Chapter 59

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Shadow landed outside an old looking cabin and tucked his wings back before walking to the door, he pushed it open and walked in looking around seeing the cabin was old and dusty with traces of blood littered around, he sniffed the air and walked over to a rug in the middle of the floor and pulled it up showing a small locked hatch "I knew they missed something" he sighed as he snapped the lock and pulled the hatch open seeing the room was pitch black and there was a feint smell off blood that Shadow didn't recognise, he climbed down the narrow wooden steps and stepped into a corridor with a singular metal door at the end, he walked over and heard feint chains rattling and laboured breathing, he opened the door and walked in to see notes scattered around a desk with blood on the floor and in the corner on a small thin mattress was a teenage looking boy with large dragon like wings and horns with pale scales on his back and arms, Shadow tilted his head a bit and walked over crouching down to see the boy was barely breathing and passed out looking skinny like he hadn't eaten in a while, Shadow looked over at the desk and stood up walking over and looking over the papers most of which were of the creature, Shadow picked up a small notepad and ran his fingers over the name on it with a small growl before the chains rattled and the boy groaned, Shadow put the notepad in a small bag on his belt before he walked over, the boy moved away and curled up hiding behind his wings, Shadow crouched down and checked his pockets making the boy peak out his wings.

Shadow pulled out a bottle of water and a breakfast bar then held it out, the boy dropped his wings and quickly grabbed the water and food before curling back up again, Shadow pulled his bottle out and a joint as the boy peaked out at him "who?" he asked making Shadow look over as he stretched his wings making the boy shrink back a bit "am I dead then?" the boy asked his voice shaking slightly "no, you aren't dead. what are you?" Shadow asked as he drank from his bottle "a rare breed of dragon" the boy said relaxing a bit "are there others?" Shadow asked lighting his joint "there are others, not many. we've been in hiding for a while, looking" he said as he sat up and crawled closer "looking for what?" Shadow asked watching as he took a drag of his joint "our home, we are all hybrids of dragon and other species, like humans, witches, demons things like that, even some feathered variants like you" the boy said as he knelt by Shadow and touched one of his wings "let me guess I'm some kind of deity to your kind?" Shadow sighed as he moved his wing away "yes, our saviour. the witches told us that the one with gold and black raven wings will bring us out of hiding, and take us to a place we can be safe" the boy said, Shadow sighed "what's your name?" he asked "Tyler" the boy replied, Shadow nodded "are you hurt?" he asked taking another drag of his joint "not anymore, just hungry" Tyler said "give me your leg" Shadow said holding his hand out, Tyler lifted his chained leg and watched as Shadow held his leg in his gloved hand then used the other to break the chain before dropping his leg "come with me" Shadow said as he stood up, Tyler stood up and shook before his legs gave out and Shadow caught him then picked him up bridal style as a portal opened "where are we going?" Tyler asked looking up at Shadow with dull black eyes that left no white "my realm, so you can heal" Shadow said as he walked through the portal.

Y/n walked back to his parents cave with whiskey by his side "stay here" Y/n said as he pat whiskeys side making him whine but he sat down and watched as Y/n walked into the cave, he came back out a few minutes later with a note that he put in his pocket as he walked over, whiskey tilted his head a bit "no he doesn't know, you cant let him know yet" Y/n said, whiskey sighed and lay down letting Y/n climb onto his back then he stood up and started walking back, a short way from the cave Y/n heard some strange whispers and coughing "whiskey" Y/n whispered as he sunk down a bit on whiskeys back as he got in a defensive position and growled as everything went quiet, Y/n sat up a bit and looked around before a strange half shifted Lycian with blacked out eyes jumped out at him knocking him off whiskeys back and holding him on the floor as Y/n struggled, whiskey ran over and jumped on the creature pulling it off and biting its leg as Y/n pushed himself away as two other similar creatures jumped out the bushes both of them had black fur with patches missing and were breathing a similar green vapour to what killed Keegan, Y/n shifted as the two black Lycians circled him before they were all distracted by a yelp from the third Lycian, whiskey stood over the now dead Lycian with blood dripping from his teeth, Y/n took the chance and attacked the once closest to him as whiskey went for the other, Y/n was pushed off and the Lycian bit his arm making him yelp as the mark on the mask started glowing, the Lycian slammed Y/n against the tree and scratched his chest as whiskey was thrown over with a yelp, Y/n growled and pushed the Lycian off just as Shadow dropped from the sky and kicked the Lycian off whiskey as he landed.

Y/n looked over giving the Lycian the chance to attack him and knock him over, Y/n growled and tried to push the Lycian off but it stopped and its eyes started to roll back and bleed making Y/n struggle more, Shadow stuck his scythe through its neck and pulled it off just before its head exploded leaking the vapour, Y/n shakily stood up and panted softly as he shifted back and lent on the tree, Shadow looked over to the other Lycian to see its heart had exploded and its insides had burnt up "Y/n are you ok?" Shadow asked as he held Y/n up "I'm fine, I think" he breathed as he held onto Shadow "did it bite you? or just scratch you?" Shadow asked as he checked over Y/n "my arm" Y/n breathed before his eyes rolled back and he fell into Shadow, he picked Y/n up "vischi khoum" 'whiskey home' Shadow said before he took off and whiskey took off running.

Shadow landed and pushed the door open to see no-one was there "vischi poluchit devin" 'whiskey get Devin' Shadow said as he opened a portal, whiskey ran in and the portal closed as Shadow lay Y/n on the bed and pulled his jumper and top off looking over the wound seeing the veins were starting to turn green around the bite, whiskey walked back in with Devin "Shadow what's going on?" Devin asked before he saw Y/n "he was attacked?" he asked as he walked over "yeah, similar to Keegan but these were Lycians. can you do anything?" Shadow asked as he wrapped a belt around Y/n's arm to try and stop it spreading "I have an antidote but its not been tested, and will take me a few days to make with some of his blood" Devin said checking over the scratches "its in his blood right?" Shadow asked as he crouched down "yes, I don't know what it will do to you though, and I'll stay and make the antidote" Devin said, Shadow nodded and sank his fangs into Y/n's arm, Devin watched as the green in Y/n's veins started to disappear, Shadow pulled back once it was all gone and coughed as his eyes started bleeding "Shadow" Devin said as Shadow coughed more and fell to his side "I need to get you to my lab" Devin said helping Shadow sit up making him hold his head as he started to hyperventilate "come on" Devin said helping Shadow up "basement" Shadow breathed as he started coughing more and the veins on his neck started to turn green, Devin sighed and helped Shadow down to the basement then sat him on the floor "I don't know what this will do to you, or if you can even fight it off" Devin said panicking a bit "I'll be fine" Shadow coughed out as he fell to his side and started shaking as a little blood leaked from his mouth "I cant just leave you like this" Devin sighed "just... need sleep.." Shadow breathed as his eyes rolled back then closed and he went limp, Devin sighed and called Zalgo.

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