Chapter 44

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This chapter is lengthy (14,790 words, not including this paragraph). Which is why it took a while for me to put out. Don't feel pressured to read it. It's only a Christmas chapter you won't miss anything crucial.

I thought it would be cute to have a holiday chapter. 🙂 eyes got tired from revising so I apologize for any mistakes or if it doesn't make sense...anyways...I hope you enjoy it, and know how much I appreciate your support. 💕

The car glides smoothly toward the restaurant, the tires crunching softly on the fresh snow that blankets the parking area. Snowflakes drift lazily through the air, catching in the beams of the streetlights, lending a serene, almost magical quality to the evening. Wanda eases the car to a stop beside the valet stand, the soft hum of the engine quieting as she turns off the ignition.

She steps out first, her heels clicking decisively against the pavement. Wanda's elegant overcoat, a deep maroon that compliments her fiery auburn hair, flutters slightly in the gentle breeze. She rounds the car with a grace that makes even the simple act of walking seem like a dance. Reaching your door, she exchanges a quick, friendly nod with the valet, her smile polite yet firm as she assures him, "I've got this, thank you."

The valet nods, stepping back as Wanda opens your door. She offers her hand, a lifeline against the slippery ground. "Watch your step, love," she says, her voice soft against the quiet of the snowy evening. You grasp her hand, the warmth of her skin a stark contrast to the chill in the air, and she helps you out of the car.

You're dressed warmly against the winter cold, your own coat buttoned high against your neck, its wool fabric soft and comforting. Beneath it, the heels of your shoes peek out, the elegant lines of your attire blending seamlessly with the festive atmosphere of the holiday season.

Snowflakes settle gently on your hair and shoulders, and Wanda brushes them away with tender fingers. Her touch is gentle, her gaze affectionate as she looks down at you, ensuring you're well protected from the cold. "I got you, baby," she murmurs, her voice carrying a warmth that fills you with an inner glow.

"I know," you reply, your voice a whisper, barely audible over the soft sound of falling snow. You lean into her as you walk together towards the entrance, the restaurant's welcoming lights casting a golden glow that spills out onto the snow covered walkway.

Wanda's hand remains on your lower back, a comforting pressure as you approach the entrance of the restaurant. She reaches out to open the door, holding it wide for you with an effortless grace. "After you, my love," she murmurs, her voice low and tinged with a soft affection that sends a warmth spiraling through you, separate from the cozy heat escaping from the bustling interior.

As you step into the restaurant, the rich aroma of spiced dishes and the undercurrent of lively conversation wash over you. The warmth of the place envelops you like a soft embrace, contrasting sharply with the crisp air outside. The festive decorations inside are a delight to the eyes: garlands of green and gold twist around banisters, and small, twinkling lights are strung across the ceiling, reflecting off the polished surfaces to create a starry effect.

You pause just inside, taking a moment to adjust to the change in atmosphere, and Wanda's presence behind you is reassuring. Her hand slides from your back to encircle your waist, pulling you slightly back against her. Her closeness is protective, possessive, but comforting and familiar. She leans in, her breath warm against your ear as she whispers, "Looks wonderful, doesn't it?"

"It does," you reply, tilting your head up to meet hers as she tilts her head down, her eyes smiling into yours just before she gives you a soft, affectionate kiss.

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