Chapter 33

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Y/n walked into the bedroom a few hours later to see ben sitting on a beanbag high while Shadow was running around bouncing off the walls "hey Y/n" keegan called as he walked over then stopped "ben, what happened?" Y/n asked as he walked in "he's hyper, fuck!" ben shouted as Shadow pulled him off the beanbag and kicked it across the room "this is your mate?" keegan asked as he lent on the doorframe watching "yes" Y/n said before he was pulled over and pushed onto the beanbag as Shadow ran over to the window then quickly jumped out "Shadow!" Y/n called as he and ben got up "Emma and Jason want to meet him to, is he going to be ok?" keegan asked as they heard the bike start then quickly drive off "only if we don't find him, come on" Y/n sighed as he walked out and downstairs with keegan behind "is that normal?" keegan asked as he and Y/n walked out the mansion "not really, he's usually angry or calm, this is the first time I've seen him hyper like this" Y/n shrugged as they walked "where does he usually go?" keegan asked as the sounds of the bike got closer "usually he's at the dirt track" Y/n said as they reached the track to see Shadow driving around it fast doing flips "Shadow" Y/n called, Shadow looked over and went around again before driving over "you having fun there?" Y/n asked, Shadow nodded and turned the bike off "good, you can meet my brother" Y/n said with a smile.

Shadow huffed and looked over at keegan seeing he had black hair with brown eyes and tanned skin "you going to say anything? either of you?" Y/n huffed as he crossed his arms "like what, I've acknowledged his existence isn't that enough?" Shadow asked as he tilted his head "have trouble with social cues?" keegan asked "yes he does, but you two should get to know each-other, It'd be nice if you could get along" Y/n said looking over at Shadow who growled "oh come on be nice" Y/n whined as he leaned on Shadow who had his arms crossed as he sat on his bike "I am being nice" Shadow said turning his bike back on "ok, there's also a few other people who want to meet you, and you have to meet the rest of the pack" Y/n said as he climbed on the back of the bike and sat down "I don't want to meet more people" Shadow said as he handed Y/n the spare helmet "then where we going?" Y/n asked "I found something" Shadow said "are you going to let keegan come along?" Y/n asked "if he can keep up" Shadow said before he took off making Y/n hold on to the bars, keegan sighed and shifted before he took off after.

Shadow stopped a while later and parked the bike "where are we?" Y/n asked as he got off and took his helmet off with keegan sliding to a stop next to them 'its a wall' keegan said walking over and sniffing the wall near a large vertical crack in the rock "you'll see" Shadow said as he took his helmet off and hung it on the handle bars then he walked over, Y/n and keegan looked at each-other before keegan shifted back and looked back at the crack "you first" he said pushing Y/n over, Y/n rolled his eyes and squeezed through with keegan close behind. They stepped out a few seconds later into a large cave with a crystal clear lake nearly taking up the whole room and lots of small oil lamps lining the wall and burning brightly lighting up the room "how did you find this?" keegan asked as he and Y/n looked around "I made it" Shadow said as he sat down at the waters edge and pulled his boots off "when?" Y/n asked as he walked over and sat next to Shadow "just before everything happened" Shadow said as he rolled his trousers up a bit and dipped his feet into the water "you wanted to check on it?" Y/n asked just before keegan ran past in his boxers and dived into the water splashing some on Shadow and Y/n making Shadow growl, Y/n smiled and pulled his hoodie off before he stepped in and shivered at the warm water "come on" Y/n said holding his hand out with a smile.

Shadow shook his head and pulled a joint out of his pocket "why not?" Y/n asked as he knelt down in the shallow part of the water by Shadow "your brother is here" Shadow said as he lit the joint and took a drag "I'll get you in at some point, but how did you do all this? and why is the water warm?" Y/n asked as he lent forward and crossed his arms on the rock "I drew it, and I made it warm for you, it makes no difference to me" Shadow shrugged as he pulled his hood off showing his hair was still messy making Y/n smile "so how does it feel to you then? like does it make you feel a little cold or like room temperature? do you have body temperature?" Y/n asked looking up at Shadow with his head tilted a bit "I don't know, my skin just stays the same, its not cold its not hot" Shadow mumbled as he dropped a small rock behind him and it grew big enough for him to lean on, Y/n touched Shadows leg that was under the water feeling it was still just below room temperature still "its still cold" Y/n said as he sat up "uh huh" Shadow mumbled as he pulled his hood over his face making Y/n tilt his head before he was covered in water as keegan splashed behind him, Y/n smiled and turned around splashing back starting a splashing war.

After a while Y/n and keegan swam over to Shadow who wasn't paying attention as he played a game on his phone, Y/n and keegan smiled "you ready to come in yet, come on" Y/n whined as he shook Shadows leg "no" Shadow mumbled not looking up, Y/n huffed and took his phone as keegan pushed Shadow in making him growl as his trousers and the bottom of his hoodie were wet "come play" Y/n said as he put Shadows phone down and lent on the back of his shoulders "fine" Shadow huffed as he pulled his hoodie off and threw it onto the rocks before taking his belt off and throwing it over "you not going to take your trousers off?" Y/n asked as they swam to the deeper part of the lake "no" Shadow said as keegan popped his head out the water and took a breath "fuck that's deep" he said "there's a tunnel down there" Shadow said "why? and where does it go?" Y/n asked as Shadow held him at his side keeping him up "escape tunnel, just encase, but its also dangerous for you two if you get to the bottom" Shadow said "why? what else is down there?" keegan asked looking down at the water seeing nothing but blackness further down "because I did this" Shadow said as he swam over to the edge and pulled on a rope, two small rocks on the roof opened and let in the sunlight, it focused on a small rock on the wall and reflected down into the dark, a few seconds later the floor started to get brighter as millions of crystals that covered the floor lit up different colours making the water sparkle "you like?" Shadow asked as he pulled Y/n over to him "I, don't have words" Y/n said as he looked down, Shadow smiled "how far is that?" keegan asked as he lent on the rocks "fifty feet maybe more" Shadow shrugged "so how is anyone going to use that tunnel?" keegan asked looking over "they'll learn" Shadow shrugged "how long can you hold your breath for?" Y/n asked "an hour if I'm not doing anything forty minutes if I'm moving" Shadow said as the crystals started to go dark as the sun started going down covering the crystals in darkness again, "why don't we all dry off then go get food" Y/n said "why its fun here" keegan whined "and I'm hungry" Y/n whined back as he started to swim back to the shallow end with Shadow following "cant you wait a bit longer?" keegan said swimming over "no, he'll get whiney and annoying" Shadow said as he reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled a towel out then handed it to Y/n "don't I get one?" keegan asked as he got out "your not getting on my bike so you don't need one" Shadow said as he dropped some wood into a small circular hole near the water and lit it "fair point" keegan sighed as he lent his back on a rock as Y/n dried off.

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