Chapter 5

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You're in the kitchen brewing yourself a cup of coffee in your gym attire since you had just gotten back from the gym. Your house filling with music as you get ready for another Friday. A knock on your door takes you by surprise since it's only 7am.

You open the door forgetting how to breathe when you see the woman who has taken up every inch of your sanity since that night a few days ago.

The two of you only seeing each other after that night when you would come over to play basketball with the boys or draw on her driveway creating art with her twins. That beautiful woman is now in front of you, dressed in a suit. A fucking suit.

You visably gulp at the pure dominance that radiates off her. Wanda smirking to herself seeing you admire her, a blush forming on your cheeks as you clear your throat.

"Good morning sweetheart," she finally moves her eyes from yours taking in your attire, leggings that fit your ass perfectly up to the cropped top that reveals your sports bra which is not able to fully contain the upper part of your breasts. You're perfection she thinks to herself.

"Good morning, Wanda" you say finally, realizing there are two little ones standing next to her as they stare between the two of you confused at both of your flustered state. "Um.. since mom seems to not work right now.." Billy speaks up confused on why his mother stopped speaking, "we were wondering if you wanted to come over and play with our new Lego set," Billy ask shyly Wanda finally coming back to reality, giving you a sorry look as the boys insisted on asking you in person first thing in the morning instead of calling.

"Of course, but it would have to be during lunch or after. I got annoying grown up stuff to do." You give them a pout making them chuckle.

"How about after," Wanda says selfishly for herself wanting more time with you and knowing Vision will most likely be late from work.

"But mom, we don't want to wait that long." They pout back with puppy eyes that make Wanda melt giving in to her two boys, "okay, as long as Y/n is able too" she says looking back at you a hopeful glint shines in her eyes as she waits for your answer.

"Of course I'll be over around lunch time," you smile at them watching the boys jump with excitement, Wanda not sure who's more excited her twins or herself.

Your phone rings showing work calling you furrowing your brows at the early time making you realize something's gone wrong. "I'm sorry guys but I have to take this, duty calls." Wanda nod understandingly taking her boys hands in hers as she smiles at you, "see you later sweetheart. Just let yourself in." Her eyes dart to your lips wanting to feel them on hers but she controls herself giving you a warm smile before walking across the street her boys tight against her side as they make it safely across the street.

After your emergency meeting came to an end what you thought would be a quick call ended up being a 5 hour call. A rover signal was lost but your team and yourself were able to recover it.

Finally after taking a shower you quickly make your way across the street.

"Wanda?" You stick your head in hearing tiny feet run down the stairs "Y/n!" They tackle you before dragging you to their playroom.

"Look!" They show the box, a massive R2D2 ready to be unboxed and built. "Holy shhhmoly," you catch yourself from swearing hearing a chuckle behind you, "nice save Detka," she whispers pulling you in for a hug the boys breaking it up wanting to start immediately carrying the box to the kitchen table.

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