Chapter 49

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Shadow closed the gates behind Y/n and took his hand again as he led him up the few steps and opened the large wooden doors, Y/n walked in and looked around as whiskey ran in behind him "this is your home here?" Y/n asked as he looked around and wondered into the living room to see the fire going and the portrait of Shadows mother above it with a few books and bottles of whiskey on a small table next to a chair in the corner of the room "you come here a lot I take it?" Y/n asked as he looked over to the painting "yes, its nice here, calming" Shadow said as he wrapped his arms around Y/n "and that's your mother?" Y/n said as he tilted his head as Shadow kissed over his neck "yes, come on" Shadow said as he moved away and pulled Y/n to the stairs "why did we stop off here?" Y/n asked as Shadow led him up the stairs "I need to get something" Shadow said as he walked to the end of the corridor and opened the door to a bedroom, Y/n looked around seeing a few bottles of vodka and papers and documents scattered around the room with lots of crystals and small trinkets and shiny objects on shelfs "this is your room?" Y/n asked as Shadow picked up something small from the draw on the left side of the bed "yeah, I've been going over my mothers files and things, but there's a lot to go through" Shadow shrugged as he grabbed a small ish box then walked back over "what's this?" Y/n asked as he crouched by a small shrine that had some incense burning "a shrine, for my mother, come on" Shadow said as he walked out the room, Y/n followed as Shadow walked downstairs "whisky stay" Shadow said as he put whiskey on the chair by the fire with his bone, he tilted his head and dropped his bone "we won't be long" Shadow said as he put down a bowl of water before he pet his head then grabbed Y/n's hand and led him back out the castle "where we going now?" Y/n asked as Shadow closed the door "the roof" Shadow said as he picked Y/n up bridal style before he took off.

he landed on the tallest tower and put Y/n down, he smiled and looked around as he saw a blanket with some candles on the small walls with some old moss and vines hanging from the roof of the tower "what is this?" Y/n asked as he looked out seeing the land stretched as far as he could see, there were lots of cliffs and hills some grassy and some rocky with a few of the mountains floating high above the ground with fog blanketing the tops of the trees and floating over the land "do you like it?" Shadow asked as he gently pulled Y/n to his chest as he looked out "its beautiful, but why are we up here?" Y/n asked as Shadow wrapped his arms around him "I got you a few things, and I wanted to show you the sunset" Shadow said as he turned them a little to view the horizon, Y/n smiled as Shadow sat down then put Y/n on his lap and wrapped his arms around his waist as they watched the sun go down, the sky darkened little by little as the two moons glowed brighter showering the land in a light pink and blue hue as the mist started to clear "I wanted to give you this" Shadow said as he held the box out for Y/n "why? what are you planning?" Y/n asked as he took the box "I missed your birthday, and I wanted to make up for it" Shadow said as he pulled Y/n's jumper down enough to kiss over his shoulder, Y/n smiled and opened the box and pulled out a skull mask similar to Shadows but with Y/n's mark on the forehead glowing the same colour as his eyes and had a more wolf like look with a snout and upper jaw.

Y/n ran his fingers over it with a smile "I have something else for you to" Shadow said as he reached into his pocket "you didn't have to do all this for me" Y/n said as he got up and turned to sit facing Shadow "I wanted to" Shadow said as he held up a ring, Y/n tilted his head and looked over it seeing it was a black shiny ring with a small golden diamond in the middle "what?..." Y/n whispered as he tilted his head "I want you to be mine, properly" Shadow said, Y/n looked up at him "I thought I already was? isn't my soul marked so you can find me?" Y/n asked "yes, but I want to make it official, plus you'll hold more standing with the council or any council if we're married" Shadow said softly, Y/n smiled "you want to marry me" he said with a grin making Shadow smile "yes, I've been thinking about it for a while" Shadow said as he wrapped his wings around Y/n "yes" Y/n said making Shadow smile as he put the ring on Y/n's finger before Y/n kissed him and wrapped his arms around Shadows shoulders and tangled his fingers into the back of his hair, Shadow pulled back "you know this means we have to plan a wedding right" Y/n said as Shadow took his mask off and put it on the ledge "I know, it shouldn't be to bad right?" Shadow asked as he kissed over Y/n's neck "I don't know, I've never had to plan a wedding" Y/n breathed as Shadow put him on his back on the blanket "we can deal with that later" Shadow mumbled as he kissed Y/n again.

Y/n woke up as the sun started to rise, he groaned and looked around seeing they were still in the tower and naked, Y/n groaned and sat up a bit before turning to Shadow seeing him still asleep, the world distorted 'no, you aren't ready yet, you need to remember' a soft voice called before Shadow took a sharp breath and opened his eyes to see Y/n sitting up with his eyes closed, Shadow groaned softly making Y/n look over with a smile "morning" he said as he lay down and ran his fingers through Shadows hair making him let out a breath "you ok?" Y/n asked softly "I think so, you ever get the feeling that the world around you is a dream? or a memory just playing over and over again until you understand?" Shadow asked as he stroked Y/n's hip "sometimes, but only on perfect moments like this" Y/n said making Shadow smile "we should get home" Shadow said as he sat up a bit "do we have to? I want to see more of your realm" Y/n said as they stood up "we can come back, but we should eat and rest before we have to go get fitted for our suits tonight" Shadow said as they got dressed "ok, can we get some pizza?" Y/n asked as he put his new mask on "of course, I'll get the pizza boy" Shadow said with a smirk as he put his mask on, Y/n tightened the strap a bit before Shadow picked him up and hopped onto the ledge before falling out the tower and opening his wings gliding down to the front doors "did you tell anyone you were planning to propose to me?" Y/n asked as Shadow put him down "dad knows, I think Elizabeth knows to" Shadow shrugged as they walked in, whiskey ran over and barked as he ran around them with his tail wagging, Y/n smiled and picked him up cuddling him and petting him as he sniffed his mask then licked his face, Shadow smiled and pulled a joint out of his pocket then lit it making Y/n look over "what?" he asked as he noticed Shadow watching him "your just adorable" Shadow said as he wrapped his arms around Y/n trapping whiskey between them "this is nice, like a perfect family" Y/n said with a smile as he looked up at Shadow who smiled "our perfect family" he said before he kissed Y/n making him smile "lets go home" Y/n said as Shadow pulled back.

'you need to remember, remember what happened to Y/n, your family. stay here, just a little longer son'

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