Chapter 2

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A few days later you are finally almost unpacked deciding to take a break and go for a jog. Wanting to explore the new neighborhood skipping the gym as the day was just too beautiful to not be outside.

Placing your headphones over your head, the weather warm as June turns into July. You do the nessasry sun protection measures as you place your sunscreen on with your ball cap knowing you'll be in your sports bra and choosing to wear leggings hiding some past scars that litter your calf.

After making your loop around the neighborhood you realize the loop was a 3 mile jog, blowing your mind on big this neighborhood is. As you slow down to stretch, you see a man arguing with Billy realizing it to be the father as Billy shouts "dad I don't know how to do it!" His tiny voice frustrated as his father shows him how to shoot the ball in the hoop. "It's easy. Stop whining." He says snatching the ball back showing him as he misses the basket making you scoff.

"This is dumb," Tommy says walking back in the house leaving Billy to stand there on his own. You clearly can see how badly he wants to learn but, his mind not intaking anything as his father yells at him stopping when Wanda who has her arms crossed calls her husband over.

As you stop stretching you walk over to Billy. "Hey," you whisper to him his eyes shooting up at you smile plastering on his face. "Y/n!" His voice grabs the older woman's attention from her argument with her husband watching the boy run to hug you as you bend down to his level. Her eyes roam your body lip caught between her teeth very but quickly gathering herself as she finally reaches you.

"Look mom it's Y/n!" Billy exclaims. The pure excitement that you bring her son melts her heart. "I see that," Wanda smiles warmly at you wanting to pull you in for a hug only for you to stop her, chuckling.

"I'm all sweaty.." her face flushes at the word images of other ways to make your body sweaty invades her mind. She clears her throat making you raise a brow watching her face turn pink, "did you go for a run?" She tries refocusing asking you an obvious question making you chuckle again at her flustered state.

"Yes, unpacking is stressful." You reply back watching her give you a soft smile understanding how incredibly draining unpacking can be. Remembering doing it alone and pregnant when Vision and her got their first apartment way back in the day.

"Emergency work trip," Her husband mumbles pushing past her causing Wanda to give you an apologetic look as she chases after him. You can't help but listen as you bounce the ball Billy gave you.

"What are you talking about? You're suppose to watch the boys tonight while I grab my parents from the airport." You shoot the ball in the hoop Billy looking in awe as you did it effortlessly.

"Find someone else then." The door shuts hard, Wanda cruising at him lowly making you furrow your brows at the amount of hate that comes out of her.

You shoot the ball again having it swish in the basket Tommy and Billy both looking at you as if you had superpowers. "Can you teach me?" They both say at the same time. "Of course!" You say stopping your dribbling ready to show them when Wanda's stressed body stops you kneeling down to the boys. "I guess you'll have to come with me to the airport.."

"But Mom....I don't want to.." they both whine kicking their feet. Wanda sighing, clearly hiding her frustrated emotions. "I'm sorry but your father had to go on a work trip."

"I could watch them.." you offer hoping it doesn't come off as weird since you only meet them the other day. She looks at you with a grateful smile features softening at your offer. "You don't have to Y/n." She says sweetly. But you see a hopeful glint in her eyes showing you how big of a help it would be. "I don't mind, Wanda." You reassure.

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