Chapter 21

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Y/n paced in his cave chewing on his lip and not paying attention to the deer leg on the fire, it had been two months since he last saw Shadow, and two weeks since he had been to the mansion to try and talk to him "you look stressed" Jack said from the wall as he lent on it looking at his nails "how is he?" Y/n asked as he kept pacing "he hasn't come out his room in two months, he wont eat or take his meds and has daily freak-outs" Jack said looking over, Y/n sighed "he's been like that for two months?" Y/n mumbled as he stopped pacing "yes, so would you please go talk to him" Jack sighed as he pulled himself from the wall "how am I supposed to help, I'm probably the last person he wants to see" Y/n said turning to the fire "you could get him to calm down and eat at the least" Jack sighed adjusting his hood "fine, I'll try" Y/n said as he stood up and walked over then followed Jack to the mansion.

they walked in a bit later to hear shouting and screaming "is that him?" Y/n asked "yeah, he's freaking out, wait here" Jack sighed as he walked to the infirmary and picked up a syringe then walked back "what's that for?" Y/n asked as he followed Jack upstairs "sedative, its the only way to calm him down" Jack said as he walked to Shadows door where Slender was pacing "boys your here" he said as he stopped pacing "he's locked the door again?" Jack asked "yes" Slender sighed as he rubbed his head "does he still leave the window open?" Y/n asked "he might" Slender said crossing his arms again "I'll go open the door" Y/n sighed "take this just encase" Jack said holding out the syringe, Y/n took it and walked out, he walked around the house and started climbing to Shadows window, he pushed it open and crawled in before closing the blinds and looking around, the room had bloodstains on the walls and sheets and everything was thrown around as Shadow sat shirtless and curled up in the corner shaking and mumbling as he clawed at his shoulders.

Y/n walked over and crouched down "Shadow" he said softly as he touched his arm, Shadow flinched back and hid his face in his arms "your not here" Shadow whispered as he clawed at his shoulders harder "hey, no I am here" Y/n said softly "you left!" Shadow shouted covering his ears "I know, and I'm sorry" Y/n said as he gently pulled Shadows hands away "but before we talk about anything you need to calm down ok" Y/n said as he pulled the syringe out of his pocket "cant, cant calm down, there's to much noise!" Shadow growled shaking his head and going back to scratching at his shoulders as he wouldn't let the other wounds heal "just focus on my voice ok" Y/n said as he moved a little closer "remember when we saw that movie, the one about the weird man who killed people in their sleep?" Y/n asked as he sat next to Shadow, he nodded and looked over but didn't move his head "remember how you had to hold me and sleep on the other side of the bed because I was scared" Y/n said as he carefully put the needle in Shadows arm making him growl "but you still held me and calmed me down, I know these things are difficult for you, but I can see how much you try for me and how much you hold yourself back" Y/n said as he pushed the liquid in and took the needle out, Shadow groaned and sank down a bit as he rested his head on Y/n's shoulder with his eyes half closed "I have a good idea of how you feel, I'm sorry I let it go this far. I'll make it up to you" Y/n said as he softly stroked Shadows hair "I'll be here when you wake up, I promise" Y/n said before he felt Shadow go completely limp as he passed out.

Y/n sighed softly and lent Shadow against the wall before standing up and walking to the door to unlock it "what happened?" Slender asked as Y/n opened the door then saw the room "he's asleep, I managed to calm him enough that he let me put it in" Y/n said as he handed the syringe back to Jack, Slender walked in and checked over Shadow seeing the scratches were starting to heal "why don't you two go get him food while I start cleaning this up" Slender said as he pulled the sheets off "sure" Jack said as he walked out with Y/n following. "so how did you end up here?" Y/n asked as he and Jack walked through the woods "Shadow found me wondering the woods, when he realised I wasn't human he brought me here" Jack shrugged "so were you two sleeping together? I always smelt you in his room whenever I came over" Y/n said putting his hands in his hoodie pockets "oh trust me I tried, but no. when I first came here I was still getting used to being this and he was the only one I trusted, so I'd sneak into his room sometimes and sleep in the bed" Jack said as they reached the town "he wouldn't sleep with you?" Y/n asked looking over "no, me trying only made him angry, you should have heard the arguments in the mornings, he'd shout and sometimes throw me over the banister, I stopped when I realised he isn't like that, he didn't want anyone in his life like that" Jack said as they looked around for an open window in one of the houses "so why did you choose him?" Jack asked as he spotted an open window on the second floor "when I saw him for the first time sitting at the river, I felt my chest start to burn and I didn't want to hurt him, then we kept running into each-other and the feeling didn't go away, I learned later on its because he is my mate" Y/n said as he helped Jack to the window "ask him to show you how he feels, it will be easier to get the answers you want" Jack whispered before he pulled the window open and crawled in then pulled Y/n up.

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