Chapter 11

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Shadow walked out the portal and over to his bike as Slender and Zalgo walked out, Shadow put his helmet on and got on his bike as the book floated over "Shadow" Slender said just as he took off past them and into the woods "this is a lot for him to wrap his head around, give him time" Zalgo said as he walked into the mansion, Slender sighed and followed after. Shadow drove to the dirt track and started going around the track, he went round a few times as Y/n walked out the bushes in his wolf form and sat down by a tree watching as Shadow went round a few more times before noticing him, Shadow slowed down as he came around again and drove over before stopping and taking his helmet off, Y/n sniffed his face and tilted his head 'what's wrong with you?' Y/n asked as Shadow turned the bike off "family stuff" Shadow sighed as he crossed his arms over the handle bars 'does it have something to do with the weird floating book?' Y/n asked as he saw the book floating over, Shadow looked over and groaned as he put his head in his arms, the book hit him on the head and a small chain grew from the book with a small lock on it then it attached itself to Shadows belt loop on his hip 'where'd you find it?' Y/n asked as he sniffed the book "it was my mothers" Shadow mumbled as he sat back up 'what happened?' Y/n asked as he nudged Shadows arm with his snout "I don't wanna talk about it" Shadow said as he put his helmet back on 'I want to show you something' Y/n said as he stood up 'follow me, and try to keep up' Y/n said as he took off running, Shadow pulled the throttle back and sped after, he wobbled a bit as he went over a large rock 'you ok back there?' Y/n said as he glanced back "fine" Shadow said as he narrowly missed a tree 'stopping in five seconds' Y/n said as he slowed a bit, Shadow pulled the breaks and skidded to a stop with Y/n 'that was fun, next time use your feet' Y/n said nudging Shadow, he smiled and pulled his helmet off then looked over at a small lake with a cave in the cliff just behind a small waterfall.

"what is this place?" Shadow asked as he got off his bike and put his helmet on the bars 'my home' Y/n said as he walked over with Shadow behind "must be nice, everything around you is living" Shadow mumbled as he sat down by the lake 'it is not for you?' Y/n asked as he lay down and drank a little from the lake "for now" Shadow sighed as he ran his claws lightly over the cover of the book 'you are not normal for your kind, what are you?' Y/n asked looking over as a little water dripped from his mouth "I, don't know anymore. everyone tells me I'm some kind of all powerful god who now has the realm of the dead to rule for all eternity" Shadow mumbled as he drew some patterns on the surface of the water 'sounds lonely' Y/n said as he watched the water Shadow touched start to glow and float in small droplets "yeah, it feels like my life isn't my own, like I have no say in what's supposed to happen. I didn't even get any instructions, I just got a sassy book that likes to hit me" Shadow sighed as he sat back a bit and watched as the droplets formed the outline of his mother 'you are a god, you can break the rules as often as you want, come on' Y/n said as he stood up and started walking to the cave, Shadow got up and followed "why did you bring me here?" Shadow asked as he looked around seeing a few shelves with some cups and bowls made from bone and wood with a small stream of clear water running down the wall and a small fire in the middle of the room and at the back was a small walkway leading to a smaller room with a large flat rock at the back that had a few bones and blood scattered around and a bear skin blanket on the rock.

'wait here' Y/n said as he walked into the separate room, he came back out a few minutes later in his human form and holding a large bottle of vodka, Shadow looked over and felt his ears heat up a little as he saw Y/n was slim but toned and only wearing a short pair of shorts, he smiled showing off his sharp teeth and grabbed two cups as he walked over to the fire "you good there?" Y/n asked as he lit the fire "yeah" Shadow mumbled as he looked away, Y/n walked over and pulled Shadow over then sat down, Shadow sat down and Y/n handed him a cup as he filled his up then handed the bottle to Shadow "you did not grow up here?" Y/n asked as he took a drink and looked over at Shadow the light from the fire dancing in his e/c eyes "no, I grew up in russia, moved here last year" Shadow said as he quickly downed the glass of vodka and poured himself another one "ah yes, are you just collecting all those strange things?" y/n asked as Shadow downed the next glass "gods I hope not" Shadow mumbled as he downed another glass "you keep drinking like that and I'll be out of drink in less then an hour" Y/n said, Shadow smiled and lent his back against the wall "I don't just drink vodka" he said downing another glass "well I have some whiskey and I think some tequila" Y/n said as he got up "sweet" Shadow said as Y/n walked to his room and grabbed the bottles then walked back to see Shadow drinking from the bottle and mindlessly drawing in the book "what you drawing?" Y/n asked as he sat down, Shadow shrugged as Y/n looked over to see it was a drawing of a girl "who is she?" he asked "she was a friend, she was a Lycian like you" Shadow mumbled as he added some details to her hair "was?" Y/n asked as Shadow took another mouthful from the bottle "she died a long time ago" Shadow mumbled as he closed the book and let it clip back onto his hip as Y/n took another mouthful of his drink, Shadow took his phone out and put on a video of one of his favorite youtubers "but this should be a happy drink" Shadow said as he sat back, Y/n leaned on Shadows shoulder and watched the video as they talked about it and laughed. 

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