Chapter 16

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Shadow walked back into his room with large scratches across his back, he groaned softly and pulled his hoodie and top off and grabbed the bottle that was on the desk waking Y/n "Shadow?" Y/n mumbled as he sat up and looked over to see the scratches and Shadow draining the two bottles that were on the desk "what happened?" Y/n asked as Shadow walked over "turns out, I'm not the only thing in my realm" Shadow mumbled as he pulled his trousers off and got into bed "oh, are you ok?" Y/n asked as Shadow turned away "I'm fine" he mumbled as he closed his eyes "you going to take your mask off?" Y/n asked only to get an annoyed grunt in response, he sighed and took Shadows mask off and put it on the table as he lay down "do I at least get a cuddle?" Y/n mumbled looking over, Shadow sighed and turned over then wrapped his arms around Y/n and pulled him to his chest making Y/n smile as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Shadow woke up in the morning to see the bed was empty, Shadow groaned and sat up a bit before Y/n came barrelling though the door in his wolf form and jumping on Shadow as Toby ran in and fell before quickly closing the door and sitting against it "why?" Shadow mumbled rubbing his face, Y/n licked Shadows face and looked to the door as Masky started banging on it "w-we took his m-mask" Toby said holding it up with a grin as Masky continued to shout and bang on the door, Shadow flicked his wrist and Toby was pushed across the floor allowing Masky in, he grabbed Toby's leg and dragged him out making him scream as Masky took his mask and dropped him off the banister, Y/n looked at Shadow 'that was mean' he huffed as he jumped off the bed and walked over to the door "so is waking me up" Shadow growled as he got up and dressed, Y/n looked over 'why are you angry, you've only just woken up' Y/n asked as Shadow put his mask on "because I woke up" Shadow growled as he walked out and downstairs, Y/n followed and watched as Shadow walked to the door but was quickly grabbed by a tendril and dragged into the kitchen.

Y/n walked over and watched as Slender sat Shadow against the cupboards and shoved a bottle in his mouth "why is he angry?" Slender asked looking over at Y/n 'I don't know, its unusual even for the morning' Y/n said as he sat next to Shadow and sniffed him "Shadow" Slender said putting his hand on Shadows shoulder only for him to jolt away and growl "ah, its one of those days" Slender said as he moved away, Y/n tilted his head and looked up at Slender as Shadow stood up "sometimes he refuses to tolerate anyone touching him, it makes him uncomfortable and angry" Slender said as he handed Shadow his bottle 'why?' Y/n asked as he watched Shadow walk to the doors "you have not noticed he doesn't like people or know how to act around them?" Slender asked 'I have, isn't that because he doesn't feel anything?' Y/n asked looking over "yes and no, he can feel. just not as much as a normal person, he's a schizophrenic psychopath. it makes interacting difficult, I'm actually surprised he has agreed to date you, I thought he'd stay single forever" Slender said, Y/n looked back at the door 'he was born like that?' Y/n asked "yes, I'm just glad he hasn't had any real bad trauma, his outbursts are already a lot to handle" Slender sighed as they heard the bike speed off 'he has never been like this around me, he always lets me touch him and speaks a lot more around me' Y/n said as he stood up "that is strange, he must really like you" Slender said 'I'll go check on him' Y/n said as he walked off.

Shadow went around the track fast as he went over the jumps and did a few flips and tricks as Y/n walked out the bushes and sat down watching for a bit, Shadow looked over and sighed before he slowed and drove over 'you didn't tell me you had issues' Y/n said as he lay down "you didn't ask" Shadow shrugged as he took his helmet off 'what else is wrong with you?' Y/n asked as Shadow sat down "I'm a sadomasochist" Shadow shrugged looking over 'that's why you always scratch and bite?' Y/n asked "yes, the little sounds you make are enjoyable" Shadow said as he pulled his bottle out his pocket 'so today you couldn't be bothered to hide it?' Y/n asked "I only hide it around you" Shadow said as he drank from the bottle 'so why don't you get angry when I touch you then?' Y/n asked as he lay his head on Shadows legs "I do sometimes, but I usually don't mind" Shadow shrugged as he put the bottle away and pet Y/n's head 'that is strangely comforting to know' Y/n said as he sat up "usually its the opposite response I get" Shadow said as he pulled a joint out his pocket 'you are a very strange creature, come on' Y/n said as he started walking, Shadow sighed and stood up then grabbed his bike and followed after.

they got to Y/n's cave a bit later and Shadow parked the bike then followed Y/n in, Y/n shifted into his human form and looked through a few of the small crates on the floor as Shadow sat down "what you looking for?" Shadow asked "this" Y/n said as he pulled out a jar of mushrooms then walked over "mushrooms" Y/n said with a smile as he sat down "sweet" Shadow said pulling Y/n over more as he pulled out three "this will take an hour to kick in and will last about three hours, just try not to leave the cave" Y/n said as he handed them to Shadow then took three out for himself, they both ate them and Y/n put the jar away "come on, it will be easier in the bedroom" Y/n said walking to the bedroom, Shadow sighed and followed after "why in here?" he asked as Y/n pushed him on the bed "because Its more comfortable" Y/n said as he pulled over a blanket and climbed onto the rock, Shadow sighed "and I want to see what else you've drawn" Y/n said as he sat next to Shadow who huffed and lent his back against the wall "oh come on, they're good, what have you been drawing?" Y/n asked, Shadow held the book out and Y/n took it then opened it "a few things, some of the creatures I've seen, you, but mostly my dreams" Shadow said as Y/n looked through the drawings "so these strange creatures are they from you dreams?" Y/n asked as he looked at a detailed drawing of a strange large creature with elongated arms and legs with its spine hanging out of its back with scraps of hair on its head with large eyes and a large mouth with sharp jagged teeth.

"no, that's one of the weird things that roams my realm" Shadow said as he flipped a few pages "that's one from my dreams" he said, Y/n looked over the picture seeing it was of him with his wrists tied together above his head with a leather strap and he was only in his boxers with a few scratches in his shoulders with a few bruises and fang marks with a full bleeding bite in his shoulder "this is, something" Y/n mumbled as he looked over it "its just a dream, I wouldn't hurt you that much" Shadow said as he pulled a joint out "shame, it may help while I'm in heat, I've always had a fantasy of a handsome cold mafia boss taking control and fucking me senseless" Y/n said with a smirk as he glanced at Shadow to see him smirk as he lit the joint "keep talking, you'll end up like that sooner or later" Shadow mumbled, Y/n smiled and flicked through a few more drawings.

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