shadow smiled and put the scythe against the wall "yeah, the book decided I needed an outfit" Shadow shrugged as he pulled the hoodie off to show he was wearing a tight black top "ah, death duties have started?" Y/n asked as he sat cross-legged on the bed "yeah, I've been trying to figure out everything, good news though. I now have pocket dimensions in my pockets" Shadow said as he pulled a joint out of his pocket and sat in his gaming chair "well, how was dealing with your first souls?" Y/n asked watching Shadow light the joint "went well enough" Shadow shrugged as he took a long drag and lent back "fair enough, you want to come hunt?" Y/n asked tilting his head a bit "no, I'm to tired for that" Shadow mumbled as he pulled his large bottle out of his pocket and put it on the desk "you want to relax and play games?" Y/n asked with a smile, Shadow picked up his controllers and turned everything on before he moved the chair and walked over to the bed "yeah, we could play some call of duty or watch something" he said as he handed Y/n the spare controller and sat next to him "sure, just no cheating" Y/n said as Shadow took a mouthful from his bottle and set the game up "I don't cheat" Shadow said with a small smirk "you do, with your weird electricity shit" Y/n huffed as Shadow started a game.

"so you going to do your usual and leave before I wake up?" Shadow asked as Y/n put a movie on as he lay in bed "maybe, I don't fancy being swarmed by strange creatures" Y/n said as he got under the covers and cuddled up to Shadow "so you'll be gone in the morning" Shadow sighed as he got comfortable "maybe" Y/n yawned as he closed his eyes and felt Shadows arms wrap around him "if I do I'll be back at my cave" Y/n mumbled, Shadow hummed and closed his eyes as Y/n fell asleep.

Y/n woke up in the morning to see Shadow still asleep, he smiled and ran his fingers over Shadows chest and over some of the new nearly healed scratches on his chest, Y/n bit his lip then let out a soft moan as the tips of his ears and chest started to burn a little, Y/n panted softly as he felt his body start to heat up, he lightly ran his fingers over Shadows abs and down to his waistline with his eyes dilatated, Shadow groaned and woke up a bit "Y/n" Shadow mumbled as he opened his eyes a little his voice making Y/n shiver "I have to go, I'll see you later" Y/n said as he quickly got up, Shadow sat up a bit still half asleep with his hair messy as Y/n walked to the window "wait why?" Shadow asked as he looked over, Y/n looked back and quickly opened the curtains making Shadow groan and turn over hiding his face from the sunlight, Y/n opened the window "you'll see later" he said as he climbed out and closed the curtains before he jumped off the side of the house and shifted into his wolf form before running off into the woods, Shadow sighed and sat up rubbing his face as he picked up his bottle and drank some, he got up a while later and got dressed before noticing big gold stitches up the arms of the hoodie "is more shit going to keep appearing?" Shadow mumbled as the book floated over and attached to his belt, Shadow sighed and put his mask on then clipped the scythe to his back and walked out his room.

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