Chapter 43

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Y/n woke up early in the morning to Shadow whining and the mark on his head glowing, Y/n rubbed his eyes as Shadow turned onto his front showing that something was moving under his back, Y/n tilted his head and ran his hand over Shadows back but jumped and pulled his hand back as he felt something move under the skin "Shadow" Y/n said shaking Shadow but the skin on his back started glowing and moving making Shadow hyperventilate, Y/n jumped off the bed and peaked over with his ears down just as Shadows back burst open spraying some of his blood on the walls and celling making Y/n jump again and move back as large bones started to rise from his back and come to a rest on the bed dripping blood onto the sheets, Y/n stood up and carefully knelt in the bed being careful not to touch the bones "Shadow" he said as he brushed Shadows white hair out of his face before seeing Shadows blood leaking out of his mouth, Y/n sighed softly and looked over the bones seeing they resembled the bone structure of large angel like wings that were starting to grow muscles and skin, Y/n sighed and grabbed his phone calling Slender.

an hour later Slender and Elizabeth were checking over Shadow as the wings had started to grow thick fluffy black feathers "how did this happen?" Elizabeth asked as she watched the last of the bone be quickly covered by muscle and tissue then skin and feathers "I don't know, I woke up and he was glowing with strange symbols then the wings just burst out of his back" Y/n said as he ran his hands over some of the feathers feeling the wing twitch and shiver "so that's why there's blood on the celling" Slender mumbled as he looked around the room "we have some depictions of our gods in some old books and prophecy's, he's starting to look similar to one of them" Elizabeth said looking deep in thought "what depictions?" Slender asked as he sat in the chair by the bed, Elizabeth quickly walked to her room then back in with a book before she opened it to a page then handed it to Slender, Y/n peaked over and saw a drawing of a tall dark shadow with large black wings and glowing yellow eyes and a scythe in its hand with what looked to be a large halo of blood behind it with some strange black smoke leaking out of it with Latin written around the picture "what does it say?" Y/n asked as he pet Shadows hair watching the last of his feathers grow through "it says 'this is the one true god. the god of chaos and death, it will have the power to destroy every living thing with a few words. its final form is still unknown it will save us all and all the water will turn to blood - sister Kathrine" Elizabeth said as she tapped her chin in thought, "this sister Kathrine wrote this? and proceeded to take her own life?" Slender asked as he saw the blood on the page and the next few pages left were empty with blood staining them "yes, not all of our seers can handle what they see, she describes seeing a war and the end of all the races, and standing in the centre of it all is this winged demon with the blood halo burning a hole into the universe and leaking black smoke and strange creatures" Elizabeth said with a small sigh "don't tell him about this, at least not yet. for now lets wait for him to wake up and see where to go from there" Slender said as he handed the book back to Elizabeth.

Shadow woke up a few hours later, he groaned and opened his eyes a bit to see his wings spread over the bed at their full lengths, Shadow sat up and rubbed his eyes before he put his mask on and grabbed his rolling box then started rolling a joint as he listened to the others talk in the kitchen "is he awake yet?" Elizabeth asked "yes, he'll be out in a minute" Slender replied just before Shadow walked out the room shirtless and still in his pyjama trousers "morning" Elizabeth said with a smile but only got a grunt as Shadow walked past and outside "not one for mornings I take it" she asked looking over at Slender as he handed Y/n Shadows bottle and pills "no he isn't" Y/n said as he took them and walked outside, he sat next to Shadow and handed him the bottle and pills "why is dad here?" Shadow mumbled still half asleep "I called him, I didn't know what to do when your wings decided to explode out of you" Y/n said as Shadow took his pills and drank from his bottle before grunting in acknowledgement, Y/n smiled and leaned on Shadows shoulder as he smoked "Elizabeth is taking us to one of the vampires sacred sites tonight, and is probably going to give us a lecture" Y/n said as Shadow finished his joint and put it out on his arm "I'd rather go see Kozmo" Shadow huffed as he pulled Y/n onto his lap and wrapped his wings around him "yes but you have training to do, and you should practice using your new wings" Y/n said as he cuddled up to Shadows chest "I can do that later" Shadow said softly as he pulled Y/n's head to the side with his hair and kissed over his neck making Y/n let out a breathy moan as he ran his hands over Shadows chest "not until your dad and Elizabeth are gone" Y/n said as he felt Shadows other hand move to his hips "but she's staying for another two months and my wings cover you" Shadow sighed as he dug his claws into Y/n's back a little and dragged them across leaving large but shallow scratches making Y/n arch his back and moan "no but they can hear, you can wait till tonight" Y/n breathed as Shadow bit at his shoulder making him whimper softly to keep the moans in "if you wait until tonight you can do whatever you want to me" Y/n said then felt Shadow stop and smirk against his neck "whatever I want?" he asked not moving his lips from Y/n's neck making him shiver "yes" Y/n said as he rested his head on Shadows shoulder "ok" Shadow said as he unwrapped his wings and stretched them "lets go in, we'll find somewhere for you to practice" Y/n said as he stood up "sure" Shadow sighed as he stood up and loosely tucked his wings to his back with the tips dragging along the floor as he followed Y/n inside.

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