Chapter 41

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Shadow walked back into his room in the early hours of the morning looking tired, he looked over to the bed to see Y/n was still fast asleep and hugging a pillow, Shadow pulled his hoodie off and got into his pyjamas then climbed into bed and pulled Y/n to his chest making him groan in his sleep as he nuzzled into Shadows chest, Shadow kissed Y/n's head before he quickly fell asleep. Y/n woke up in the morning and opened his eyes a little to see Shadows chest, he smiled and ran his hands over his chest, Shadow growled softly as his breathing started to get a little faster and his claws quickly dug themselves into Y/n's hips making him wince and jump a bit "Shadow" Y/n mumbled as he ran his fingers gently over his mask, Shadow jolted and sat up growling "baby" Y/n said sitting up a bit, Shadow sighed softly and got out of bed then got dressed "you have another dream about him?" Y/n asked watching as Shadow pulled his trousers on but he only got a growl in response as Shadow pulled his hoodie on, Y/n got up and pulled his hoodie on "you cant be angry all day, we have stuff to do" Y/n mumbled before he heard the bedroom door close, he sighed and walked out the room to see Shadow walking down the corridor lighting a joint as Devin was walking out the kitchen "Shadow, your up early" he said only to get a growl as Shadow walked past.

"what's wrong with him?" Devin asked as Y/n walked over "he had a dream about Hans touching him again" Y/n sighed as Devin sipped on his coffee "ah, I'll get Anne to bring a human over and I'll talk to him" Devin said, Y/n nodded and walked over to Shadow who was sitting in his chair smoking by the window "Devin is going to get you a human then talk to you" Y/n said as he went to sit down "I'm fine" Shadow mumbled as he pulled Y/n onto his lap making him squeak "you cant keep pretending he's not getting to you" Y/n mumbled as he felt Shadows hand move under his hoodie and up to his chest making him bite his lip "not here" Y/n breathed as Shadows hand moved to one of his nipples and started to roll it around his fingers "we can if you keep quiet" Shadow whispered in Y/n's ear making him whimper softly as Shadows hand moved down to his forming tent "you don't do quiet" Y/n breathed as he held Shadows arm in one hand and the other was tangled in the back of Shadows white hair as a dark blush covered his s/c cheeks as Shadow moved his hand into his shorts and slowly stroked him, Y/n arched his back and whimpered as he bit his lip to stop himself from moaning "Shadow~" Y/n breathed as Shadow kissed over his neck and threw the end of the joint out the window then moved his free hand under Y/n's hoodie and started to play with his nipples as Y/n panted softly and thrusted his hips a bit trying to get Shadow to stroke him faster "what?" Shadow smirked as he gently bit at Y/n's slightly uncovered shoulder "don't make me say it" Y/n breathed as his grip on Shadows hair tightened "then you don't get what you want" Shadow said as he stroked Y/n slower making him whine "Shadow faster please I need it~" Y/n whined thrusting into Shadows hand "good boy" Shadow said stroking Y/n faster, Y/n arched his back as his tail wagged and his ears went flat against his head, he turned his head into Shadows neck as he let out a small whimper and twitched in Shadows hand "Shadow~" Y/n whimpered as he twitched again "Shadow- leaving" Devin said as he walked into the room and quickly back out again, Y/n gasped as he came and shook softly making Shadow smirk as he moved his hands away.

Y/n took a few deep breaths to calm down as he let go of Shadows hair "now I need to change my shorts" Y/n breathed as he lent his back against Shadows chest, Shadow hummed and picked Y/n up as he stood up "you feel better now?" Y/n asked as Shadow carried him back to his room "yes" Shadow said as he put Y/n on his feet outside the door "good, we can go home once your done in the basement, take your meds before you go in" Y/n said before he pulled Shadow down into a kiss, Shadow smiled and kissed back "you like the praise" he said as he pulled back, Y/n blushed "maybe" he said as his tail wagged "uh huh, maybe" Shadow said as he lifted Y/n's head and lent down to his ear "next time I'll have you suck me off like the good boy you are" he said watching as Y/n's tail wagged faster and he shivered "keep talking like that and you'll have another problem" Y/n mumbled, Shadow smiled and kissed Y/n's cheek before he walked off, Y/n sighed softly and walked back into their room to get changed.

Y/n walked out the room a few minutes later and bumped into Villi "hey Y/n, where's Shadow?" he asked "he's in the basement" Y/n said looking over "oh, I'll talk to him after, so why is he suddenly so interested in ruling the vampires? he swore he'd never do it" Villi asked as they walked to the living room "we were told someone on the council is planning to start a war" Y/n said as he looked around but didn't see the others "we've heard the rumours, just last week three of our clan went missing, and we've been hearing of it happening to the other clans to. but why is Shadow getting involved?" Villi asked as they sat down "I'm not entirely sure, I guess its better then him fighting alone, if he does this he could stop this war before it begins and spreads, plus if he has to he doesn't mind burning everything and killing anyone who deserves it" Y/n mumbled sitting back "that may not be the best course of action but our clan will stand with the king and offer our council" Elizabeth said as she walked in wearing an old but well kept loose red dress with her long black hair down and her make up matching the outfit "so what do you need to teach him? because we have some plans for tonight" Y/n asked looking over as Elizabeth sat in one of the free chairs "well, I'll need to re-teach him our traditions and how to act accordingly and who the family's are and such, hopefully it will be an easy task to complete before the announcement ball in three months" Elizabeth said as she picked up a wine bottle and filled a glass "that may not be enough time, he does have a whole realm to take care of" Y/n said as he sat back "yes well he needs to prepare, what plans do you two have for tonight?" Elizabeth asked as Villi sat back and chewed on his lip a little "we're going to a party, but Shadow needs to go home and relax a bit" Y/n said as Shadow lent on the doorframe smoking a joint "sounds like fun" Villi mumbled "it will be" Shadow said making everyone look over "how long have you been standing there?" Y/n asked as he stood up "long enough" Shadow mumbled as he took a drag of his joint and opened a portal "I will meet you at yours tonight" Elizabeth said drinking from her glass "I wont be there till tomorrow" Shadow mumbled as he walked through the portal with Y/n following behind.

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